Canavan Task 7 - Structure-based mutation analysis

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Revision as of 14:03, 20 June 2012 by Vorbergs (talk | contribs) (Mapping of mutations)


Further information can be found in the protocol.

Mapping of mutations

<figure id="aspa_mut_overview">

<xr nolink id="aspa_mut_overview"/>
ChainA of the aspa structure is shown in cartoon representation. Chain B is shown in surface representation to emphasize the dimer interface. The intermediate substrate analog is shown in blue. Disease causing mutations are shown in red and non-disease causing SNPs are colored in orange.


We use the same mutations for this analysis as for the sequence based mutation analysis.

As a struture we used 2O4H which was crystallized as a dimer (see protocol for further info). For our analysis we will only consider chainA.

In <xr id="aspa_mut_overview"/> you can see an overview of the Aspa structure with the mutations mapped onto the structure.