Gaucher Disease: Task 04 - Structural Alignment

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Exploring Structural Alignments

Sequences of Data Set

Sequence Set
PDB ID Protein name CATH Superfamily Category
1ogs Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( unfilled binding sites (reference structure)
2xwd Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( filled binding sites
2nsx Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( filled binding sites
2nt1 Glucocerebrosidase at neutral pH Glycosidases ( Sequence identity >60%
2f7k* Pyridoxal kinase Hydroxyethylthiazole kinase -like domain (3.40.1190.20) unrelated <30%
1gep Sulfite reductase Adolase class I ( identical in CAT
2isb Fumarase of FUM-1 from Archaeoglobus Fulgidus Fumarase ( identical in CA
2djf Human dipeptidyl peptidase I (in complex) Cysteine proteinases ( identical in C
2qgu Phospholipid-binding protein from Ralstonia solanacearum (in complex) Phospholipid-binding protein ( different in C

3.20.20 TIM Barrel
3.20 Alpha-Beta Barrel
3 Alpha Beta
1 mostly Alpha

2f7k is not from our set, because we did not have any hits with sequence identity <30% to our reference protein. So we extracted 2f7k randomly from COPS entries with a different L30 group.

Structural alignment methods

RMSD for Structural Alignments of 1OGS Chain A
PDB ID of second molecule SSAP LGA TopMatch CE
2xwd 0.89 0.62
2nsx 0.24 0.23
2nt1 0.68 0.5
1gep 4.85 3.02
2isb 14.52 2.82
2djf 9.87 2.81
2qgu 21.03 3.59

Evaluation of structural alignments and sequence alignments