Canavan Disease: Task 02 - Supplement

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Revision as of 14:15, 4 September 2013 by Boehma (talk | contribs) (Multiple Sequence Alignments)
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Link back to Task 02: Alignments

Multiple Sequence Alignments

Visual representation of the multiple sequence alignments. Unfortunately it is not possible using Chimera to display the names of the sequences. Those can be extracted separately and will be presented on request. Since the Wiki is not able to handle files above 2MB, some alignments could not be uploaded. Those are also presented on request.

<figtable id="MSAPics">

Comparison of Multiple Sequence Alignment Tools
Method Used Set Alignment
MAFFT above60 <figure id="Maa6">
below30 <figure id="Mab3">
wholeRange to be presented on request, since file size too large
MUSCLE above60 <figure id="Mua6">
below30 <figure id="Mub3">
wholeRange <figure id="Mumi">
T-COFFEE above60 <figure id="Tca6">
below30 to be presented on request, since file size too large
wholeRange to be presented on request, since file size too large
EXPRESSO above60 <figure id="Exa6">
below30 to be presented on request, since file size too large
wholeRange to be presented on request, since file size too large
Alignments visualized with Chimera
