Gaucher Disease: Task 05 - Homology Modelling

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Revision as of 01:09, 22 August 2013 by Kalemanovm (talk | contribs) (Calculation of models)

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Calculation of models

Modeller - multiple target modeling

In multiple target modeling Modeller first aligns the user selected templates, then adds the target to the MSA, which is finally used for modeling. We tried the following template combinations:

  • close homologues (> 60% sequence identity): all four (3KE0_A, 2XWD_A, 2WKL_A and 2NSX_A)
  • distant homologues (< 30% sequence identity): all three (2WNW_A, 1VFF_A and 3II1_A)
  • close and distant homologues: 2XWD_A and 2WNW_A


Model for 2GEP could not be created, because the alignment quality between target and specified template (2GEP) is too low and they could not be aligned with BLAST or HHsearch.


The run with 2xwd as template is still running on the server.

For details how we executed the programs please see the lab journal.

Evaluation of models


