Task 2 - Alignments with PAH Reference

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Task 2 - Alignments with PAH Reference

Sequence Searches



time sudo blastall -p blastp -d '/data/blast/nr/nr' -i ./reference.fasta -o './reference.blast' -b 500

real 11m30.762s
user 3m11.440s
sys 0m12.250s




  • Used Virtual Box with Linux.


time ./fasta36 /home/student/reference.fasta /data/nr/nr


  • Enter filename for results []: /home/student/reference.fasta_search
  • How many scores do you want to see: 500
  • More scores? 0
  • Display alignments also? (y/n) [n] y
  • number of alignments [500]? 500

real 10m13.878s
user 7m26.270s
sys 0m20.230s




Parameterset 1

time blastpgp -d '/data/nr/nr' -i './reference.fasta' -o './reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.blast' -h 10E-6 -j 3 -C './reference_i3_e10E-6.chk'

real 37m56.447s
user 14m27.620s
sys 0m54.620s

Parameterset 2

time blastpgp -d '/data/nr/nr' -i './reference.fasta' -o './reference_psi_e005_i3.blast' -h 0.005 -j 3 -C './reference_i3_e005.chk'

real 37m41.487s
user 14m42.850s
sys 0m52.370s

Parameterset 3

time blastpgp -d '/data/nr/nr' -i './reference.fasta' -o './reference_psi_e005_i5.blast' -h 0.005 -j 5 -C './reference_i5_e005.chk'

real 62m22.175s
user 26m25.410s
sys 1m20.700s

Parameterset 4

time blastpgp -d '/data/nr/nr' -i './reference.fasta' -o './reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.blast' -h 10E-6 -j 5 -C './reference_i5_e10E-6.chk'

real 61m59.284s
user 25m55.920s
sys 1m21.620s




Preparing the HHM-Database
Configure HHSearch-Tools

In the manual of HHSearch it was adviced to add the information of the secondary structure to the multiple alignment used for the query. Therefore it was necessary to run the addpsipred script of HHSearch. This script was not configured in the virtual box. Several parameters have to be adjusted.

Changes in /apps/bin/addpsipred:
my $psipreddir="/apps/psipred_2.5";
my $ncbidir="/apps/blast_old/bin";
my $perl="/apps/bin";
my $dummydb="/home/student/tmp";

Copy /apps/bin/reformat to /apps/bin/reformat.pl


Parameterset 1

time hhsearch -i reference.fasta -d /data/hmm/pdb70.db -b 500 -o reference_simple.hhsearch real 8m33.171s user 5m14.530s sys 0m3.510s

Parameterset 2

alignblast reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.blast reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.a3m addpsipred /home/student/workspace/reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.a3m time hhsearch -i reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.a3m -d /data/hmm/pdb70.db -o reference_psi_e10E-6_i3.hhsearch real 16m27.258s user 7m47.220s sys 0m6.290s

Parameterset 3

alignblast reference_psi_e005_i3.blast reference_psi_e005_i3.a3m addpsipred /home/student/workspace/reference_psi_e005_i3.a3m time hhsearch -i reference_psi_e005_i3.a3m -d /data/hmm/pdb70.db -o reference_psi_e005_i3.hhsearch real 16m7.216s user 7m41.840s sys 0m5.570s

Parameterset 4

alignblast reference_psi_e005_i5.blast reference_psi_e005_i5.blast.a3m addpsipred /home/student/workspace/reference_psi_e005_i5.blast.a3m time hhsearch -i reference_psi_e005_i5.blast.a3m -d /data/hmm/pdb70.db -o reference_psi_e005_i5.blast.hhsearch real 7m49.907s user 7m15.310s sys 0m4.320s

Parameterset 5

alignblast reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.blast reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.a3m addpsipred /home/student/workspace/reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.a3m time hhsearch -i reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.a3m -d /data/hmm/pdb70.db -o reference_psi_e10E-6_i5.hhsearch real 8m10.730s user 7m33.190s sys 0m5.390s

Comparing the Results

HSSP - Some Positives

Getting the entry of PAH from HSSP http://mrs.cmbi.ru.nl/mrs-5/entry?db=hssp&id=2pah&q=phenylalanine%20hydroxylase

HSSP - More Positives

hhsearch is run with a pdb-set. for blast was nr used. nr contains swissprot, refseq, PIR, PRF, PDB and GenBank CDS translations entries. hssp contains only swissprot entries. That's why a mapping of the swissprot-entries and the other databases is necessary. For this purpose we created a java-tool: