Fabry:Sequence alignments (sequence searches and multiple alignments)/Scripts
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Fabry Disease » Sequence alignments » Scripts
Please see Task 2 for our line of action on this topic. All the scripts listed on this page can also be found at [1].
Sequence searches
>compare_GO_terms.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; #reference..."OUR" protein our %reference_hash = (); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/GAnnotation?protein=" . $ARGV[0] . "&format=tsv"); $res = $ua->request($req,'annotation.tsv'); open (FILE, '<annotation.tsv'); $head=<FILE>; while (<FILE>) { chomp; ($db,$id,$splice,$symbol,$taxon,$qualifier,$goID,$goName,$reference,$evidence,$with,$aspect,$date,$source) = split(/\t/); #make GO terms unique by writing them into hash $reference_hash{$goID} = ""; } #print "@{[ %reference_hash ]}\t" . "\n\n"; my $size_ref_hash = scalar(keys %reference_hash); #comparing to... $filename = $ARGV[1]; $filename =~ /(.*)\..*/; $outname = $1 . '_comparison.txt'; open(IDS,"<".$filename); open(OUT,">".$outname); while(<IDS>) { our %compare_hash = (); @array = split(/\s/); pop(@array); for ($i=1;$i<@array;$i++){ $compare_hash{$array[$i]} = ""; } #print "@{[ %compare_hash ]}\t". "\n"; my @common = grep exists $reference_hash{ $_ }, keys %compare_hash; my $size_common = scalar(@common); my $size_comp_hash = scalar(keys %compare_hash); print OUT $size_common / $size_ref_hash ."\t"; if ( $size_comp_hash > 0) { print OUT $size_common / $size_comp_hash ."\n"; } else { print OUT "0\n"; } }
>download-annotation.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; $filename = $ARGV[0]; $filename =~ /(.*)\..*/; $outname = $1 . '_GOterms.tsv'; open IDS, $filename or die $!; open (OUT, '>' . $outname); $result = ""; while(<IDS>){ chomp; $_ =~ s/\.//gi; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/GAnnotation?protein=" . $_ . "&format=tsv"); $res = $ua->request($req,'annotation.tsv'); %hash = (); open (FILE, '<annotation.tsv'); print OUT "$_\t"; $head=<FILE>; while (<FILE>) { chomp; ($db,$id,$splice,$symbol,$taxon,$qualifier,$goID,$goName,$reference,$evidence,$with,$aspect,$date,$source) = split(/\t/); #make GO terms unique by writing them into hash $hash{$goID} = ""; } print OUT "@{[ %hash ]}\t"; print OUT "\n"; close (FILE); } close (OUT); close IDS;
> extract_ids_blast.pl #!/bin/perl my $Z = 0.003; my $filename = "blastsearch_default_v700.out"; my $outname = "blastsearch_default_v700_ids.txt"; my $outEval = "blastsearch_default_v700_Evalues.txt"; open IN, $filename or die $!; #open(OUT, ">" . $outname); open(OUT2, ">" . $outEval); while(<IN>) { if($_ =~ /^(tr|sp)/){ #print $_; chomp; $_ =~ /.+\|(.+)\|.+(.{5})/; $store_1 = $1; $store_2 = $2; $Evalue = $2; $Evalue =~ s/^\s+//; $Evalue =~ s/\s+$//; if( $Evalue > 0.003 ) {} else { # print OUT $store_1 . "\n"; if($Evalue eq "0.0"){ print OUT2 "-Inf\n"; } elsif($Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/){ $Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/; print OUT2 $2 ."\n"; } else { print OUT2 log($Evalue)/log(10) . "\n"; } } } }
> parse_blast.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $bool = 0; my $ID; my $Length; my $Evalue; my $Identities; my $Positives; open(IN, "< " .$ARGV[0]) or die $!; open(OUT, "> " .$ARGV[0] . "_ident_cov.tsv"); print OUT "ID\tLength\tEvalue\tIdentities\tPositives\n"; while (<IN>) { chomp; if($_ =~ /^>/) { $_ =~ />.+\|(.+)\|.+/; $ID = $1; $bool = 1; } elsif($_ =~ /^\s+Length/ && $bool == 1){ $_ =~ /\s+Length\ =\ (\d+)/; $Length = $1; } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*Score\ =/ && $bool == 1){ $_ =~ /\s*Score\s+=\s+.+,\s+Expect\s+=\s+(.+?),\s+Method: .+/; $Evalue = $1; $Evalue =~ s/^\s+//; $Evalue =~ s/\s+$//; if($Evalue eq "0.0"){ $Evalue = "-Inf"; } elsif($Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/){ $Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/; $Evalue = $2; } else { $Evalue = log($Evalue)/log(10); } } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*Identities/ && $bool == 1){ if($_ =~ /\s+Identities.+\((.+)\%\).+Positives.+\((.+)\%\).+Gaps.+\((.+)\%\)/){ $Identities = $1; $Positives = $2; } elsif($_ =~ /\s*Identities.+\((\d+)\%\).+Positives.+\((\d+)\%\).*/){ $Identities = $1; $Positives = $2; } if( $Evalue < -2.39794000867204 ) { print OUT "$ID\t$Length\t$Evalue\t$Identities\t$Positives\n"; $bool = 0; } } } close(IN);
>hist_blast.r table <- read.table(file="blastsearch_default_v700_ids_GOterms_comparison.txt") png(file="blastsearch_default_v700_ids_GOterms_comparison.png", width = 480, height = 700) layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=2, ncol=1), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(3,3)) hx_1 <- hist(table[,1], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms P06280", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,500), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_1$mids, hx_1$counts+2, label=c(hx_1$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.1,500,expression("mean:")) text(0.23,500,round(mean(table[,1]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) hx_2 <- hist(table[,2], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms blast search", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,500), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_2$mids, hx_2$counts+2, label=c(hx_2$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.1,500,expression("mean:")) text(0.23,500,round(mean(table[,2]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) dev.off() ip <- read.table(file="blastsearch_default_v700.out_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) png(file="blastsearch_default_v700_Evalues.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip$Evalue, xlab="log_10(E-value)", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,80), main = "Histogramm of E-values, blastsearch", xlim=c(-200,0) ) text(-130,80,round(mean(ip$Evalue[7:664]),4)) text(-160,80,expression("mean:")) dev.off() png(file="blastsearch_default_v700_Identities.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip$Identities, xlab="Identity in %", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,80), main = "Histogramm of Identities, blastsearch", xlim=c(0,100) ) text(75,80,expression("mean:")) text(90,80,round(mean(ip$Identities),4)) dev.off() png(file="blastsearch_default_v700_Positives.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip$Positives, xlab="Positives in %", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", main = "Histogramm of Positives, blastsearch", xlim=c(0,100), ylim = c(0,80) ) text(75,80,expression("mean:")) text(90,80,round(mean(ip$Positives),4)) dev.off() png(file="blastsearch_default_v700_Lenghts.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip$Length, xlab="Sequence length", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,250), xlim = c(0,2000), main = "Histogramm of sequence length, blastsearch" ) text(1000,180,expression("mean length:")) text(1500,180,round(mean(ip$Length),4)) text(1000,160,expression("P06280 length:")) text(1500,160,expression("429")) dev.off()
>extract_evalues_hhblits.pl #!/bin/perl my $Z = 0.003; my $filename = $ARGV[0]; my $outEval = $ARGV[0] . "_Evalues.txt"; open IN, $filename or die $!; open(OUT2, ">" . $outEval); while(<IN>) { if($_ =~ /^\s*\d+\sUP20/){ # print $_; chomp; $_ =~ /.{41}(.{7}).+/; $Evalue = $1; #print $Evalue ."\t" . $_ ."\n"; $Evalue =~ s/^\s+//; $Evalue =~ s/\s+$//; if( $Evalue > 0.003 ) {} else { if($Evalue eq "0.0"){ print OUT2 "-Inf\n"; } elsif($Evalue =~ /(.*)E(.+)/){ $Evalue =~ /(.*)E(.+)/; print OUT2 $2 ."\n"; } else { print OUT2 log($Evalue)/log(10) . "\n"; } } } }
>parse_hhblits.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $bool = 0; my $ID; my $Evalue; my $Identities; my $Similarity; open(IN, "< " .$ARGV[0]) or die $!; open(OUT, "> " .$ARGV[0] . "_ident_cov.tsv"); print OUT "ID\tEvalue\tIdentities\tSimilarity\n"; while (<IN>) { chomp; if($_ =~ /^>/) { my @array = split('\|', $_); $array[4] =~ s/\.$//; my @array2 = split('\ ', $array[4]); $ID = $array2[0]; $bool = 1; } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*Probab/ && $bool == 1){ $_ =~ /Probab=.+E-value=(.+)\s+Score=.+Aligned_cols=.+Identities=(\d+).+Similarity=(.+)\s+Sum_probs=.+/; $Evalue = $1; $Identities = $2; $Similarity = $3; $Evalue =~ s/^\s+//; $Evalue =~ s/\s+$//; if($Evalue eq "0.0"){ $Evalue = "-Inf"; } elsif($Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/){ $Evalue =~ /(.*)e(.+)/; $Evalue = $2; } else { $Evalue = log($Evalue)/log(10); } if( $Evalue < -2.39794000867204 ) { print OUT "$ID\t$Evalue\t$Identities\t$Similarity\n"; $bool = 0; } } } close(IN);
> hist_hhblits.R table <- read.table(file="hhblits_default_ids_GOterms_comparison.txt") png(file="hhblits_default_ids_GOterms_comparison.png", width = 480, height = 700) layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=2, ncol=1), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(3,3)) hx_1 <- hist(table[,1], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms P06280\n(2 iterations - default)", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,200), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_1$mids, hx_1$counts+2, label=c(hx_1$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.1,200,expression("mean:")) text(0.23,200,round(mean(table[,1]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) hx_2 <- hist(table[,2], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms HHblits search\n(2 iterations - default)", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,200), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_2$mids, hx_2$counts+2, label=c(hx_2$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.1,200,expression("mean:")) text(0.23,200,round(mean(table[,2]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) dev.off() a <- read.table(file="hhblits_default.out_Evalues.txt") png(file="hhblits_default.out_Evalues.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(a[,1], xlab="log_10(E-value)", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,80), main = "Histogramm of E-values, HHblits search\n(2 iterations - default)", xlim=c(-200,0) ) text(-100,80,round(mean(a[,1])),4) text(-160,80,expression("mean:")) dev.off() ip_def <- read.table(file="hhblits_default.out_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) png(file="hhblits_default_Evalues.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_def$Evalue, xlab="log_10(E-value)", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,80), main = "Histogramm of E-values, HHblits search\n(2 iterations - default)", xlim=c(-200,0) ) text(-130,80,round(mean(ip_def$Evalue),4)) text(-160,80,expression("mean:")) dev.off() png(file="hhblits_default_Identities.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_def$Identities, xlab="Identity in %", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,40), main = "Histogramm of Identities, HHblits search\n(2 iterations - default)", xlim=c(0,100) ) text(75,40,expression("mean:")) text(90,40,round(mean(ip_def$Identities),4)) dev.off() png(file="hhblits_default_Similarity.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_def$Similarity, xlab="Similarity", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", main = "Histogramm of Similarity, HHblits search\n(2 iterations - default)", ylim = c(0,40), xlim=c(0,2) ) text(1.5,40,expression("mean:")) text(1.8,40,round(mean(ip_def$Similarity),4)) dev.off() # ####################################n8############################################## table <- read.table(file="hhblits_n8_neu_ids_GOterms_comparison.txt") png(file="hhblits_n8_neu_ids_GOterms_comparison.png", width = 480, height = 700) layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=2, ncol=1), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(3,3)) hx_1 <- hist(table[,1], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms P06280\n(8 iterations)", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,400), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_1$mids, hx_1$counts+2, label=c(hx_1$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.8,380,expression("mean:")) text(0.93,380,round(mean(table[,1]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) hx_2 <- hist(table[,2], main = "Common GO classifications vs. # GO terms HHblits search\n(8 iterations)", xlab ="Percentage in common", xaxt = "n", ylim=c(0,400), xlim = c(0,1), col = "dodgerblue", breaks = 10) text(hx_2$mids, hx_2$counts+2, label=c(hx_2$counts), pos = 3, col = "royalblue4") text(0.8,380,expression("mean:")) text(0.93,380,round(mean(table[,2]),4)) axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1, 0.1) ,labels = seq(0,100, 10)) dev.off() ip_n8_neu <- read.table(file="hhblits_n8_neu.out_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) png(file="hhblits_n8_neu_Evalues.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_n8_neu$Evalue, xlab="log_10(E-value)", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,250), main = "Histogramm of E-values, HHblits search\n(8 iterations)", xlim=c(-200,0) ) text(-130,250,round(mean(ip_n8_neu$Evalue),4)) text(-160,250,expression("mean:")) dev.off() png(file="hhblits_n8_neu_Identities.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_n8_neu$Identities, xlab="Identity in %", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", ylim = c(0,300), main = "Histogramm of Identities, HHblits search\n(8 iterations)", xlim=c(0,100) ) text(75,300,expression("mean:")) text(90,300,round(mean(ip_n8_neu$Identities),4)) dev.off() png(file="hhblits_n8_neu_Similarity.png", width = 480, height = 400) hist(ip_n8_neu$Similarity, xlab="Similarity", breaks=30, col = "dodgerblue", main = "Histogramm of Similarity, HHblits search\n(8 iterations)", ylim = c(0,150), xlim=c(0,2) ) text(1.5,150,expression("mean:")) text(1.8,150,round(mean(ip_n8_neu$Similarity),4)) dev.off()
Comparing the hits
Comparing the Evalues
>R script all_Evalues.R #This R Script is based on Andrea's Rscript psiBlast.evalueHist.Rscript # Thank you Andrea :) ... Julia library("animation") cols3 <- hcl(h = seq(30, by=300 / 3, length = 3), l = 65, alpha = 0.7) br <- seq(-180,15,1.25) Blast <- read.table("Blast/blastsearch_default_v700.out_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) Psi <- read.table("Blast/round10_psi_results_10its_eVal_0.000000001.txt_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) HHBlits <- read.table("HHBlits/hhblits_n8_neu.out_ident_cov.tsv", header = T) saveMovie({ for (i in 1:4) { if(i == 1){ data <- Blast$Evalue } if(i == 2){ data <- Psi$Evalue } if(i == 3){ data <- HHBlits$Evalue } if(i < 4) { hist(data ,border=cols3[i],col=cols3[i],breaks=br,main='E-values',panel.first = grid(),xlab='log_10(E-value)',axes=TRUE,xlim=range(-200,1),ylim=range(0,100)) legend(-200,80,c("BLAST","Psi-BLAST","HHBlits"),col=cols3, pch = c("_","_","_"), lwd = 3) } if(i == 4) { hist(Blast$Evalue,border=cols3[1],col=cols3[1],breaks=br,main='E-values',panel.first = grid(),xlab='log_10(E-value)',axes=TRUE,xlim=range(-200,1),ylim=range(0,100)) hist(Psi$Evalue,border=cols3[2],col=cols3[2],breaks=br,xlim=range(-200,1),ylim=range(0,100),add=TRUE) hist(HHBlits$Evalue,border=cols3[3],col=cols3[3],breaks=br,xlim=range(-200,1),ylim=range(0,100),add=TRUE) legend(-200,80,c("BLAST","Psi-BLAST","HHBlits"),col=cols3, pch = c("_","_","_"), lwd = 3) Sys.sleep(5) } } }, interval = 1.5, outdir = getwd())
Multiple sequence alignments
> countGaps.pl #!usr/bin/perl $infile = $ARGV[0]; open(IN, "<" . $infile); $conserved = 0; %hash = (); if($infile =~ /^(msa\/clu|msa\/tco|msa\/3D)/){ while(<IN>) { chomp; if($_ =~ /^(tr|sp)/ ){ @array = split(/\s+/, $_); $count = ($array[1] =~ tr/-//); $hash{$array[0]} += $count; } elsif(scalar keys %hash && $_ =~ /^(\s)/){ $count = ($_ =~ tr/*//); $conserved += $count; } } print "$infile\n"; print "\n"; print "{| style=\"border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000; padding: 4\"\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" | Sequence ID\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; \" align=\"center\"| Number of gaps\n|-\n"; while ( ($k,$v) = each %hash ) { print "\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|$k\n\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; \" align=\"center\" \| $v\n\|-\n"; } print "\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|\n\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; align:center\"\| \n\|-\n"; print "! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|conserved\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; align:center\"\| $conserved\n\|-\n\|}"; } else { $names = -1; @name_array = (); while(<IN>) { chomp; if($_ =~ /^>/){ $names ++; @a = split(/\s+/,$_); $a[0] =~ />(.+)/; $name_array[$names][0] = $1; } else{ $name_array[$names][1] = $name_array[$names][1] . $_; } } print "{| style=\"border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000; padding: 4\"\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" | Sequence ID\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; \" align=\"center\"| Number of gaps\n|-\n"; for($i = 0; $i <= $names; $i++) { $count = ($name_array[$i][1] =~ tr/-//); print "\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|$name_array[$i][0]\n\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; \" align=\"center\" \| $count\n\|-\n"; } $length = length($name_array[0][1]); for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { if(substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[1][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[2][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[3][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[4][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[5][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[6][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[7][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[8][1],$i,1) && substr($name_array[0][1],$i,1) eq substr($name_array[9][1],$i,1) ) { $conserved++; } } print "\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|\n\| style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; align:center\"\| \n\|-\n"; print "! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 3px 3px 0\" \|conserved\n! style=\"border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 3px 0; align:center\"\| $conserved\n\|-\n\|}"; }