Task 5: Homology Modeling

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lab journal task 5

1A6Z chain A was used as modeling target for all three methods.


We used Modeller to create models based on a single template and multiple templates.

Single template

<css> table.colBasic2 { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 2px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; width: 70%; } .colBasic2 th,td { padding: 3px; border: 2px solid black; } .colBasic2 td { text-align:left; } .colBasic2 tr th { background-color:#efefef; color: black;} .colBasic2 tr:first-child th { background-color:#adceff; color:black;} </css>

<figtable id="Modeller single">

Template Seq. identity std Alignment 2d alignment curated Alignment
TM score RMSD TM score RMSD TM score RMSD
1QVO_A 39% 0.6241 3.647 0.5653 4.994
1S7X_A 29% 0.3355 15.806 0.2509 18.099
1CD1_A 21% 0.3640 18.066 0.4697 5.640
Table 1:Template structures and their sequence identity to the target, as computed by Blast. The RMSD and TM score are given as a quality measure for the different models based on a pairwise sequence alignment with dynamic programming (std Alignment), pairwise sequence alignment with additional secondary structure information (2d Alignment) and manually curated alignments (curated Alignment).


<xr id="Modeller single"/> lists the selected templates and the Modeller results for the different template structures and alignment methods. In addition to the standard pairwise sequence alignment based on dynamic programming, we also used Modeller's alignment.alig2dn() method to improve the alignment by including secondary structure information and improved the alignments manually. The RMSD and TM score are given for all models. The TM score ranges in the interval of (0, 1]. A value below 0.17 indicates a random similarity and a TM score above 0.5 corresponds to two structures with the same fold in CATH or SCOP (see TM score). Including the secondary structure information did only improve the model of the most distant homolog 1CD1_A.


"close" homology
1rjz_D 0.34
1zag_A 0.36
1QVO_A 0.39
distant homology:
3huj_C 0.23
1cd1_A 0.21
1VZY_A 0.14
1cd1_A 0.21
1QVO_A 0.39
