Sequence-based predictions GLA

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by Benjamin Drexler and Fabian Grandke

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Organism Homo sapiens Halobacterium salinarium Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Size 429 AA 262 AA 201 AA 135 AA 417 AA 770 AA
Subcellular location Lysosome Cell membrane Secreted Secreted Cell membrane Membrane
Function Glycosidase Photoreceptor protein Sensory transduction Hormone Carbohydrate presentation Serine protease inhibitor
UniProt entry P06280 P02945 P02753 Q9Y5Q6 P11279 P05067

Secondary structure prediction


PSIPRED was developed by David T. Jones at the University of Warwick in 1998. Nowadays the server runs at the University College London. <ref name=PSIPRED>History of PSIPRED</ref>

PSIPRED predicts secondary structures based on neuronal networks with a single hidden layer and feed-forward back-propagation.<ref name=Praesi>Talk_Task3</ref> The workflow can be split into three states:

  1. Sequence profiles generation: Neuronal network gets position-specific matrix from PSI-Blast as input
  2. Initial secondary structure prediction: Output Layer predicts one of the three secondary structures
  3. Predicted structure filtering: Additional network filters the raw predictions from the previous step

GLA Psipred.png


Jpred3 was developed by C. Cole at the University of Dundee. Similar to PSIPRED a neuronal network is used for the prediction of the secondary structure. For single sequences as input the program uses PSI-Blast sequence profiles, as well. Jpred3 is also capable of taking multiple sequence alignments as input. Both are further processed using the Jpred algorithm. <ref name=jpred>Cole et al., " The Jpred 3 secondary structure prediction server.", Nucleic acids research. 2008 Jul 1, PubMed</ref>

EBI Chain Describtion E-value
3hg5 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg5 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg4 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg4 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg2 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg2 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxt B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxt A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxp B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxp A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxn B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3gxn A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
1r47 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
1r47 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
1r46 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
1r46 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg3 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3hg3 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxc B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxc A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxb B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxb A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxa B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lxa A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lx9 B Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
3lx9 A Alpha-galactosidase A 0.0
1ktc A alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-113
1ktb A alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-113
3igu B Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3igu A Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h55 B Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h55 A Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h54 B Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h54 A Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h53 B Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100
3h53 A Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase e-100

The lightblue colored protein is the protein that was used as query sequence.

Comparison with DSSP

DSSP was developed by W.Kabsch and C. Sander in 1983. It is a database, containing secondary structure assignments for each protein in PDB. As it is no prediction program itself, it is used to compare the results of a prediction with the data in DSSP. Therefor it uses the 3D coordinates from PDB entries and used them to calculate DSSP entries.<ref name="dssp">Kabsch et al., "Dictionary of protein secondary structure: pattern recognition of hydrogen-bonded and geometrical features.", Biopolymers, 1983,PubMed</ref>

GLA DSSP Comp.png

Find a pdf version of this image here: File:GLA DSSP Comp.pdf

Prediction of disordered regions


DISOPRED was developed by JJ. Ward, JS. Sodhi, LJ. McGuffin, BF. Buxton and DT. Jones in 2004. A neuronal network is used to predict disordered regions. As it is a knowledge-based method, the DISOPRED neuronal network is trained with X-ray structures from PDB. The program takes a sequence as input and runs PSI-Blast against a database. The trained neuronal network predicts residuewise profiles and classifies them as disordered or not disordered. <ref name=disopred>Ward et al., "Prediction and functional analysis of native disorder in proteins from the three kingdoms of life", Journal of Molecular Biology. 2004, PubMed</ref> <ref name=Praesi>Talk_Task3</ref>

GLA Diso graph.png


POODLE was developed by S. Hirose, K. Shimizu, S. Kanai, Y. Kuroda and T. Noguchi in 2007. It predicts disordered regions by usage of a machine-learning approach.

There are four different variants available.:<ref name=poodlehp>POODLE Help Page</ref>

  • POODLE-L<ref name=poodle_l>Hirose et al., " POODLE-L: a two-level SVM prediction system for reliably predicting long disordered regions.", PharmaDesign. 2007, PubMed</ref>: Predicts long disordered regions(>40 consecutive residues).
  • POODLE-I<ref name=poodle_i>POODLE-I</ref>: Uses structural information predictors based on a work-flow approach.
  • POODLE-S<ref name=poodle_s>Shimizu et al., "POODLE-S: web application for predicting protein disorder by using physicochemical features and reduced amino acid set of a position-specific scoring matrix.", Bioinformatics. 2007, PubMed</ref>: Predicts short disordered regions. Has two subversions differing in the preparation of the databases:
    • Missing residues: Missing regions in X-ray structures.
    • High B-Factor residues: Regions with high B-Factors.
  • POODLE-W<ref name=poodle_w>Shimizu et al., "Predicting mostly disordered proteins by using structure-unknown protein data

.", Bioinformatics. 2007, PubMed</ref>: Specialized on mostly disordered proteins.

For the analysis only POODLE-S was used, because not even short disordered regions were found in our protein, so long regions are even more unlikely.

POODLE-S: Missing residues

GLA Poodle s missing.png

POODLE-S: High B-Factor residues

GLA Poodle s high b.png


IUPRED was developed by Zsuzsanna Dosztányi, Veronika Csizmók, Péter Tompa and István Simon in 2005. It is a prediction method for ordered and disordered regions in protein sequences. IUPRED is based on an energy function and the assumption that there are less interresidue interactions in disordered regions. <ref name=poodle_l>Dosztányi et al., "IUPred: web server for the prediction of intrinsically unstructured regions of proteins based on estimated energy content.", Bioinformatics. 2005, PubMed</ref>

Short Disorder

GLA Iupred Short.png

Long Disorder

GLA Iupred Long.png


Hint: You will have to register. It is free of charge, but you can submit max. 3 sequences within the next 12 months!

Metadisorder was developed by Avner Schlessinger and Burkhard Rost in 2005 at the columbia university. It combines different methods and uses various sources of information to predict disordered regions. Metadisorder makes use of the methods described below <ref name=MD>Schlessinger et al., "Improved Disorder Prediction by Combination of Orthogonal Approaches.", PLoS ONE. 2009, PLoS ONE</ref> <ref name=rostlab_MD>Rostlab - Metadisorder</ref>:


PROFbval is a residue mobility prediction method based on the amino-acid sequence. <ref name=rostlab_prof>Rostlab - PROFbval</ref>


NORSnet is a method that identifies unstructured loops, based on neuronal networks. <ref name=rostlab_nors>Rostlab - NORSnet</ref>


UCON predicts natively unstructured regions through contacts. <ref name=rostlab_ucon>Rostlab - UCON</ref>

GLA Meta disorder.png

Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides


Describtion of the programs:


TMHMM is a program that predicts transmembrane helices in proteins. It is based on a hidden Markov model and was developed by Sonnhammer et. al in 1998<ref name=sonnhammer>Sonnhammer et al., "A hidden Markov model for predicting transmembrane helices in protein sequences.", Proc Int Conf Intell Syst Mol Biol. 1998, PubMed</ref>.

We used the webserver of TMHMM with the FASTA-sequence of the protein as input. The output contains some statistics (e.g. number of TM helices, expected number of AAs in TM helices, probability that the N-term is on the cytoplasmic membrane), a listening of the labeled sequence areas (e.g. inside, outside, TM helix) and plot of the probabilities for the residues. Additionally, if it is predicted that there is a great number of the first 60 AA are part of a TM helix, TMHMM will indicate that there could be a signal peptide in the N-term region.


Phobius was developed by Käll, Krogh and Sonnhammer in 2004 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It is based on HMMs and predicts transmembrane helices and signal-peptides at the N-terminal. Phobius takes a protein sequence(FASTA format) as input an outputs diagrams and text files containing the predictions. <ref name=phobius>Käll et al., "A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide prediction method.", J Mol Biol. 2004, PubMed</ref>

Polyphobius was developed by L. Käll, A. Krogh, EL. Sonnhammer in 2005 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It is very similar to Phobius and uses HMMs, as well. Additionally Polyphobius uses information from homologous sequences to improve the prediction accuracy. <ref name=polyphobius>Käll et al., "An HMM posterior decoder for sequence feature prediction that includes homology information.", Bioinformatics. 2005, PubMed</ref>


Octopus was developed by H. Viklund and A. Elofsson in 2008 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It combines HMMs and artificial neuronal networks(ANN) to predict the topology of transmembrane proteins. At first several ANNs are used to make predictions for every single residue and afterwards HMMs are used to smooth the results and combine them to a useful prediction.<ref name=octopus>Viklund et al., "OCTOPUS: improving topology prediction by two-track ANN-based preference scores and an extended topological grammar.", Bioinformatics. 2008, PubMed</ref>

Spoctopus was developed by H. Viklund, A. Bernsel, M. Skwark and A. Elofsson in 2008 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It is almost identical to Octopus, but additionally predicts the signal peptide.<ref name=spoctopus>Viklund et al., "SPOCTOPUS: a combined predictor of signal peptides and membrane protein topology.", Bioinformatics. 2008, PubMed</ref>


TargetP was developed by H. Nielsen, J. Engelbrecht, S. Brunak and G. von Heijne in 1997 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It uses neuronal networks to predict the subcellular location of eukaryotic proteins. The method is based on the predicted presence of any of the N-terminal presequences (i.e.:chloroplast transit peptide, mitochondrial targeting peptide or secretory pathway signal peptide).<ref name=targetp>Emanuellson et al., "Predicting subcellular localization of proteins based on their N-terminal amino acid sequence.", J Mol Biol. 2000, PubMed</ref>


SignalP was developed by H. Nielsen, J. Engelbrecht, S. Brunak and G. von Heijne in 1997 at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center. It predicts presence of a signal peptide and provides information about hte exact location of signal peptide cleavage sites. The most recent version of the method uses as well AMMs as HMMs. It <ref name=signalp>Nielsen et al., "Identification of prokaryotic and eukaryotic signal peptides and prediction of their cleavage sites.", Protein engineering. 1997, PubMed</ref>



Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Signal Peptide 1-31 1-31
N-Region 1-9 1-12
H-Region 10-22 13-26
C-Region 23-31 27-31
Non-cytoplasmic 32-429 32-429
Octopus Spoctopus
Inside 1-9 N-terminal 1-10
TM-Helix 10-30 Signal Peptide 11-31
Outside 31-429 Outisde 32-429
Prediction TMHMM
Outside 1 - 429
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
YES 31/32 31/32


Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Non-cytoplasmic 1-22 1-21
Transmembrane 23-42 22-43
Cytoplasmic 43-53 44-54
Transmembrane 54-76 55-77
Non-cytoplasmic 77-95 78-94
Transmembrane 96-114 95-114
Cytoplasmic 115-120 115-120
Transmembrane 121-142 121-141
Non-cytoplasmic 143-147 142-147
Transmembrane 148-169 148-166
Cytoplasmic 170-189 167-186
Transmembrane 190-212 187-205
Non-cytoplasmic 213-217 206-215
Transmembrane 218-237 216-237
Cytoplasmic 238-262 238-262
Prediction Octopus Spoctopus
Inside 1-22 1-22
TM-Helix 23-43 23-43
Outside 44-54 44-54
TM-Helix 55-75 55-75
Inside 76-95 76-95
TM-Helix 96-116 96-116
Outside 117-121 117-120
TM-Helix 122-142 121-141
Inside 143-147 142-147
TM-Helix 148-168 148-168
Outside 169-185 169-185
TM-Helix 186-206 186-206
Inside 207-216 207-216
TM-Helix 217-237 217-237
Outside 238-262 238-262
Prediction TMHMM
Outside 1 - 22
TM-Helix 23 - 42
Inside 43 - 54
TM-Helix 55 - 77
Outside 78 - 91
TM-Helix 92 - 114
Inside 115 - 120
TM-Helix 121 - 143
Outside 144 - 147
TM-Helix 148 - 170
Inside 171 - 189
TM-Helix 190 - 212
Outside 213 - 262
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
NO - -


Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Signal Peptide 1-18 1-18
N-Region 1-2 1-3
H-Region 3-13 4-13
C-Region 14-18 14-18
Non-cytoplasmic 19-201 19-201
Octopus Spoctopus
Inside 1-1 N-terminal 1-5
TM-Helix 2-23 Signal Peptide 6-19
Outside 24-201 Outisde 20-201
Prediction TMHMM
Outside 1 - 201
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
YES 18/19 18/19


Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Signal Peptide 1-22 1-22
N-Region 1-5 1-4
H-Region 6-17 5-16
C-Region 18-22 17-22
Non-cytoplasmic 23-135 23-135
Octopus Spoctopus
Inside 1-1 N-terminal 1-5
TM-Helix 2-32 Signal Peptide 6-23
Outside 33-135 Outisde 24-135
Prediction TMHMM
Outside 1 - 135
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
YES 22/23 22/23


Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Signal Peptide 1-28 1-28
N-Region 1-10 1-9
H-Region 11-22 10-22
C-Region 23-28 23-28
Non-cytoplasmic 29-381 29-381
Transmembrane 382-405 382-405
Non-cytoplasmic 406-417 406-417
Octopus Spoctopus
Inside 1-10 N-terminal 1-11
TM-Helix 11-31 Signal Peptide 12-29
Outside 32-383 Outisde 30-383
TM-Helix 384-404 TM-Helix 384-404
Inside 405-417 Inside 405-417
Prediction TMHMM
Inside 1 - 10
TM-Helix 11 - 33
Outside 34 - 383
TM-Helix 384 - 406
Inside 407 - 417
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
YES 28/29 28/29


Prediction Phobius Polyphobius
Signal Peptide 1-17 1-17
N-Region 1-1 1-3
H-Region 2-12 4-12
C-Region 13-17 13-17
Non-cytoplasmic 18-700 18-700
Transmembrane 701-723 701-723
Cytoplasmic 724-770 724-770
Octopus Spoctopus
Outside 1-5 N-terminal 1-4
TM-Helix 6-11 Signal Peptide 5-18
Outside 12-701 Outisde 19-701
TM-Helix 702-722 TM-Helix 702-722
Inside 723-770 Inside 723-770
Prediction TMHMM
Outside 1 - 700
TM-Helix 701 - 723
Inside 724 - 770
SignalP Uniprot
Prediction HMM/NN Cleavage site position Cleavage site position
YES 17/18 17/18


Name Length mTP SP other Loc RC
GLA 429 0.041 0.860 0.141 S 2
BACR_HALSA 262 0.019 0.897 0.562 S 4
RET4_HUMAN 201 0.242 0.928 0.020 S 2
INSL5_HUMA 135 0.074 0.899 0.037 S 1
LAMP1_HUMA 417 0.043 0.953 0.017 S 1
A4_HUMAN 770 0.035 0.937 0.084 S 1

Prediction of GO terms


GOPET stands for Gene Ontology term Prediction and Evaluation Tool and was developed by Vinayagam et al. in 2006<ref name=vinayagam>Vinayagam et al., "GOPET: a tool for automated predictions of Gene Ontology terms.", BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 Mar 20, PubMed</ref>. It is based on homology searches on GO-mapped protein databases and uses support vector machines for the calculation of the confidence values.

We used the webserver of GOPET with the default settings (GO aspect: molecular function, maximum number of predictions: 20, confidence threshold: 60, GOPET model 2007 june, version 2.0, GOPET database 2007) and the FASTA-sequence of the protein as input. The results only contain GOids of the GO aspect "molecular function", since the other two GO aspects (cellular component and biological process) were not available.


Pfam is a database composed of the protein domain families that is created by using Hidden Markov Models profiles (HMMs) and was first described by Sonnhammer et al. in 1997<ref name=sonnhammer>Sonnhammer et al., "Pfam: a comprehensive database of protein domain families based on seed alignments.", Proteins. 1997 Jul, PubMed</ref>. Each protein domain family is represented by a multiple sequence alignment and a HMMs. One can search one protein sequence against Pfam and obtain all the possible domains that the query sequence might contain.

Pfam database includes two parts A and B where the protein domain families with different quality levels. In the 1.0 release of Pfam, the protein entries in Pfam-A and Pfam-B were from Swissprot (a few initial members of seed alignment in Pfam-A were from several sources: Swissprot, Prosite, ProDom etc.). In the current release of Pfam, the entries in Pfam-A and Pfam-B are from Pfamseq(UniProtKB) and ADDA respectively.

The Pfam-A contains the well characterized entries with annotation. It starts with the building of the seed alignment with a few selected representative sequence members under manually quality checking. Then the HMMs is applied automatically to make full alignment and try to detect all the possible members for each initial family. The families/domains in Pfam-A are in high quality level and could be used as a reliable annotation/classification evidence for the query sequence.

The Pfam-B is created based on the sequence alignment of the entries from ADDA by using HMMs. Those entries existing already in Pfam-A are excluded. There are no confirmed annotation and no manual quality checking for the families in Pfam-B, therefore there could be some errors (e.g. the members in one family could be just randomly aligned) and the overall quality is relative low. However, it still can be useful for the situation that one can not find domain evidence in Pfam-A for the query sequence.

We used the "sequence search" feature of Pfam website with the FASTA-sequence of the protein to determine potential domains or domain families. Afterwards we checked out the corresponding page of the domain (family) for a GO annotation. The search was performed with the default settings (cut-off: use E-Value, threshold 1.0), but we also included Pfam-B in the search. Only one hit in Pfam-B was found which does not have any GO annotation and hence there was no gain in including Pfam-B. The classification in respect to the significance of a hit was done by the Pfam search algorithm.


ProtFun tries to assign a function to the query protein. For this purpose, it uses the prediction of several other features like post-translational modification sites or localization of the protein. The prediction of these features itself is based on other programs like SignalP, TargetP, NetOGlyc, TMHMM and some others. ProtFun was developed by Jensen et al. in 2002<ref name=jensen_1>Jensen et al., "Prediction of human protein function from post-translational modifications and localization features.", J Mol Biol. 2002 Jun 21, PubMed</ref> and the prediction of the Gene Ontology category was added in 2003<ref name=jensen_2>Jensen et al., "Prediction of human protein function according to Gene Ontology categories.", Bioinformatics. 2003 Mar 22, PubMed</ref>.

We used the webserver of ProtFun 2.2 with the default settings and the FASTA-sequence of the protein as the input. The output contains predictions about the functional category, enzyme/nonenzyme, enzyme class and the Gene Ontology category. In our case, only the result of the latter was relevant. The term 'Prob' represents the calculated probability by ProtFun that the query belongs to the category. This probability is dependent on the prior probability of the category. 'Odds' describes the odds that the query belongs to the certain category and is not influenced by the prior probability.<ref name=ProtFun>Explanation of the ProtFun 2.2 output.</ref> The class with the highest information content and with the highest probability is marked bold. Additionally we provide a table for each query that contains the categories with the highest information content or probability, respectively, and their associated GO id. For this purpose, we used the search feature of the Gene Ontology website.

Evaluation of the Results




GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0016798 98% hydrolase activity acting on glycosyl bonds
GO:0004553 98% hydrolase activity hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds
GO:0016787 97% hydrolase activity
GO:0004557 96% alpha-galactosidase activit
GO:0008456 89% alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Melibiase Family x Molecular function hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO:0004553
Pfam-A Melibiase Family x Biological process carbohydrate metabolic process GO:0005975


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.090    0.419
 Receptor                             0.014    0.083
 Hormone                              0.002    0.318
 Structural_protein                   0.004    0.127
 Transporter                          0.024    0.222
 Ion_channel                          0.010    0.169
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.003    0.127
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.215
 Transcription                        0.047    0.367
 Transcription_regulation             0.026    0.204
 Stress_response                      0.049    0.552
 Immune_response                      0.012    0.136
 Growth_factor                        0.006    0.412
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest probablity Signal transducer Molecular function GO:0004871


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein GLA.
Program True positives False positives True negatives False negatives Sensitivity Specificity
GOPET 4 1 1 18
Pfam 2 0 2 20
ProtFun 0 1 1 22



GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0005216 77% ion channel activity
GO:0008020 75% G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity
GO:0015078 60% hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein Domain x Cellular component membrane GO:0016020
Pfam-A Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein Domain x Molecular function ion channel activity GO:0005216
Pfam-A Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein Domain x Biological process ion transport GO:0006811
Pfam-A Domain of unknown function DUF21 Family - - -


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.258    1.205
 Receptor                             0.355    2.087
 Hormone                              0.001    0.206
 Structural_protein                   0.006    0.200
 Transporter                       => 0.440    4.036
 Ion_channel                          0.010    0.169
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.004    0.172
 Cation_channel                       0.078    1.689
 Transcription                        0.026    0.205
 Transcription_regulation             0.028    0.226
 Stress_response                      0.012    0.139
 Immune_response                      0.011    0.128
 Growth_factor                        0.010    0.727
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.049    0.106

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest information content / highest probability Transporter Molecular function GO:0005215


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein BACR_HALSA.
Program True positives False positives True negatives False negatives Sensitivity Specificity
GOPET 1 2 1 11
Pfam 3 0 3 9
ProtFun 0 1 2 12



GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0005488 90% binding
GO:0005501 81% retinoid binding
GO:0008289 80% lipid binding
GO:0019841 78% retinol binding
GO:0005215 78% transporter activity
GO:0016918 78% retinal binding
GO:0005319 69% lipid transporter activity
GO:0008035 60% high-density lipoprotein particle binding


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Lipocalin / cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family Domain x Molecular function binding GO:0005488
Pfam-A DspF/AvrF protein Family - - -
Pfam-B PB008544 - - - - -


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.202    0.942
 Receptor                             0.147    0.862
 Hormone                              0.004    0.667
 Structural_protein                   0.002    0.058
 Transporter                          0.025    0.232
 Ion_channel                          0.016    0.288
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.003    0.148
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.215
 Transcription                        0.027    0.207
 Transcription_regulation             0.025    0.196
 Stress_response                      0.161    1.829
 Immune_response                   => 0.239    2.813
 Growth_factor                        0.023    1.617
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest information content / highest probability Immune response Biological process GO:0006955


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein RET4_HUMAN.
Program True positives False positives True negatives False negatives Sensitivity Specificity
GOPET 5 3 1 36
Pfam 1 0 4 40
ProtFun 0 1 3 41



GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0005179 80% hormone activity


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Insulin/IGF/Relaxin family Domain x Cellular component extracellular region GO:0005576
Pfam-A Insulin/IGF/Relaxin family Domain x Molecular function hormone activity GO:0005179


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.374    1.746
 Receptor                             0.128    0.750
 Hormone                           => 0.247   37.936
 Structural_protein                   0.001    0.041
 Transporter                          0.025    0.228
 Ion_channel                          0.010    0.168
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.003    0.131
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.215
 Transcription                        0.054    0.425
 Transcription_regulation             0.091    0.724
 Stress_response                      0.099    1.128
 Immune_response                      0.178    2.090
 Growth_factor                        0.061    4.379
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest information content Hormone Molecular function GO:0005179
Highest probability Signal transducer Molecular function GO:0004871


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein INSL5_HUMAN.
Program True positives False positives True negatives False negatives Sensitivity Specificity
GOPET 1 0 1 3
Pfam 2 0 1 2
ProtFun 1 1 0 3



GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0004812 60% aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity
GO:0005524 60% ATP binding


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein Family x Cellular component membrane GO:0016020
Pfam-A Protein of unknown function DUF1180 Family - - -


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.396    1.849
 Receptor                             0.282    1.659
 Hormone                              0.001    0.206
 Structural_protein                   0.011    0.408
 Transporter                          0.024    0.222
 Ion_channel                          0.008    0.147
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.002    0.111
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.215
 Transcription                        0.032    0.247
 Transcription_regulation             0.018    0.142
 Stress_response                      0.246    2.795
 Immune_response                   => 0.371    4.368
 Growth_factor                        0.013    0.956
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest information content Immune response Biological process GO:0006955
Highest probability Signal transducer Molecular function GO:0004871


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein LAMP1_HUMAN.
Program True positives False positives True negatives False negatives Sensitivity Specificity
GOPET 0 2 2 17
Pfam 1 0 4 16
ProtFun 0 2 2 17



GOid Confidence GO term
GO:0004866 87% endopeptidase inhibitor activity
GO:0004867 86% serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity
GO:0030568 83% plasmin inhibitor activity
GO:0030304 83% trypsin inhibitor activity
GO:0030414 82% peptidase inhibitor activity
GO:0005488 79% binding
GO:0005515 74% protein binding
GO:0046872 73% metal ion binding
GO:0003677 71% DNA binding
GO:0008201 70% heparin binding
GO:0008270 69% zinc ion binding
GO:0005507 69% copper ion binding
GO:0005506 67% iron ion binding


Source Description Entry type Significant GO aspect GO description GO id
Pfam-A Amyloid A4 N-terminal heparin-binding Domain x Cellular component integral to membrane GO:0016021
Pfam-A Amyloid A4 N-terminal heparin-binding Domain x Molecular function binding GO:0005488
Pfam-A Copper-binding of amyloid precursor, CuBD Domain x - - -
Pfam-A Kunitz/Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor domain Domain x Molecular function serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO:0004867
Pfam-A E2 domain of amyloid precursor protein Domain x - - -
Pfam-A Beta-amyloid peptide Family x Cellular component integral to membrane GO:0016021
Pfam-A Beta-amyloid peptide Family x Molecular function binding GO:0005488
Pfam-A beta-amyloid precursor protein C-terminus Family x - - -
Pfam-A Exonuclease VII, large subunit Family - - -
Pfam-A Transcriptional activator TraM Family - - -


 Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.126    0.586
 Receptor                             0.036    0.211
 Hormone                              0.001    0.206
 Structural_protein                => 0.034    1.205
 Transporter                          0.024    0.222
 Ion_channel                          0.009    0.162
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.002    0.108
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.215
 Transcription                        0.043    0.335
 Transcription_regulation             0.018    0.143
 Stress_response                      0.076    0.862
 Immune_response                      0.016    0.183
 Growth_factor                        0.005    0.372
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020

Type GO category GO aspect GO id
Highest information content Structural protein Molecular function GO:0005198
Highest probability Signal transducer Molecular function GO:0004871


Venn diagramm of the GO ids for the protein A4_HUMAN.


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