Mapping mutations of ARS A

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Revision as of 16:02, 15 June 2011 by Zacher (talk | contribs) (dbSNP)



The "SNP" search for ARSA yielded 123 known human mutations for the protein. These are more than selecting the SNPO over the GeneView interface... This is because there exist two isoforms of ARSA and we manually checked that a lot of the other mutations belonged to the other isoform (NP_001078897). We used the isoform, which we have used so far (NP_000478). We chose the gene sequence within GeneView such that it matched the sequence version, that we used so far.

SNP ID SNP type nucleotide (mutation) amino acid (mutation) nucleotide (reference) amino acid (reference) position
rs6151428 missense A His [H] G Arg [R] 496
rs117341984 missense A Arg [R] G Gly [G] 447
rs6151427 missense G Ser [S] A Asn [N] 440
rs6151425 synonymous T Asp [D] C Asp [D] 381
rs6151422 missense G Val [V] T Phe [F] 356
rs113990230 synonymous C His [H] T His [H] 206
rs62001867 missense A Thr [T] G Ala [A] 205
rs34457249 synonymous T Pro [P] C Pro [P] 195
rs6151415 missense T Cys [C] G Trp [W] 193
rs113209108 synonymous T Ser [S] C Ser [S] 186
rs6151412 synonymous T His [H] C His [H] 151
rs60504011 missense G Ala [A] C Pro [P] 136
rs6151411 missense G Leu [L] C Pro [P] 82
rs6151410 missense T Gly [G] C Gly [G] 79