Fabry:Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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Revision as of 16:53, 30 June 2012 by Rackersederj (talk | contribs) (Intermediate PDB files)

Fabry Disease » Molecular Dynamics Simulations

The following analyses were performed on the basis of the α-Galactosidase A sequence. Please consult the journal for the commands used to generate the results.


<figtable id="tab:MutSCWRL"> Mutagenesis of the 2 selected SNPs performed with SCWRL in Task 8. This was done on the basis of a backbone dependant library. The wildtype amino acid is shown in green, the mutated one in red. The whole structure of the wildtype is colored light blue, the mutant light red. Hydrogen bonds of the mutant to the surrounding are depicted in red, those of the not mutated site in green.



We chose to use the SNPs R118H and R356W. For the first one we want to examine if it is really not disease causing, although all results indicate otherwise so far. The second one has a strong effect on the protein. For both, we used the structur obtained by Scwrl in Task 8

Intermediate PDB files

<figtable id="tab:files"> ADD CAP HERE

file name properties picture
3S5Y_chainA_repaired.pdb Original pdb file of structure 3S5Y, after applying repairPDB to it
FABRY original.png
3S5Y_chainA_repaired_br.pdb Structure 3S5Y, removed ligands, water
FABRY br.png
3S5Y_chainA_repaired_dna.pdb Contains potential included DNA --
3S5Y_chainA_repaired_nh.pdb ??
FABRY nh.png


<figure id="fig:Trajectory">

Trajectory of the first 17 states of the wildtype - test call on partition mpp1_inter
