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Revision as of 12:17, 4 May 2013 by Kalemanovm (talk | contribs)
Performs a BLAST/PSI-BLAST/HHblits run with custom parameters on biolab computers.
You can find the script here on biocluster: /mnt/home/student/kalemanovm/master_practical/Assignment2_Alignments/scripts/task1
. The usage of the script with examples can also be found in the header of the file itself.
Usage: perl --in <input sequence file> --out_b <output blast file> --out_p <output psiblast file> --out_h <output hhblits file> [options]
--db_b <database BLAST/Psi-BLAST> default=big_80
--db_h <database HHblits> default=uniprot20
--iter_p <number of iterations Psi-BLAST> default=2 (in this script)
--iter_h <number of iterations HHblits,[1,8]> default=2
--eval_p <E-Value cutoff for Psi-BLAST, [0,1]> default=0.002
--eval_h <E-Value cutoff for HHblits, [0,1]> default=0.001
--c <checkpoins Psi-BLAST file name> ckeckpoint PSSM file should be created to search in other iterations (in other database)
--r <checkpoins Psi-BLAST file name> ckeckpoint PSSM file to be reused to search in other iterations (in other database)
--h prints this usage