Protein Structure and Function Analysis (SS 2013)

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This is the main information exchange for the practical on Protein Structure and Function Analysis in 2013. The organisers (Edda, Andrea, Lothar) publish short introductions into the tasks, which are roughly organised by days of the practical. Students add their talks and use this site to document their methods and results. - You can log in to edit with the credentials for the Rostlab/Kramer student computer cluster.


  1. Collect information on the individual disease


In this practical, we analyse the mutations causing a number of genetic diseases (see disease list). For each disease, one page summarises the information on the genetic disease. From there, we link to pages detailing the analysis results for the individual mutated sequences.


Here, we collect links to resources used throughout the practical. This list is maintained by the organisers and the students. Please also include a short description of the resource if you add something. (Also, feel free to add to the existing descriptions.) The resources can be related to

Important Dates

This is the current schedule for the tasks we will discuss. As the practical progresses we might need to shift dates.

  • April ??, 10 am. Task 1: presentation of diseases; homework: fill Wiki