Gaucher Disease: Task 04 - Structural Alignment

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Exploring Structural Alignments

Sequences of Data Set

Sequence Set
PDB ID Protein name Classification Category
1OGS Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( unfilled binding sites (reference structure) 2xwd Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( filled binding sites 2nsx Glucocerebrosidase Glycosidases ( filled binding sites 2nt1 Sequence identity >60% 2f7k/3zr6 unrelated <30% 1gep Adolase class I ( identical in CAT 2isb Fumarase ( identical in CA 2djf Cysteine proteinases ( identical in C 2qgu Phospholipid-binding protein ( different in C

CATH: 1ogs 3.20.20 TIM Barrel 3.20 Alpha-Beta Barrel 3 Alpha Beta 1 mostly Alpha



CATH used



Evaluation of structural alignments and sequence alignments