Sequence Search and Multiple Sequence Alignment (PKU)

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Short Task Description

The goal of this task is to learn a bit about our protein of interest (phenylalanine hydroxylase/PheOH) from existing databases and comparing it to similar (and probably related) sequences. To do this, we searched the big80 database (7.73 mio sequences), which contains a subset of swissprot and pdb with sequence similarity of 80% or less, with blast (sequence comparison) and psi-blast (profile comparison) and searched a preprocessed and clustered version of uniprot (44,757 clusters) with the more advanced HHblits method (HMM comparison).

From the search results, we created several datasets sorted by sequence similarity (highly conserved, less conserved, a little conserved, ...) and created multiple aligmnents from these sets with four different tools. The results are listed below, the commands, programms and scripts we used are listed at the appropriate places in the text or linked to their own site.

Reference Sequence of PAH

This is the sequence of the fully functional PheOH used as query and reference sequence in all our work.

>sp|P00439|PH4H_HUMAN Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase OS=Homo sapiens GN=PAH PE=1 SV=1

Database Searches

To increase productivity and reproducibility we used a variety of scripts here. Those which are not just basic R or bashprogramms will be listed here to derive the eValues of all Blast, PSIBlast or HHBlits outputfiles to extract all UNiprotIds from the clusters of a HHblits output


time blast2 -p blastp -d /mnt/project/pracstrucfunc12/data/big/big_80 -i Dropbox/Phenylketonuria/Task2/PAH.fasta -o results_blast2_standard -v 2000 -b 2000

real	1m34.784s
user	1m22.930s
sys	0m8.400s
time blast2 -p blastp -d /mnt/project/pracstrucfunc12/data/big/big_80 -i Dropbox/Phenylketonuria/Task2/PAH.fasta -o results_blast2_e-10 -e 0.0000000001 -v 2000 -b 2000

real	1m34.145s
user	1m23.380s
sys	0m9.270s

<figtable id="hhblitsevalue">

Histogram of the logarithmic E-values standard BLAST run
Histogram of the sequenceidentities for a standard BLAST run



In order to display the runtime PSIBlast uses in order to get results you asked for we used a little skript which uses PSIblast with a variety of parametersettings. The overall message is that the more iterations one uses the more runtime PSIBlast needs. And the harder (lower) you choose your e-Value cutoff the less results you get. A general Message cant be more precise, because all the results depend mostly on the data you feed the programm.


If you change the number of iterations (parameter -j) your runtime increases according to the parameter. To show this we used the defaultsettings for anything and increased the iterations from 1 to 10 (see Fig. <xr id="fig:runtimeIterations"/>)

<figure id="fig:runtimeIterations">

more iterations result in a higher runtime, but a change in -e or -h do not mean a higher or lower runtime by themselves. A combination of more iterations and a lower integrations rate might be faster as less iterations though


e-Value cutoff

A change in the -e parameter does not change your runtime (see <xr id=fig:runtimeIterations />) but in- or decreases the amount of sequences you derive from your search. This is shown in <xr id="fig:cutoffSize"/> <figure id="fig:cutoffSize">

Change in the -e parameter results in a lower resultsize



All of the following plots emphasize for our example how a change of parameter changes the outcome of the searchtool.


<figtable id="psiblasteValue">

log e-Values with almost no restriction
log e-Values with more restriction
log e-Values with strong restriction


<xr id="psiblasteValue" /> shows that the distribution of the e-Values one derives from their search changes if you restrict them. Which also decreases the size of your result as shown above. <figtable id="psiblasteValueit">

log e-Values after one iterations
log e-Values after five iterations
log e-Values after ten iterations

</figtable> In <xr id="psiblasteValue" /> one can clearly see that further iterations of the algorithm add some low e-Value sequences but the majority of the profile is getting fuzzy because the number of sequences with a e-Value around 0 increases the most


<figtable id="psiblastidentity">

identities of sequences with a low restriction to the e-Values
identities of sequences with a moderate restriction to the e-Values
identities of sequences with a high restriction to the e-Values


<xr id="psiblastidentity"/> shows that the identity of the sequences peak at about 30% with restriction to lower e-Values one removes not only low-identity-sequences, but also some with higher identity.

<figtable id="psiblastidentityit">

identities of sequences with a low restriction to the e-Values
identities of sequences with a moderate restriction to the e-Values
identities of sequences with a high restriction to the e-Values

</figtable> One can clearly see in <xr id="psiblastidentityit"/> that the distribution of identities shifts its peak from 0.4 to about 0.25 by adding more and more sequences


time hhblits -i Dropbox/Phenylketonuria/Task2/PAH.fasta -d /mnt/project/pracstrucfunc12/data/hhblits/uniprot20_current -o results_hhblits_standard  -E 1 -e 0.001 -Z 2000 -B 2000

real	6m10.059s
user	3m15.640s
sys	0m40.220s
hhblits -i Dropbox/Phenylketonuria/Task1/PAH.fasta -d /mnt/project/pracstrucfunc12/data/hhblits/uniprot20_current -o results_hhblits_n4_e-7 -n 4 -e 0.0000001 -o results_hhblits_n4_e-7

real	8m32.287s
user	4m40.113s
sys	1m58.910s


<figtable id="hhblitsevalue">

Histogram of the logarithmic E-values of the HHBlits hits with standard parameter
Histogram of the logarithmic E-values of the HHBlits hits with restricted parameter


<figtable id="hhblitsident">

Histogram of the identities in percent of a standard HHBlits run
Histogram of the identities in percent HHBlits run with restricted parameters


Comparision of the Searchtools


After analyzing the output of each of those tools through standard numeric methods we wanted to see if one can see a quality difference with something more concrete than e-Values and identities. So we used GOAnnotations. In order to compare the results from HHBlits with BLAST and PSIBlast we downloaded the annotations for each hit and compared them with the annotations of the reference sequence. We used the RESTful webservice of
here you can get the .jar containing source and class files of the programm.
Our reference sequence has the following annotated GO:Terms


Instead of mapping hits in big_80 to PDB to get structural information for the alignments, we performed an additional search in PDB at NCBI, with parameters: scoring matrix=PAM70, gap open = 10, gap extend = 1, composition based statistics, max. 1000 target sequences.



We tried to create datasets of 4 sequences + reference sequence for the identity ranges (1: 90%-99%, 2: 60%-89%, 3: 40%-59%, 4: 20%-39%) from our search in the big_80 database. Since these results do not contain PDB structures, we additionally searched PDB directly for proteins in the required range and added them to the dataset. For the most conserved range, there is only 1 sequence in big_80, so we experimentally created the best possible highly conserved dataset in the range 80%-90% and used the structure of the reference sequence for 3D-coffee. The resulting datasets are shown in the following tables, the alignments in the figures <xr id="fig:ClustalW_set4"/> to <xr id="fig:3d_coffee_set1"/>. All sequences have roughly the same length as the reference sequence except for G5AMD7 in the first set. G5AMD7 contains an insertion of 162 aa ,that is easily identified in the alignment, but shows a very high similarity in the other sections.

80-90% Sequence Identity
Sequence Identity ID Comment
90% G1P4I7 Uncharacterized protein OS=Myotis lucifugus
89% G5AMD7 Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase OS=Heterocephalus glaber
80% G1KSL1 Uncharacterized protein OS=Anolis carolinensis
100% 1PAH used as 3D-Template only
60-89% Sequence Identity
Sequence Identity ID Comment
80% G1KSL1 Uncharacterized protein OS=Anolis carolinensis
76% Q4VBE2 Putative uncharacterized protein mgc108157 OS=Xenopus tropicalis
70% H2UJM8 Uncharacterized protein OS=Takifugu rubripes
63% D1LXB2 Phenylalanine hydroxlase OS=Saccoglossus kowalevskii
61% 2XSN_A human Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase, also used as 3D-Template
40-59% Sequence Identity
Sequence Identity ID Comment
58% O96947 Phenylalanine hydroxylase OS=Geodia cydonium
55% D3BKZ8 Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase OS=Polysphondylium pallidum
49% Q5RHI3 Novel protein similar to tyrosine hydroxylase OS=Danio rerio
44% A6P4D3 Tyrosine hydroxylase OS=Dugesia japonica
59% 1TOH_A Tyrosine hydroxylase from rattus norvegicus, also used as 3D-Template
20-39% Sequence Identity
Sequence Identity ID Comment
37% F4WGX3 Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase OS=Acromyrmex echinatior
35% Q23A76 Biopterin-dependent aromatic amino acid hydroxylase family protein OS=Tetrahymena thermophila
29% D0I5S9 Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase OS=Grimontia hollisae
28% F6G5X4 Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase OS=Ralstonia solanacearum
31% 1LTU_A Phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase from Chromobacterium violaceum, also used as 3D-Template

Raw Results

We present the alignments and basic statistics for the different tools. Images have been created in Jalview. To count gaps and conserved columns a simple python script (Collection of scripts) was used.


Command used to create the alignments:

clustalw -align -infile=NN.fasta -outfile=clustalW_NN.aln

<figure id="fig:ClustalW_set4">

Alignment of set 4 created with ClustalW


20-39% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 83
Q23A76 87
D0I5S9 272
F4WGX3 69
F6G5X4 181
1LTU_A 238
Conserved columns 19

<figure id="fig:ClustalW_set3">

Alignment of set 3 created with ClustalW


40-59% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 37
A6P4D3 1
Q5RHI3 14
D3BKZ8 45
O96947 39
1TOH_A 146
Conserved columns 109

<figure id="fig:ClustalW_set2">

Alignment of set 2 created with ClustalW


60-89% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 17
H2UJM8 7
Q4VBE2 24
G1KSL1 16
D1LXB2 18
2XSN_A 126
Conserved columns 159

<figure id="fig:ClustalW_set1">

Alignment of set 1 created with ClustalW


80-90% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 165
G1P4I7 162
G1KSL1 164
G5AMD7 4
Conserved columns 329


Command used to create the alignments:

muscle -in NN.fasta -out muscle_NN.fasta

<figure id="fig:Muscle_set4">

Alignment of set 4 created with Muscle


20-39% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 94
Q23A76 98
D0I5S9 283
F4WGX3 80
F6G5X4 192
1LTU_A 249
Conserved columns 22

<figure id="fig:Muscle_set3">

Alignment of set 3 created with Muscle


40-59% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 45
A6P4D3 9
Q5RHI3 22
D3BKZ8 53
O96947 47
1TOH_A 154
Conserved columns 109

<figure id="fig:Muscle_set2">

Alignment of set 2 created with Muscle


60-89% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 17
H2UJM8 7
Q4VBE2 24
G1KSL1 16
D1LXB2 18
2XSN_A 126
Conserved columns 159

<figure id="fig:Muscle_set1">

Alignment of set 1 created with Muscle


80-90% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 167
G1P4I7 164
G1KSL1 166
G5AMD7 6
Conserved columns 328


Command used to create the alignments:

t_coffee NN.fasta

<figure id="fig:t_coffee_set4">

Alignment of set 4 created with T-Coffee


20-39% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 103
Q23A76 107
D0I5S9 292
F4WGX3 89
F6G5X4 201
1LTU_A 258
Conserved columns 22

<figure id="fig:t_coffee_set3">

Alignment of set 3 created with T-Coffee


40-59% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 53
A6P4D3 17
Q5RHI3 30
D3BKZ8 61
O96947 55
1TOH_A 162
Conserved columns 109

<figure id="fig:t_coffee_set2">

Alignment of set 2 created with T-Coffee


60-89% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 18
H2UJM8 8
Q4VBE2 25
G1KSL1 17
D1LXB2 19
2XSN_A 127
Conserved columns 159

<figure id="fig:t_coffee_set1">

Alignment of set 1 created with T-Coffee


80-90% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 165
G1P4I7 162
G1KSL1 164
G5AMD7 4
Conserved columns 329


Command to create the alignments:

t_coffee NN.fasta -method sap_pair,slow_pair -template_file <PDB-ID>

<figure id="fig:3d_coffee_set4">

Alignment of set 4 created with 3D-Coffee


20-39% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 96
Q23A76 100
D0I5S9 285
F4WGX3 82
F6G5X4 194
1LTU_A 251
Conserved columns 22

<figure id="fig:3d_coffee_set3">

Alignment of set 3 created with 3D-Coffee


40-59% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 51
A6P4D3 15
Q5RHI3 28
D3BKZ8 59
O96947 53
1TOH_A 160
Conserved columns 109

<figure id="fig:3d_coffee_set2">

Alignment of set 2 created with 3D-Coffee


60-89% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 21
H2UJM8 11
Q4VBE2 28
G1KSL1 20
D1LXB2 22
2XSN_A 130
Conserved columns 159

<figure id="fig:3d_coffee_set1">

Alignment of set 1 created with 3D-Coffee


80-90% Sequence Identity
Sequence ID Gaps
P00439 165
G1P4I7 162
G1KSL1 164
G5AMD7 4
Conserved columns 329

Discussion of the alignment results and alignment tools

Looking at the used tools, for these small datasets (4-6 sequences) there is not much of a difference in execution time, so we do not use time as a factor in our assessment. Muscle, ClustalW and T-Coffee are similar and easy to use, but T-Coffee offers the most options and different modes (we used only two here) and provides the most detailed output. To assess the alignments, we looked also at the number of gaps and conserved residues, but consider the most important factor in alignment quality the proper alignment of the functional sequence parts.

Comparing the results, the tools also perform quite similar, but can be sorted by the basic statistics of introduced gaps and found conserved columns in the following order: ClustalW> Muscle>3D-Coffee>T-Coffee.

T-Coffee using the additional 3D information performs minimally better in terms of gaps, more notably in the less conserved datasets. An interesting point that stands out might be that 3D-Coffe always places the first residues -- mostly methionines -- together, even if for a shorter sequence missing e.g. an N-terminal part this means a very long gap between this first residue and the rest of the sequence (see figure <xr id="fig:3d_coffee_set2"/> for an example). This behaviour does not influence the alignment score much, might even be a 'better' alignment as the first methionines belong together, but the single residue still feels a little misplaced to us.

In the most conserved dataset the aligments differ only marginally and due to the high overall conservation, the functional domains are obviously aligned correctly as well. For the other sets of sequences, we looked more closely at the central catalytic and the N-terminal regulatory domain:

The catalytic domain of PheOH appears around 280aa-340aa, with the iron-coordinating His285, His290 and Glu330. (needs reference..) This part of the sequence is recognized by all tools in all datasets and the coordinating residues are aligned correctly. In all but the least conserved sets, the alignments are virtually identical in the functional parts and differ only in the placement of gaps. The most differences appear at the N-terminus and likely stem from the different lengths of the sequences that have to be reconciled in the alignment.

A real difference in the results of the tools can be seen near the N-terminus of set 4. T-Coffe, 3D-Coffee and Muscle find a conserved region around Trp187, while ClustalW misaligns D0I5S9, which is the shortest sequence of the set. Look at positions 190-210 of the alignment by ClustalW and 210-230 by the others.

Our favorite tools for this task was probably T-Coffee, due to good results and the wide range of option. Clustal produces less gaps, but misaligned at least one sequence. Muscle does not perform much different from T-Coffee, but provides less functionality. The advantage of muscle, its emphasis on speed, is, as stated before, not taken into account here.