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Hemochromatosis is a hereditary disorder that leads to an iron overload in organs due to an increased iron absorption from food. It is caused by a point mutation in the HFE gene.


The hemocromatosis phenotype and its harmfulness varies in patients. Symptoms are caused by a toxic iron accumulation in parenchymal cells of important organs, e.g. heart, liver, endocrine glands. Based on the affected organs, the symptoms range from gonadal dysfunction, glucose intolerance, diabetes, heart failure to liver fibrosis and cirhosis.

Biochemical disease mechanism

The basis for hemocromatosis is a hepcidin deficiency. Hepcidin is a protein that is responsible for the downregulation of iron entry into the bloodstream. Patients do not suffer from a perturbance of the iron metabolism, which works normal, but from an increased iron uptake into the blood.

Iron Metabolism

Iron is only able to enter the human body in the small intestines.


Hemochromatosis is caused by a mutation in the HFE gene, which is one of several genes regulating the hepcidin synthesis


Reference sequence

Neutral mutations

Disease causing mutations


Since iron can only be removed from the system by blood loss, treatment is complicated. Possible treatment is only used to reduce the iron content in the body. A low iron diet