Molecular Dynamics Simulations Analysis of Glucocerebrosidase
From Bioinformatikpedia
To analyze our Molecular Dynamics Simulations we followed the tutorial described here:
A brief check of results
- command:
gmxcheck -f 2NT0_wt_md.xtc
How many frames are in the trajectory file and what is the time resolution?
- 2001 frames
- timestep: 5ps
How long did the simulation run in real time (hours), what was the simulation speed (ns/day) and how many years would the simulation take to reach a second?
- Simulation run: 8h37:36
- Simulation speed: 27.821
- Time to reach a second: 1/0.000000028 = 35714285,714285714 days = 97847,358121331 years
Which contribution to the potential energy accounts for most of the calculations?
- -9.39801e+05 kJ/mol
Visualization of results
For visualization we extract 1000 frames from the trajectory (-dt 10
), only select the protein without the water and remove the jumps over the boundaries to make a continuous trajectory (-pbc nojump
- command:
trjconv -s 2NT0_wt_md.tpr -f 2NT0_wt_md.xtc -o protein.pdb -pbc nojump -dt 10
Quality assurance
Convergence of energy terms
Minimum distances between periodic images
Root mean square fluctuations
Convergence of RMSD
Convergence of radius of gyration
Structural analysis: properties derived from configurations
Solvent accessible surface area
Hydrogen bonds
Salt bridges
Secondary structure
Ramachandran (phi/psi) plots
Analysis of dynamics and time-averaged properties
Root mean square deviations again
Cluster analysis
Distance RMSD
Mutation 7
still waiting
Mutation 10
still waiting