Molecular Dynamics Analysis BCKDHA

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A brief check of results

To verified that the simulations finished properly we first use the command

  • gmxcheck -f wt.xtc

How many frames are in the trajectory file and what is the time resolution?

  • frames: 2001
  • time resolution: 5ps

How long did the simulation run in real time (hours), what was the simulation speed (ns/day) and how many years would the simulation take to reach a second?

  • real time: 9h27:35
  • simulation speed: 25.370 ns/day
  • simulation speed: 107991 years/second

Which contribution to the potential energy accounts for most of the calculations?

  • potential energy: -1.24431e+06

Visualization of results

To get a pdb file to be able to visualize the model with pymol we used the Swiss army knife gromacs tool trjconv:

  • trjconv -s wt.tpr -f wt.xtc -o protein.pdb -pbc nojump -dt 10
Figure1: MD simulation of the movement of BCKDHA

Quality assurance

Energy calculations

To calculate the different energies we used the command:
g_energy -f wtMD.edr -o energy.xvg
After submitting this command we had to choose the energy which should calculated.

  • Pressure: 13
  • Temperature: 12
  • Potential: 9
  • Total Energy: 11


Figure2: Plot of the pressure of the MD simulation
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift (bar)
Pressure 1.01601 0.015 71.2152 -0.0706383

In Figure 2 the pressure of the molecular dynamic system is shown. The average value is 1.0161 bar which is shown in the table above. But as we can see the pressure ranges from about -250 bar to 250 bar. Since there is such a big range of 500 bar we are not sure if this value of 1.0161 bar is the equilibrium which should be reached or only the arithmetic average of all the values.


Figure3: Plot of the temperature of the MD simulation
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift (K)
Temperature 297.941 0.0047 0.954498 0.00557078

In Figure 3 the temperature of the MD simulation is shown. As we can see it ranges between 294 K and 302 K so it has a very small deviation of the average value of 297.9 K. Since there is only such a small fluctuation we can see that the temperature in the system is quite stable which means that it reached an equilibrium.


Figure4: Plot of the potential of the MD simulation
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift (kJ/mol)
Potential -1.24431e+06 66 1041.57 -463.992

Figure 4 shows the potential of the md system. As we can see in the picture the potential ranges from -1.24e+06 kJ/mol to -1.25e+06 kJ/mol. Although this is a very huge range of 10000 we can see that all in all the potential is very low. This low potential indicates that the protein is quite stable. Since the structure of a protein is responsible for the functino of a protein this stability is important for the function of the protein.

Total Energy

Figure5: Plot of the total energy ofthe MD simulation
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift (kJ/mol)
Total Energy -1.02119e+06 65 1279.76 -459.819

The low potential energy already indicated that the total energy of the system has to be quite low. By looking at Figure 5 we can see that the energy is a bit higher than the potential energy but it is still very low. Additionally there is less variation in the energy since it ranges between -1.017e+06 kJ/mol and -1.025e+06 kJ/mol. Again we can say that such a low energy stands for a stable protein which indicates that the simulation was correct.

Minimum distance between periodic boundary cells

To calculate the minimum distance we used the command
g_mindist -f wtMD.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -od minimal-periodic-distance.xvg -pi
After submitting this command we chose group 1 to calculate the minimum distance for the whole protein.

Figure6: Minimum distance between periodic boundary cells

The shortest periodic distance is 1.40945 (nm) at time 6090 (ps) between atoms 25 and 6490.

Root mean square fluctuations

For calculating the RMSF of a protein each atom of this protein is compared with the calculated average stucture of the protein. By comparing them it is possible to find out how much it varies from its average position and so the flexibility of this region can be calculated. Regions with a high fluctuation are more flexible than regions with a low one.

To calculate the minimum distance we used the command
g_rmsf -f wtMD.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -o rmsf-per-residue.xvg -ox average.pdb -oq bfactors.pdb -res
After submitting this command we had to choose the group we want the RMSF to be calculated for:

  • Protein: 1
  • C-alpha: 3
RMSF for protein RMSF for C-alpha
Figure7: RMSF for protein
Figure8: RMSF for C-alpha

Figure 7 where the RMSF for the whole protein is plotted points out that mainly the beginning of the protein features the most fluctuation. This indicates that this region of the protein is the one with the most flexibility. In the middle part of the protein there are nearly no peaks which means that this part is fixed. In the end there is a peak which is a bit higher than the rest of the protein. This could suggest that this region is also a bit flexible.
In Figure 8 we did the RMSF calculations not for the whole protein but only for the c-alpha atoms. Those atoms are the central carbon atoms of the protein which means that in this case calculation only the backbone is considered. But by comparing the two plots above with each other we can see that in both cases the beginning of the protein is the part which has definitly the huges fluctuation of the average structure. So not only the side chains differ from the average structure but also the backbone which indicates for a strong flexibility.

Pymol analysis of average and bfactors

These average.pdb file was produced automatically during the calculation of the RMSF because it is needed for comparisons. This file contains the average structure of the protein. Because of the option -oq the bfactor.pdb file was produced additionally. In this file the temperature factors (bfactors) are calculated and added to a reference structure by coloring the specific regions of the structure. Normally the parts of the protein which are most flexible have also the highest temperature. To find out if this is the fact in our case we used pymol to analyze the average structure and the bfactors structure. Additionally we compared the predicted average structure with the original structure of our protein.


1u5b/average 1u5b/bfactors bfactors/average
Figure9: Alignment of the original structure with the average structure
Figure10: Alignment of the original structure with the structure containing the bfactors
Figure11: Alignment of the average structure with the structure containing the bfactors
RMSD: 1.169 RMSD: 0.377 RMSD: 1.422

To find out how accurate the calculated average structure is we aligned it with the original structure of out protein (1u5b). As we can see in Figure 9 and additionally because of the RMSD value of 1.169 the superposition of the two structures is not covering perfectly. The middle part of the protein is aligned quite good. The most deviating parts are the two ends of the structures on the left and on the right side of the picture. By looking at the already discussed RMSF we can see that these regions are the most flexible ones so it is possible that the two structures are only in two different states of movement. Next we compared the structure of 1u5b with the structure containing the bfactors and according to Figure 10 the used reference structure on which the bfactors are added is the structure of 1u5b. This is obvious since they are superposed nearly perfectly. There is a minimal shift in the alignment but since this occurs at the whole structure we consider it to be an error of the superposition tool. Now we come to the analysis of the bfactors. In Figure 11 we can see the alignment of the structur containing the bfactors with the average structure. Of course they are a bit different again because of the different states of movement but in this figure the bfactors are the most interesting observation. As it is shown in the picture only the part in the end of the protein (left side of the picture) is colored indicating that only this part of the protein is flexible. The coloring ranges from yellow to red where yellow stands for little and red for high flexibility. This flexibility according to the bfactors is reflected by the RMSF value above. The other end of the protein is not colored but only a bit shifted. We thought that this shift could be a result of a movement but since it is not colored this theory is perhaps false. But by looking at the RMSF values above we see that there is only a very little fluctuation of the atoms. So perhaps this part is a little bit flexible but not enough to be marked as flexible by the bfactors.


1u5b/average 1u5b/bfactors bfactors/average
Figure12: Alignment of the original structure with the C-alpha atoms of the average structure
Figure13: Alignment of the original structure with the C-alpha atoms of the structure which contains the bfactors
Figure14: Alignment of the C-alpha atoms of the average structure with the C-alpha atoms of the structure containing the bfactors
RMSD: 0.955 RMSD: 0.300 RMSD: 0.993

To analyse the run where we only considered the C-alpha atoms of the structure again we first wanted to find out how good the average structure fits the original structure. As we can see in Figure 12 there is again a lot of variation between the average structure and the structure of u15b. But by looking at the RMSD value (0.955) we can see that it is smaller than the RMSD value considereing the whole protein for the average structure (1.169). Since we assumed that the variation is aroused by the different states of movement in the different structures we can say that the backbone has a bit less flexibility because of the lower RMSD value. The most variation is again in the both endings of the protein. Next the comparison of the original structure with the C-alpha atoms of the structure containing the bfactors gets analysed. Figure 13 and also the very low RMSD value show that the superposition of the two structures is very close. Perhaps there is a little bit of variation between the two structures or we have the same case as in Figure 10 where we assumed a mistake of the programm since there was a shift during the whole alignment. It is hard to see it here because of the spheres. The last analyses is the detailed one of the structure containing the bfactors ( Figure 14). Again the part with the highest temperature is colored where red means high flexibility and green low flexibility. As we can see only the end of the protein (right side) is colored so only this part of the protein exhibits flexibility. This observation agrees with the RMSF because in both cases the beginning of the protein is predicted to be flexible.

Radius of gyration

The radius of gyration reflects how the structure changes during the simulation and how the shape changes during the time.

To calculate the radius of gyration we used the command
g_gyrate -f wtMD.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -o radius-of-gyration.xvg
After submitting this command we chose group 1 to calculate the radius of gyration for the whole protein

Figure15: radius of gyration during the MD simulation

According to Figure 15 the radius of gyration ranges between 2.22 and 2.4. nm during the whole simulation but by looking at the plot more closely we can see that there is trend. In the beginning the range is very high at 2.4 nm and in the next moment it is at about 2.27 nm so we can see that in the beginning there is a lot variation in the gyration radius and the radius is quite big. But after about 6300 px the radius becomes smaller and also the variation is only between 2.23 nm and 2.27 nm. This shows that the radius of gyration seems to convergent to an average value of about 2.25 nm with an fluctuation of 0.02 nm. Since there are still variations in the radius there is always variation in the structure indicating that the protein is flexible.

Structural analysis

First we had to use the command
trjconv -f wtMD.xtc -o wtMD_nojump.xtc -pbc nojump
This is important because the protein possibly jumps out of the box so the trajectory has to be rebuild. This has the effect that the particles are back in the center.

Solvent accessible surface area

The solvent accessible surface area (SASA) of a protein is the part of the surface which is reachable a solvent. This definition of SASA can be devided into two subgroups - hydrophilic SASA and hydrophobic SASA. Which means that the possibility that a solvent can reach the surface depends on its properties.

To calculate the solvent accessible surface area we used the command
g_sas -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -o solvent-accessible-surface.xvg -oa atomic-sas.xvg -or residue-sas.xvg
After submitting this command we had to choose two groups. Both times we chose protein.

SAS over time per residue SAS over time per atom Solvent accessible surface
Figure16: Plot of the average solvent accessibe surface over time per residue
Figure17: Plot of the average solvent accessibe surface over time per atom
Figure18: Plot of the solvent accessible surface of the protein during the md simulation

In Figure 16 the average sas for each residue during the simulation is shown. We can see that there is much variation and the solvent asseccible areas for the residues range between 0 nm2 and 2.3 nm2. As there are also regions which have a sas of 0 nm2 we can see that there are parts which are not accessible for solvents but the most regions are accessible. Figure 17 the average solvent accessibe surface over time per atom is shown. Again there is a lot variation in the sas. It ranges between 0 nm2 and 0.55 nm2. Tha last plot ( Figure 18 shows the general sas for the whole protein during the simulation which is again very different at the different time steps. It ranges between 110 nm2 and 125 nm2. These fluctuations indicate that the surface of the protein changes a lot during the simulation as this is the only possibility why the sas varies that much. This changes of the surface are evoked by a high flexibility of the protein.

Hydrogen bonds

There are two different possibilities of hydrogen bonds. They can be inside of the protein (protein-protein) or between the protein and the surrounding solvents. For the building of a hydrogen bond it is important that the hydrogen-donor and the hydrogen-acceptor are not to far away from each other. This means that high flexibility of a protein would lead to high variation in the hydrogen bonds.

To calculate the hydrogen bonds between protein and protein and between protein and water we used the commands

echo 1 1 | g_hbond -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -num hydrogen-bonds-intra-protein.xvg
echo 1 12 | g_hbond -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -num hydrogen-bonds-protein-water.xvg

protein and protein protein and water
Figure19: Internal hydrogen bonds during the simulation
Figure20: Hydrogen bonds with the surrounding solvents during the simulation

Donors Acceptors avg.# of h-bonds possible # of h-bonds
protein-protein 594 1158 308.847 343926
protein-water 29470 30034 806.073 4.42551e+08

Figure 19 (left) shows the number of internal hydrogen bonds during the simulation. Although they vary between 280 and 335 a trend can be seen. In the beginning the average number is about 310 then they go down to about 300 and rise again to 320. So we see that the number of hydrogen bonds first declins a bit but after one third of the simulation they rise again. Figure 20 is completely the other way around. First the number is low then rises a bit and after about one third of the time they fall again. It has to be recognized that the number of extrenal hydrogen bonds is always much higher than the internal one since the range lies between 740 and 860 but it is interesting that they are completely opposed. It is obvious that they have to be like this because of the movement of the shape of the protein. Since there is movement which is indicated by the alternating hydrogen bonds we can say that the protein is very flexible during the simulation.

salt bridges

Ramachandran plot

To calculate the ramachandran plot we used the command
g_rama -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -s wtMD.tpr -o ramachandran.xvg

Ramachandran plot of our simulation general Ramachandran plot
Figure21: Ramachandran plot of the protein produced by the MD simulation
Figure22: General Ramachandran plot (<ref></ref>)

Analysis of dynamics and time-averaged properties

RMSD matrix

To calculate the RMSD matrix we used the command
g_rms -s wtMD.tpr -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -f2 wtMD_nojump.xtc -m rmsd-matrix.xpm -dt 10
After submitting this command we had to choose two groups. Both times we chose protein.

Rmsd-matrix MD BCKDHA.jpg
  • Minimum: 0.000
  • Maximum: 0.579
  • Average: 0.329

cluster analysis

To calculate the cluster we used the command
echo 6 6 | g_cluster -s wtMD.tpr -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -dm rmsd-matrix.xpm -dist rmsd-distribution.xvg -o clusters.xpm -sz cluster-sizes.xvg -tr cluster-transitions.xpm -ntr cluster-transitions.xvg -clid cluster-id-over-time.xvg -cl clusters.pdb -cutoff 0.1 -method gromos -dt 10

For the analysis of the first two cluster we used pymol.

Cluster MD BCKDHA.png
Rmsd-distribution MD BCKDHA.png

542 cluster
RMSD cluster1+2: 0.709

internal RMSD

To calculate the internal RMSD we used the command
g_rmsdist -s wtMD.tpr -f wtMD_nojump.xtc -o distance-rmsd.xvg
After submitting this command we chose group 1 to calculate the internal RMSD for the protein

Distance-rmsd MD BCKDHA.png
  • rmsmax: -1000
  • rmscmax: inf