Gaucher Task05 Protocol

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Revision as of 09:21, 10 June 2012 by Angermue (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Sources == You can checkout the git repository containing all relevant data an scripts by: <pre> git clone /mnt/home/student/angermue/mp/tasks/task05 </pre> == Visualising m…")
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You can checkout the git repository containing all relevant data an scripts by:

git clone /mnt/home/student/angermue/mp/tasks/task05

Visualising mutated sequence residues

For creating the sequence maps which highlight the mutated residues by difference colors, we wrote the perl scripts scripts/

scripts/ -i data/P04062.seq -r dbsnp/dbsnp_m.dat dbsnp/dbsnp_s.dat -l Wildtype Missense Synonymous --show