Talk:Task 5 - Mapping SNPs Canavan

From Bioinformatikpedia
Revision as of 22:52, 11 June 2012 by Gatzmannf (talk | contribs)
  • Just nitpicking: You mention 23 coding SNPs in dbSNP, but your search link shows 32, for
ASPA[All Fields] AND ("missense"[Function_Class] AND "homo sapiens"[Organism] AND "snp"[Snp_Class])

I get 24, the Venn diagram shows different numbers again. I guess I'm mixing things up here, but I'm not sure, where your numbers come from.

  • Very nice and clearly arranged presentation of the mapping results though, and I like the hotspot section. Maybe an x-axis numbering for figures 6 and 7, so I know where to look for das ende da, but ... nitpicking again. :-)

Oh right, thanks for mentioning! I had been meaning to edit 'das Ende da' and write a proper sentence.