Tay-Sachs Disease 2012

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By Alice Meier and Jonas Reeb


Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a form of GM2 gangliosidosis. Failure to degrade gangliosides leads to accumulation of these products in the brain's nerve cells and usually to death of the patient.


Infantile TSD

TSD can be further classified into the three forms, infantile, juvenile and adult TSD. The most common and classical form of TSD is the infantile variant. A phenotypic feature common to all variants is the "cherry red" macula. Since HexA deficiency leads to GM2 accumulation in nerve cells, this also applies to the retinal ganglion cells. In the vertebrate eye, these are positioned between the light source and the rod and cone cells that actually register the light. However, since the macula is the point of highest acuity, it is usually depleted of ganglion cells to improve the achieved resolution [Suvarna2008]. This allows a view onto the outer retinal layers, where the red color simply stems from the blood flow. For the rest of the retina the accumulated GM2 in ganglion nerve cells leads to a decreased transparency and altered color. Therefore the red spot seen in the macula is in fact the only portion of the retina that has the normal color. This phenotypic trait however is not exclusive to TSD. Other storage diseases like Gaucher's disease or Adult Niemann Pick disease also cause a red macula [Suvarna2008].

Other common phenotypes are blindness, closely related with the above mentioned effects that cause the red spot, as well as a disturbance of gait, general detoriations of motor functions and seizures [Jeyakumar2002]. A startled response to sound has been reported as an early detection method as well [Schneck1964].

Other forms of TSD

Juvenile and adult TSD are rare. Effects like a deterioration of motor functions and general weakness are present, albeit less strong as in the infantile form. In the adult other prominent features like blindness and seizures are not exhibited anymore [Jeyakumar2002]. While patients with juvenile TSD, showing symptoms as early as one year of age usually die at an age of around 15 years [Maegawa2006], the adult variant of TSD is often non-fatal [ref! book? TODO].

Nonetheless there is no cure for any TSD variant [Desnick2001]. Although the adult variant might not lead to death, current treatment can only slow the disease's progress [Maegawa2007].


In the general population TSD is rare with 1 case in 201000 live births and a carrier frequency of 1 in 300 people [Maegawa2006]. However, in Ashkenazi Jews (1 in 30) and eastern Quebec French Canadians (1 in 14) the carrier frequency is much higher. Carrier screenings have been set up successfully over 30 years ago to reduce births of infants with TSD in the Jewish community [Charrow2004,Schneider2009].

Genetic basis

TSD is caused by mutations in HEXA on chromosome 15. HEXA codes for the alpha subunit of the alpha/beta heterodimer beta-Hexosaminidase A. The beta subunit is coded for by HEXB. HEXA is a recessive gene, therefore TSD only occurs in patients that carry a defective copy of HEXA on both autosomal chromosomes.

Biochemical Basis


GM2 is a ganglioside and therefore composed of a glycosphingolipid with at least one sialic acid attached to the sugar chain. A more specific name of GM2 is β-D-GalNAc-(1→4)-[α-Neu5Ac-(2→3)]-β-D-Gal-(1→4)-β-D-Glc-(1↔1)-N-octadecanoylsphingosine. From this one can derive, that the sialic acid in this case is α-Neu5Ac. <xr id=fig:tsd_gm2/> shows GM2 with annotated subunits.

<figure id="fig:tsd_gm2">

Shown is the sceletal formula of the ganglioside GM2. Names of sugars are highlighted in green, the single sialic acid in orange and the components of the sphingolipid in blue. Red numbers denote the numbering of C atoms. The purple lightning symbol highlights the glycosidic bond broken by Hex A. The figure was adapted from Wikipedia



Beta-Hexosaminidase A (Hex A) is an essential enzyme for the degradation of GM2. In presence of the cofactor GM2-activator protein (GM2AP) the alpha subunit of Hex A catalyzes the removal of β-D-GalNAc from GM2, resulting in GM3 that is then further processed until sphingosine remains (cf. KEGG pathway [hsa00604]).

The details of the catalytic process have been proposed in [Lemieux2006] and are outlined in <xr id="fig:tsd_hexa_catalysis">. As can be seen, no residues of GM2AP are directly involved in the process. The task of GM2AP is the delivery of GM2 to Hex A. The residues of Hexosaminidase that stabilize the complex and carry out the nucleophilic attack might be interesting targets for a later analysis. <figure id="fig:tsd_hexa_catalysis">


From the same publication two high resolution structures are available in the PDB entries [2GK1] and [2GJX].

While Hex A is the only relevant structure for TSD, homodimeric isozymes of two beta subunits (Hex B) and two alpha subunits (Hex S) also exist [ref TODO].

hier das bild vom diseasepathway eigenes oder das aus der publication, die stukturen, etc. siehe artikel TODO (or above same section)


Since there is contradicting nomenclature used in the literature in the following HEXA and HEXB always refer to the genes and their respective sequences. Hexosaminidase A and B denote the respective isozymes, i.e. the alpha/beta and beta/beta heterodimers. This might be abbreviated to Hex A and Hex B. If no further description is given, the text is referring to Hex A. Lastly, the subunits are always explicitly referred to as such.

Distinction to other sphingolipidoses

While TSD was the first reported [Tay1881,Sachs1887], it is strongly related with two other gangliosidoses: Sandhoff disease and the AB variant are also both autosomal recessive diseases, affect the degradation of GM2, lead to comparable phenotypes and usually have a fatal outcome [Jeyakumar2002]. <xr id="tbl:tsd_types_overview"/> gives an overview of the three types of GM2 gangliosidosis.

<figtable id="tbl:tsd_types_overview">

The three major types of GM2 gangliosidosis. The column Alt. Name denotes the name based on the scheme introduced by Sandhoff et al. [Sandhoff1971]. It describes the types of hexosaminidase isozymes that remain functional. Further names used in the literature are noted as well. The gene column shows the defective gene and the chromosome it is found on.
Name Alt. Names Gene OMIM
TSD Variant B, Type I GM2-gangliosidosis 15:HEXA 272800
Sandhoff disease Variant 0, Type II GM2-gangliosidosis 5:HEXB 268800
AB variant Variant AB 5:GM2A 272750



    • Gaucher
    • Fabry


<figtable id="tbl:tsd_hexa_mutations">

List of known HEXA mutations. It was adapted from the curated UniProtKB:Swissprot article[REF]. [MORe DBS + refs] were checked as well but did not contain additional information... add the terminating ones! and then really make a short googling
Mutation Effect Reference dbSNP Comment
P25S TSD (late infantile)
L39R TSD (infantile)
L127R TSD (infantile)
R166G TSD (late infantile)
R170Q TSD (infantile) ;; inactive or unstable protein
R170W TSD (infantile)
R178C TSD (infantile) ;; inactive protein
R178H TSD (infantile) ;; inactive protein
R178L TSD (infantile) rs28941770
Y180H TSD rs28941771
V192L TSD (infantile)
V200M TSD rs1800429
H204R TSD (infantile)
S210F TSD (infantile)
F211S TSD (infantile)
R247W TSD in HEXA pseudodeficiency
R249W TSD in HEXA pseudodeficiency
G250D TSD (juvenile)
D258H TSD (infantile)
G269S TSD ; late onset; inhibited subunit dissociation
S279P TSD (late infantile)
S293I TSD rs1054374 in
M301R TSD (infantile)
V391M TSD ; mild; associated with spinal muscular atrophy
N399D TSD rs1800430 in
W420C TSD (infantile) ;; inactive protein
I436V TSD rs1800431 in
G454S TSD (infantile)
G455R TSD (late infantile)
C458Y TSD (infantile)
W474C TSD ; subacute
E482K TSD (infantile)
L484Q TSD (infantile)
W485R TSD (infantile)
R499C TSD (infantile)
R499H TSD (juvenile)
R504C TSD (infantile) rs28942071
R504H TSD (juvenile) ;; inhibited subunit dissociation


no mapping done, since that is task 5!



Ref books etc

Or, better,: <ref>Template:Cite book </ref>

Ref images

Multiple work but might need some manual tweaking, see commented out code. Using only a single images works. See <xr id=fig:singleimg/>. blabla bal <figure id="fig:singleimg">

Standard Agent's Life-Cycle

