SignalP scores TSD

From Bioinformatikpedia


# Measure  Position  Value    Cutoff   signal peptide?
 max. C    23       0.831
 max. Y    23       0.885
 max. S    13       0.989
 mean S     1-22    0.942
      D     1-22    0.916   0.450      YES

Name=sp_P06865_HEXA_HUMAN SP='YES' Cleavage site between pos. 22 and 23: ATA-LW D=0.916 D-cutoff=0.450 Networks=SignalP-noTM

Signal peptides: 1


# Measure  Position  Value    Cutoff   signal peptide?
 max. C    19       0.710
 max. Y    19       0.798
 max. S     2       0.929
 mean S     1-18    0.890
      D     1-18    0.848   0.450      YES

Name=sp_P02768_ALBU_HUMAN SP='YES' Cleavage site between pos. 18 and 19: AYS-RG D=0.848 D-cutoff=0.450 Networks=SignalP-noTM

  1. data

Signal peptides: 1


# Measure  Position  Value    Cutoff   signal peptide?
 max. C    29       0.910
 max. Y    29       0.939
 max. S    21       0.996
 mean S     1-28    0.962
      D     1-28    0.952   0.450      YES

Name=sp_P11279_LAMP1_HUMAN SP='YES' Cleavage site between pos. 28 and 29: ASA-AM D=0.952 D-cutoff=0.450 Networks=SignalP-noTM

Signal peptides: 1


# Measure  Position  Value    Cutoff   signal peptide?
 max. C    41       0.209
 max. Y    41       0.164
 max. S    56       0.183
 mean S     1-40    0.139
      D     1-40    0.154   0.500      NO

Name=sp_P47863_AQP4_RAT SP='NO' D=0.154 D-cutoff=0.500 Networks=SignalP-TM