Glucocerebrosidase sequence alignments

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Revision as of 09:21, 21 May 2011 by Brunners (talk | contribs) (HHSearch)

Sequence searches


Fasta was not yet installed, so we downloaded it here: [[1]]
../bin/fasta36 gbaseq.fasta /data/blast/nr/nr > fasta_gba_search.out

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.462 240
>= 30% 0.308 160
>= 40% 0.085 44
>= 50% 0.012 6
>= 60% 0.006 3
>= 70% 0.012 6
>= 80% 0.052 27
>= 90% 0.065 34
Total: 520


blastall -p blastp -d /data/blast/nr/nr -i gbaseq.fasta -o blast.out

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.172 43
>= 30% 0.508 127
>= 40% 0.112 28
>= 50% 0.024 6
>= 60% 0.012 3
>= 70% 0.004 1
>= 80% 0.06 15
>= 90% 0.108 27
Total: 250


3 iterations, E-value cutoff 0.005

blastpgp -d /data/blast/nr/nr -i gbaseq.fasta -o psi_blast_3_0.005.out -j 3 -h 0.005

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.34 85
>= 30% 0.392 98
>= 40% 0.104 26
>= 50% 0.016 4
>= 60% 0.0 0
>= 70% 0.004 1
>= 80% 0.036 9
>= 90% 0.108 27
Total: 250

3 iterations, E-value cutoff 10E-6

blastpgp -d /data/blast/nr/nr -i gbaseq.fasta -o psi_blast_3_10E-6.out -j 3 -h 10E-6

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.34 85
>= 30% 0.392 98
>= 40% 0.104 26
>= 50% 0.016 4
>= 60% 0.0 0
>= 70% 0.004 1
>= 80% 0.036 9
>= 90% 0.108 27
Total: 250

5 iterations, E-value cutoff 0.005

blastpgp -d /data/blast/nr/nr -i gbaseq.fasta -o psi_blast_5_0.005.out -j 5 -h 0.005

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.384 96
>= 30% 0.36 90
>= 40% 0.096 24
>= 50% 0.012 3
>= 60% 0.0 0
>= 70% 0.004 1
>= 80% 0.036 9
>= 90% 0.108 27
Total: 250

5 iterations, E-value cutoff 10E-6

blastpgp -d /data/blast/nr/nr -i gbaseq.fasta -o psi_blast_5_10E-6.out -j 5 -h 10E-6

identity percentage number
>= 0% 0.0 0
>= 10% 0.0 0
>= 20% 0.376 94
>= 30% 0.364 91
>= 40% 0.1 25
>= 50% 0.012 3
>= 60% 0.0 0
>= 70% 0.004 1
>= 80% 0.036 9
>= 90% 0.108 27
Total: 250


For HHSearch we used [[2]] with the pdb70 database of May 14th.


Multiple sequence alignments


Cobalt was not yet installed, so we downloaded it here: [[3]]

time /home/student/Desktop/ncbi-cobalt-2.0.1/cobalt -i multiple_alignment.fasta -norps T > cobalt_multiple_alignment.aln

real 0m3.488s
user 0m2.320s
sys 0m0.180s


time clustalw

real 0m40.625s
user 0m5.320s
sys 0m0.070s


time muscle -in multiple_alignment.fasta -out muscle_multiple_alignment.aln

real 0m3.018s
user 0m1.710s
sys 0m0.100s


time t_coffee multiple_alignment.fasta

real 0m41.360s
user 0m34.000s
sys 0m0.920s


time t_coffee -seq multiple_alignment.fasta -mode expresso -pdb_type dn

real 12m19.825s
user 5m17.140s
sys 0m46.970s
