Molecular Dynamics Simulations Analysis of Glucocerebrosidase
To analyze our Molecular Dynamics Simulations we followed the tutorial described here:
A brief check of results
- command:
gmxcheck -f 2NT0_wt_md.xtc
How many frames are in the trajectory file and what is the time resolution?
- 2001 frames
- timestep: 5ps
How long did the simulation run in real time (hours), what was the simulation speed (ns/day) and how many years would the simulation take to reach a second?
- Simulation run: 8h37:36
- Simulation speed: 27.821
- Time to reach a second: 1/0.000000028 = 35714285,714285714 days = 97847,358121331 years
Which contribution to the potential energy accounts for most of the calculations?
- -9.39801e+05 kJ/mol
Visualization of results
For visualization we extract 1000 frames from the trajectory (-dt 10
), only select the protein without the water and remove the jumps over the boundaries to make a continuous trajectory (-pbc nojump
- command:
trjconv -s 2NT0_wt_md.tpr -f 2NT0_wt_md.xtc -o protein.pdb -pbc nojump -dt 10
Quality assurance
Convergence of energy terms
First we look at the energy terms. Therefore we look at the temperature, the pressure, the energy, the volume, the density, the box and the interaction energies between protein and solvent (Coulomb and van der Waals).
With the following commands we produced *.xvg files which were visualized with xmgrace.
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o temperature.xvg
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o pressure.xvg
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o energy.xvg
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o volume.xvg
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o density.xvg
g_energy -f 2NT0_wt_md.edr -o box.xvg
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Temperature 297.912 0.0062 1.08924 0.00616934 (K)
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Pressure 1.00032 0.014 87.9016 0.0583997 (bar)
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Potential -939801 85 924.013 -583.172 (kJ/mol)
Kinetic En. 170900 3.6 624.851 3.53909 (kJ/mol)
Total Energy -768901 84 1128.21 -579.63 (kJ/mol)
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Volume 735.655 0.042 0.552925 -0.0802412 (nm^3)
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Density 1009.64 0.058 0.75885 0.110104 (kg/m^3)
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Box-X 10.1328 0.0002 0.00253864 -0.000368389 (nm)
Box-Y 10.1328 0.0002 0.00253864 -0.000368389 (nm)
Box-Z 7.16498 0.00014 0.00179508 -0.000260487 (nm)
Interaction Energy: Coulomb
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Coul-SR:Protein-non-Protein -24690.5 120 476.146 -405.451 (kJ/mol)
Coul-14:Protein-non-Protein 0 0 0 0 (kJ/mol)
Interaction Energy: van der Waals
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Coul-SR:Protein-Protein -23823.8 63 232.842 -193.75 (kJ/mol)
Coul-14:Protein-Protein 95543.6 68 227.139 424.841 (kJ/mol)
Minimum distances between periodic images
Root mean square fluctuations
Convergence of RMSD
Convergence of radius of gyration
Structural analysis: properties derived from configurations
Solvent accessible surface area
Hydrogen bonds
Salt bridges
Secondary structure
Ramachandran (phi/psi) plots
Analysis of dynamics and time-averaged properties
Root mean square deviations again
Cluster analysis
Distance RMSD
Mutation 7
still waiting
Mutation 10
still waiting