Task 3 - Sequence-based predictions 2011

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Revision as of 15:09, 24 May 2011 by Kloppmann (talk | contribs) (2. Prediction of disordered regions)

In contrast to the vast amount of known protein sequences, information about structure and function is available for only very few proteins. Sequence-based predictions of protein features aim to decrease this gap.

Introductory talks

Talk on sequence feature prediction: Media:Talk_Task3.pdf

The talk introduced the prediction of:

  • secondary structure
  • disorder
  • transmembrane helices and signal peptides
  • GO terms

Tasks and questions

For each prediction, carry out these assignments and answer these questions:

  • Collect basic information about the methods: author, year, reference
  • Give a brief description of the theory and the algorithm, if possible
  • What is predicted? Describe the features in some detail
  • What information is required for the predictions?
  • Apply the prediction methods to your protein and explain how to do this
  • You may try out other protein sequences (this is required when specified)
  • Present, describe and discuss the results
  • Look for other methods, for example here: http://expasy.org/tools/
  • You may try out more methods

1. Secondary structure prediction


PSIPRED (with hints on running psipred locally)


Comparison with DSSP

2. Prediction of disordered regions





  • do not run locally. If you are interested, have a look at "man metadisorder"
  • you can use the PredictProtein server for the prediction

3. Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides

  • Predict transmembrane helices and signal peptides additionally for the following proteins: BACR_HALSA, RET4_HUMAN, INSL5_HUMAN, LAMP1_HUMAN and A4_HUMAN
  • You can look for other alpha-helical transmembrane proteins and proteins with different signal peptides to apply the prediction methods
  • Why is the prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides grouped together here?
  • Describe different signal peptides


  • in /apps/tmhmm-2.0c/bin: adapt paths in tmhmm, tmhmm.ORIG and tmhmmformat.pl (/usr/local/bin/ -> /usr/bin/)

Phobius and PolyPhobius



  • in /apps/signalp-3.0/signalp: adapt path
  • run as superuser


4. Prediction of GO terms

  • Use also the additional proteins from the transmembrane/signal peptide prediction



ProtFun 2.2