Researching And Mapping Point Mutations Hemochromatosis

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Revision as of 16:42, 8 June 2012 by Bernhoferm (talk | contribs) (dbSNP)

Hemochromatosis>>Task 4: Researching and mapping point mutations

Riddle of the task

Previously on "The Tale of Sir Binfo": Link

After careful thinking you finally decide which Symbol to push and then... nothing...
Did you push the wrong button? What if you're trapped forever? ...But suddendly you hear a loud noise. The sound of stone grinding on stone. A trapdoor opens in the floor and reveals a dusty stairway into the darkness below. As you enter it, magical torches on the walls of a long corridor spring to life and lighten your way. The cobwebs and stale air tell you that this way has been unused for a long time.
After a few minutes the hallway suddenly ends and you stand before a giant door. At least that's what you think it is as you can't find a doorknob or anything else to open it. The only thing you see is a strange circle of runes and a text beside it:

Bernhoferm glyph.jpg

Here we stand. Undefeated, undivided.
We guard this door until united.
Though only one can break us all, for he is King.
It seems like you could move the two outer rings of runes (separately). Maybe some kind of combination lock?

Short task description

Detailed description: Researching and mapping point mutations


A protocol with a description of the data acquisition and other scripts used for this task is available here.





