Supplementary data normal mode glucocerebrosidase

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Revision as of 09:27, 19 August 2011 by Brunners (talk | contribs) (Anisotropic Network Model)
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This site provides additional data obtained in the normal mode analysis of glucocerebrosidase with different tools.

Anisotropic Network Model

Mode 6 Mode 7 Mode 8 Mode 9 Mode 10
Normal Mode 6 calculated with ANM
Normal Mode 7 calculated with ANM
Normal Mode 8 calculated with ANM
Normal Mode 9 calculated with ANM
Normal Mode 10 calculated with ANM
Inter Distance Analysis
Distance Matrix

Deformation Energy

Overall energy: 107191.169783064
Distance Matrix

Deformation Energy

Overall energy: 112430.078797944
Distance Matrix

Deformation Energy

Overall energy: 138939.176046648
Distance Matrix

Deformation Energy

Overall energy: 156195.358655472
Distance Matrix

Deformation Energy

Overall energy: 154660.33882932
B-factors/mode fluctuations
B-factors/mode fluctuations
B-factors/mode fluctuations
B-factors/mode fluctuations
B-factors/mode fluctuations
B-factors/mode fluctuations


The following six modes show the rigid body motions calculated with Nomad-Ref.

Mode 1

Elastic Network - Mode 1

cRMS Plot - Mode 1
Mode 2

Elastic Network - Mode 2

cRMS Plot - Mode 2
Mode 3

Elastic Network - Mode 3

cRMS Plot - Mode 3
Mode 4'

Elastic Network - Mode 4

cRMS Plot - Mode 4
Mode 5

Elastic Network - Mode 5

cRMS Plot - Mode 4
Mode 6

Elastic network - Mode 6

cRMS Plot - Mode 6