CD task7 protocol

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Revision as of 13:26, 20 June 2012 by Vorbergs (talk | contribs) (Choosing structure)

Choosing structure

So, we decided to use 2O4H, since it has a bound substrate, low resolution and a listed pH value.

Apo-structure:       2O53 Resolution: 2,7,  R-free: 0,269, pH: 6.0, chains: A,B
Holo-structure:      2O4H Resolution: 2,7,  R-free: 0,271, pH: 6.0, chains: A,B intermediate substrate analog: N-phosphonomethyl-L-aspartate
Apo-structure:       2I3C Resolution: 2,8,  R-free: 0,243, pH: -  , chains: A,B
Ensemble Refinement  2Q51 Resolution: 2,8,  R-free: 0,239, pH: -  , chains: A,B