Task 10 Lab Journal (MSUD)

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Revision as of 15:34, 24 July 2013 by Schillerl (talk | contribs) (WEBnm@)


The structure 2BFF was analyzed with the WEBnm@ server. In one run, only chain A (alpha chain, BCKDHA) was selected, in a second run both chains (A and B) that are present in the structure were selected.

For a comparative analysis a second structure was given to the server, derived from 2BFF by removing the ligand (deleting all HETATM lines), because there is no structure without ligand for our protein.


As is described on the page of task 10, ElNémo only recognizes ATOM entries. So, we have modified the PDB structure of BCKDHA. We just simply replaced HETATM to ATOM.