Metachromatic leukodystrophy reference aminoacids

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Revision as of 14:34, 21 May 2011 by Kassner (talk | contribs)


>sp|P15289|ARSA_HUMAN Arylsulfatase A OS=Homo sapiens GN=ARSA PE=1 SV=3


Database Searches

BLAST against NR

How To

With BLAST being installed, the following steps were performed:

  • typed blastall -p blastp -i refSeq.fasta -d /data/blast/nr/nr > blastp with refSeq.fasta being the file containing the reference sequence and blastp the outfile

Best 20 results

PSI-BLAST against NR

How To

With PSI-BLAST being installed, the following command was executed:

  • blastpgp -i refSeq.fasta -d /data/blast/nr/nr -e"e-value" -j "#iterations" > psiblast_"e-value"_"#iterations"

e-value cutoff 0.005, 3 iterations

Best 20 results

e-value cutoff 0.005, 5 iterations

Best 20 results

e-value cutoff 10E-6, 3 iterations

Best 20 results

e-value cutoff 10E-6, 5 iterations

Best 20 results

FASTA against NR

How To

fasta was not yet installed on the computer, so it was installed, executing the following command from the ./src directory from the software's sourc code:

  • make -f ../make/Makefile.linux_sse2 all

We aligned the sequences, using the parameters written below:

  • ./bin/fasta36 -q ~/Documents/refSeq.fasta /data/blast/nr/nr > fasta_results.txt


How To

We used the online version of hhPred <ref></ref> with the following parameters

  • local alignment
  • 3 iterations

Due to the fact that only PDB-IDs could be extracted from the HHpred-output, we had to do a mapping from PDB ID to RefSeq AC. This was done by mapping PDB ID to UniProt AC and then to RefSeq AC by PIR ID Mapping <ref></ref>

against PDB

Best 20 results

Multiple Alignments

For building the multiple Alignments the results of the Psiblast run with e-value cutoff of 10E-6 and 5 iterations were divided into 6 groups by sequence identity:

  • <20%
  • 20% - 39%
  • 40% - 59%
  • 60% - 89%
  • 90% - 99%
  • >99%


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