Task 9 - Journal (PKU)
From Bioinformatikpedia
Renumbering Atoms in PDB file
To compare structures in normal mode analysis, the sequence and atom numbering has to be identical. We used a very simple python script to renumber a PDB file after we deleted an extra residue:
<source lang="python">
- !/usr/bin/env python
- first argument: the pdb file
- second argument: the number of deleted atoms (would be nice if no number means "start with 1", but that's an effort..)
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1] offset = int(sys.argv[2]) for line in open(filename):
if line.startswith("ATOM"): tail = line[11:] head = line[:11] l = head.split() at = int(l[1])-offset i = 7-len(str(at)) head = l[0]+" "*i+str(at) print head+tail, else: print line,