Talk:Sequence-Based Mutation Analysis Hemochromatosis

From Bioinformatikpedia

@PKU (who I think review us this week):
I've tried to keep the DSSP/PsiPred prediction section short as I know you don't like too much "raw output" on the wiki. Is this amount okay with you?^^

  • You could have left out the non-relevant rows of the PSSM also. :-P.
    No, I think it is very good as it is, very little to say, really. The big pictures of the alignment are a little.. overwhelming and there might be redundant sequences in the alignment (hard to check). Maybe a weighting of the methods would improve your results, and I personally think that e.g. the PAM-score is not as significant as a ' proper ' prediction, but I don't have a handy weighting scheme either and understand your decision. Out of curiosity (didn't do it ourselves): How long does SNAP need to make all ~6000 predictions?
  • differ in most predictions but --> differ in most except/but for
    The to be analysed mutations are highlighted. --> The mutations to be analysed are highlighted.
    I think.

Boidolj 18:18, 18 June 2012 (UTC)

As i really had problems to find something to criticize, i am going to put in things i dont like which i then post here. But now for something completely different:

  • You shouldn't use abbrevs in a wiki u no? i mean the can't-s etc. But thats really minor
    • I could not find any "can't"-s in our text ;) ...but I removed all other abbreviation (I think).
  • I liked your colorchoice in the structure but i think its almost not possible to compare the wildtype and mutant if they are not in the same picture as you have a slightly different angle in most of them.
    • That was a compromise I had to make as I wanted to be able to see the Os, Hs, etc... If I had overlapped them I had to choose different colors as otherwise it would be even harder to judge which one is which. I get what you mean, though.
  • As for the table in the conclusion I would choose differnt colors as background, or is this the riddle for this week?
    • Nope, sorry no riddle this week (but next week). What colors would you chose? red = bad, green = good, yellow = *shrug* seemed reasonable.

--Hollizeck 19:50, 18 June 2012 (UTC)