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GOPET is a tool aimed at automatically assigning Gene Ontology terms to proteins. It was published in 2006 by Arunachalam Vinayagam, Coral del Val, Falk Schubert, Roland Eils, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Sándor Suhai and Rainer König.
Reference: [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/7/161 Paper]
The input sequence is first BLASTed against a database of proteins with known GO terms; a support vector machine is then used to discriminate between correct and false terms.
Results for Aspartoacyclase:
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Revision as of 05:00, 7 June 2011

Prediction of Secondary Structure Elements


PsiPred results for Aspartoacyclase

Conf: 987522213466199993246776008999999984450000587389976339987971
              10        20        30        40        50        60

Conf: 998788998878786647999999984999999999988199999997428994187898
              70        80        90       100       110       120

Conf: 999505864599448999999998762999737862048886301220027861499667
             130       140       150       160       170       180

Conf: 877898808999999999999998976406998899973479998113515579877700
             190       200       210       220       230       240

Conf: 552467669998546888832213699778518622057770372000011102000100
             250       260       270       280       290       300

Conf: 3544256113309


JPred3 was published in 1998 by Christian Cole, Jonathan D. Barber and Geoffrey J. Barton.

Reference: Original paper, current version

JPred3 uses the JNet 2.0 algorithm to make its predictions. This algorithm generates profiles using PSI-Blast (which is used to build a position-specific scoring matrix) and HMMer (which is used to construct HMM profiles.) Both position-specific scoring matrix and the HMMs are used to predict secondary structure and solvent accessibility.

Input: A protein sequence or a pre-made MSA; a PDB database is needed, too, but provided by the JPred3 server.







DSSP (Define Secondary Structure of Proteins) is a software for secondary structure assignment and was published in 1983 by Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander. Reference: Original paper

DSSP does not predict secondary structure from amino acid sequences; instead, it uses a 3D structure (a PDB file) to deduce the secondary structure from the 3D structure. To this end, DSSP examines the phi and psi angles and the C alpha positions in the protein backbone and H-bonds present in the structure; these are used to define "n-turns", which are H-bonds between the NH and CO groups of amino acids with sequence separations of 3-5 residues, and "bridges" with greater sequence separations. Repeating 4-turns are used to identify helices, repeating bridges identify beta sheets.

Input: A 3D structure (a PDB file, ID 2o53 in our case)

Output: (from [1])

    H = alpha helix
    B = residue in isolated beta-bridge
    E = extended strand, participates in beta ladder
    G = 3-helix (3/10 helix)
    I = 5 helix (pi helix)
    T = hydrogen bonded turn
    S = bend 

The results differ from those of the two secondary structure predictors, as the PDB file contains a dimer, whereas the Uniprot sequence only contains one domain (which is a sensible thing, since both domains are essentially identical.)

The prediction shows slight differences between both domains; we assume that reasons for this are slight differences in the actual 3D structure of the two chains as well as H-bonds between the two chains.

                     10        20        30        40        50        60
                      |         |         |         |         |         |
    1 -   60
    1 -   60 AA AA               A  AA AAA AA AAAA A A     AA  AAAA AAAA
                     70        80        90       100       110       120
                      |         |         |         |         |         |
   61 -  120       **  * * **            **   * *
   61 -  120   A  AAA  AAAAAAAAA   A   A  AA  AAA AA             A
                    130       140       150       160       170       180
                      |         |         |         |         |         |
  121 -  180              *  ** **
  121 -  180  A A A      AA AAA AAAA A    AAAAAA        AA       A  A   A
                    190       200       210       220       230       240
                      |         |         |         |         |         |
  181 -  240
  181 -  240  A  AA AA  AA     AA  AAAA AA A A  A AAA A AAAAA A      AA
                    250       260       270       280       290       300
                      |         |         |         |         |         |
  241 -  300
  241 -  300 AA  AA AAAAA  A  AAAAAA AAAAA A          AAA    A  AAA A A

  301 -  302 RC
  301 -  302
  301 -  302
  301 -  302 AA
                  310       320       330       340       350       360
                    |         |         |         |         |         |
  303 -  362
  303 -  362 AA AA                  AA AAA AA AAAA A A A   AA  AAAA AAAA
                  370       380       390       400       410       420
                    |         |         |         |         |         |
  363 -  422       **  ***  *            **    ****
  363 -  422   A  AAA  AAAAAAAAA   A   A  AA  AAA AA             A
                  430       440       450       460       470       480
                    |         |         |         |         |         |
  423 -  482
  423 -  482  A A A      AA AA  AAAA A    AAAAAA        AA       A      A
                  490       500       510       520       530       540
                    |         |         |         |         |         |
  483 -  542                             *** *
  483 -  542  A  AA AA  A      AA  A AA AA A A  A AAA A AAAAA A A    AA
                  550       560       570       580       590       600
                    |         |         |         |         |         |
  543 -  602                                                        *
  543 -  602 AA  AA AAAAA  A  AAAAAA AAAAA A          AAA    A AAAA A AA

  603 -  604 RC
  603 -  604
  603 -  604
  603 -  604 AA

Clearly solvent accessible: A; involved in symmetry contacts: *

All in all, the two prediction methods Psipred and JPred3 did a good job; they managed to predict most of the main secondary structure elements, with only minor variations in length and position of the individual helices/sheets and very minor variations between each other. A somewhat more detailed result from DSSP is to be expected, as it has pointedly better information to and merely assigns instead of actually predicting the secondary structure.

Prediction of disordered regions


DISOPRED predicts native disorder in proteins. It was published in 2004 by Ward JJ, Sodhi JS, McGuffin LJ, Buxton BF and Jones DT. Reference: [2]

DISOPRED uses linear support vector machines to predict disorder in a given protein sequence. A set of 750 proteins with high-quality structures was used as training data; to this end, PSI-Blast profiles were generated by aligning the training structures against a filtered database of protein structures. The resulting profiles were used to train the SVMs.

DISOPRED result graph for Aspartoacyclase
DISOPRED predictions for a false positive rate threshold of: 2%

conf: 999999999877640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
pred: **********..................................................
              10        20        30        40        50        60

conf: 000000000000000356777788777654200000000000000000000000000000
pred: ......................**....................................
              70        80        90       100       110       120

conf: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
pred: ............................................................
             130       140       150       160       170       180

conf: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
pred: ............................................................
             190       200       210       220       230       240

conf: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
pred: ............................................................
             250       260       270       280       290       300

conf: 0000000000002
pred: .............

Asterisks (*) represent disorder predictions and dots (.) 
prediction of order. The confidence estimates give a rough
indication of the probability that each residue is disordered.


POODLE (Prediction Of Order and Disorder by machine LEarning) is a series of programs published between 2005 and 2008. We used the latest variant, POODLE-I, which was published in 2008 by S.Hirose, K.Shimizu, N.Inoue, S.Kanai and T.Noguchi.

Reference: S.Hirose, K.Shimizu, N.Inoue, S.Kanai and T.Noguchi, "Disordered region prediction by integrating POODLE series", CASP8 Proceedings 2008, 14-15.

Input: Protein amino acid sequence

POODLE-I is an integrated variant of other flavors of POODLE (-S and -L for short/long regions of disorder and -W for proteins that are mostly disordered) and several other tools like Psipred, JNet etc. It employs a rather involved workflow.

Custom-formatted output for Aspartoacyclase:

Aspa disopred.png

POS 1    M      T      S      C      H      I      A      E      E      H      I      
         -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
         0.461  0.444  0.413  0.401  0.418  0.461  0.537  0.644  0.693  0.62   0.468  

POS 12    Q      K      V      A      I      F      G      G      T      H      G      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.321  0.238  0.177  0.146  0.128  0.116  0.106  0.104  0.111  0.126  0.132  

POS 23    N      E      L      T      G      V      F      L      V      K      H      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.131  0.118  0.098  0.073  0.053  0.041  0.036  0.035  0.035  0.036  0.036  

POS 34    W      L      E      N      G      A      E      I      Q      R      T      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.038  0.045  0.06   0.081  0.099  0.119  0.133  0.146  0.147  0.143  0.129  

POS 45    G      L      E      V      K      P      F      I      T      N      P      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.111  0.09   0.073  0.062  0.054  0.047  0.039  0.033  0.033  0.037  0.041  

POS 56    R      A      V      K      K      C      T      R      Y      I      D      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.043  0.047  0.054  0.062  0.068  0.071  0.073  0.07   0.067  0.069  0.075  

POS 67    C      D      L      N      R      I      F      D      L      E      N      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.08   0.081  0.078  0.075  0.073  0.072  0.076  0.094  0.127  0.176  0.249  

POS 78    L      G      K      K      M      S      E      D      L      P      Y      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.403  0.554  0.737  0.766  0.804  0.755  0.682  0.65   0.632  0.636  0.583  

POS 89    E      V      R      R      A      Q      E      I      N      H      L      
          -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
          0.505  0.448  0.348  0.262  0.201  0.16   0.131  0.11   0.103  0.104  0.111  

POS 100    F      G      P      K      D      S      E      D      S      Y      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.116  0.117  0.108  0.089  0.067  0.049  0.039  0.034  0.033  0.035  

POS 110    D      I      I      F      D      L      H      N      T      T      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.038  0.041  0.043  0.043  0.042  0.041  0.042  0.045  0.052  0.06   

POS 120    S      N      M      G      C      T      L      I      L      E      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.07   0.081  0.092  0.101  0.109  0.111  0.107  0.096  0.085  0.072  

POS 130    D      S      R      N      N      F      L      I      Q      M      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.06   0.051  0.046  0.04   0.036  0.033  0.032  0.031  0.031  0.031  

POS 140    F      H      Y      I      K      T      S      L      A      P      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.033  0.036  0.04   0.043  0.046  0.049  0.05   0.053  0.055  0.059  

POS 150    L      P      C      Y      V      Y      L      I      E      H      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.065  0.073  0.088  0.103  0.115  0.119  0.118  0.111  0.104  0.104  

POS 160    P      S      L      K      Y      A      T      T      R      S      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.121  0.147  0.19   0.229  0.264  0.263  0.245  0.196  0.149  0.098  

POS 170    I      A      K      Y      P      V      G      I      E      V      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.069  0.053  0.051  0.057  0.066  0.08   0.093  0.102  0.103  0.099  

POS 180    G      P      Q      P      Q      G      V      L      R      A      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.096  0.094  0.095  0.095  0.099  0.098  0.099  0.095  0.094  0.086  

POS 190    D      I      L      D      Q      M      R      K      M      I      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.074  0.059  0.048  0.04   0.038  0.038  0.038  0.039  0.04   0.043  

POS 200    K      H      A      L      D      F      I      H      H      F      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.046  0.049  0.051  0.052  0.056  0.064  0.077  0.092  0.112  0.142  

POS 210    N      E      G      K      E      F      P      P      C      A      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.17   0.198  0.21   0.311  0.281  0.248  0.105  0.084  0.072  0.071  

POS 220    I      E      V      Y      K      I      I      E      K      V      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.069  0.065  0.06   0.056  0.052  0.054  0.062  0.076  0.105  0.141  

POS 230    D      Y      P      R      D      E      N      G      E      I      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.176  0.203  0.224  0.227  0.217  0.209  0.228  0.248  0.271  0.282  

POS 240    A      A      I      I      H      P      N      L      Q      D      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.289  0.269  0.24   0.208  0.188  0.169  0.155  0.152  0.167  0.193  

POS 250    Q      D      W      K      P      L      H      P      G      D      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.222  0.236  0.235  0.21   0.175  0.136  0.11   0.097  0.099  0.104  

POS 260    P      M      F      L      T      L      D      G      K      T      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.107  0.108  0.104  0.095  0.084  0.077  0.073  0.082  0.102  0.125  

POS 270    I      P      L      G      G      D      C      T      V      Y      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.144  0.162  0.169  0.166  0.156  0.149  0.133  0.117  0.099  0.089  

POS 280    P      V      F      V      N      E      A      A      Y      Y      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.077  0.072  0.067  0.064  0.066  0.082  0.122  0.184  0.241  0.279  

POS 290    E      K      K      E      A      F      A      K      T      T      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.282  0.264  0.236  0.229  0.238  0.257  0.263  0.252  0.231  0.222  

POS 300    K      L      T      L      N      A      K      S      I      R      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.246  0.278  0.305  0.31   0.303  0.277  0.263  0.371  0.382  0.38   

POS 310    C      C      L      H      
           -1     -1     -1     -1     
           0.348  0.51   0.496  0.489  


IUPRED is a software for the prediction of intrinsically unstructured regions in proteins. It was published in 2005 by Zsuzsanna Dosztányi, Veronika Csizmók, Péter Tompa and István Simon.

Reference: IUPred: web server for the prediction of intrinsically unstructured regions of proteins based on estimated energy content Zsuzsanna Dosztányi, Veronika Csizmók, Péter Tompa and István Simon, Bioinformatics (2005) 21, 3433-3434.

IUPRED predicts disordered regions by estimating the capacity of the amino acid chain to form stabilizing contacts. The underlying assumption is that proteins intrinsically unable to do so have distinct sequences that can be identified via their unfavorable energy values. To this end a 20x20 predictor matrix was calculated from a set of globular proteins with known structure. IUPRED uses this matrix to derive a tendency to be intrinsically unstructured from the amino acid composition alone.

Input: An amino acid sequence.

IUPRED comes in three flavors: Long Disorder, which specializes in finding long stretches of disorder, Short Disorder, which does the same for short stretches of disorder, and structured regions, which predicts regions lacking disorder.

Long Disorder

Aspa iupred1.png

POS 1    M      T      S      C      H      I      A      E      E      H      I      
         0.3215  0.3426  0.2817  0.2783  0.2064  0.1275  0.1554  0.1823  0.2094  0.2364  0.2575  

POS 12    Q      K      V      A      I      F      G      G      T      H      G      
          0.2988  0.3087  0.2364  0.3215  0.3149  0.3321  0.2609  0.1823  0.1275  0.1206  0.1759  

POS 23    N      E      L      T      G      V      F      L      V      K      H      
          0.1028  0.0676  0.1070  0.1298  0.1881  0.2575  0.2715  0.1969  0.2034  0.2034  0.2064  

POS 34    W      L      E      N      G      A      E      I      Q      R      T      
          0.1942  0.1206  0.1914  0.1399  0.1373  0.2064  0.2002  0.1969  0.2541  0.2715  0.2951  

POS 45    G      L      E      V      K      P      F      I      T      N      P      
          0.3840  0.4256  0.3460  0.3321  0.3286  0.2609  0.2503  0.3249  0.2292  0.1583  0.1611  

POS 56    R      A      V      K      K      C      T      R      Y      I      D      
          0.0985  0.1554  0.0929  0.1373  0.1424  0.0765  0.0749  0.1229  0.0749  0.0780  0.0719  

POS 67    C      D      L      N      R      I      F      D      L      E      N      
          0.0424  0.0506  0.0734  0.0734  0.0605  0.1048  0.1115  0.1184  0.1229  0.2064  0.1323  

POS 78    L      G      K      K      M      S      E      D      L      P      Y      
          0.2258  0.1643  0.2364  0.2292  0.2002  0.2884  0.4087  0.3215  0.4119  0.3948  0.3053  

POS 89    E      V      R      R      A      Q      E      I      N      H      L      
          0.2849  0.2849  0.3149  0.3182  0.3631  0.3667  0.3667  0.3631  0.4441  0.3286  0.4220  

POS 100    F      G      P      K      D      S      E      D      S      Y      
           0.3215  0.3053  0.1969  0.2034  0.1611  0.1501  0.1476  0.2224  0.2164  0.2164  

POS 110    D      I      I      F      D      L      H      N      T      T      
           0.3053  0.3704  0.3704  0.2609  0.2680  0.1823  0.1184  0.0662  0.0690  0.0734  

POS 120    S      N      M      G      C      T      L      I      L      E      
           0.1229  0.1184  0.1914  0.2817  0.2849  0.2034  0.2064  0.2193  0.1759  0.0985  

POS 130    D      S      R      N      N      F      L      I      Q      M      
           0.0948  0.0581  0.0327  0.0398  0.0414  0.0719  0.0414  0.0581  0.1092  0.1092  

POS 140    F      H      Y      I      K      T      S      L      A      P      
           0.1162  0.0662  0.0398  0.0269  0.0163  0.0105  0.0115  0.0184  0.0275  0.0300  

POS 150    L      P      C      Y      V      Y      L      I      E      H      
           0.0372  0.0433  0.0424  0.0405  0.0581  0.0618  0.0618  0.0618  0.1007  0.0749  

POS 160    P      S      L      K      Y      A      T      T      R      S      
           0.0543  0.0870  0.0443  0.0888  0.1007  0.1424  0.1449  0.2292  0.2470  0.2328  

POS 170    I      A      K      Y      P      V      G      I      E      V      
           0.2575  0.2503  0.2752  0.3667  0.3704  0.3948  0.3426  0.3356  0.3019  0.3149  

POS 180    G      P      Q      P      Q      G      V      L      R      A      
           0.2328  0.2328  0.2752  0.2951  0.3321  0.3087  0.3631  0.3182  0.3182  0.2918  

POS 190    D      I      L      D      Q      M      R      K      M      I      
           0.3494  0.3182  0.2164  0.2129  0.1115  0.0605  0.0592  0.0870  0.0734  0.0780  

POS 200    K      H      A      L      D      F      I      H      H      F      
           0.1048  0.0967  0.1501  0.2364  0.1349  0.1399  0.1942  0.1206  0.1048  0.0817  

POS 210    N      E      G      K      E      F      P      P      C      A      
           0.1449  0.1048  0.0618  0.0734  0.0704  0.0389  0.0835  0.1349  0.0948  0.1028  

POS 220    I      E      V      Y      K      I      I      E      K      V      
           0.1115  0.1184  0.1092  0.1184  0.1323  0.1275  0.2129  0.2094  0.1229  0.1731  

POS 230    D      Y      P      R      D      E      N      G      E      I      
           0.1731  0.1759  0.1028  0.1476  0.2470  0.2609  0.2680  0.3631  0.3566  0.3740  

POS 240    A      A      I      I      H      P      N      L      Q      D      
           0.4476  0.3392  0.4256  0.4256  0.3460  0.3356  0.3392  0.3249  0.3392  0.3460  

POS 250    Q      D      W      K      P      L      H      P      G      D      
           0.3910  0.3215  0.2783  0.3631  0.3667  0.3774  0.3566  0.3392  0.4220  0.3321  

POS 260    P      M      F      L      T      L      D      G      K      T      
           0.3426  0.2541  0.2436  0.3426  0.3566  0.2470  0.3286  0.2680  0.1643  0.1852  

POS 270    I      P      L      G      G      D      C      T      V      Y      
           0.1298  0.0631  0.0543  0.1048  0.1731  0.1449  0.1881  0.1115  0.0646  0.0734  

POS 280    P      V      F      V      N      E      A      A      Y      Y      
           0.0690  0.1092  0.1048  0.1399  0.0765  0.0646  0.0581  0.1028  0.1007  0.1373  

POS 290    E      K      K      E      A      F      A      K      T      T      
           0.1449  0.1298  0.1184  0.2034  0.2364  0.2164  0.2002  0.1583  0.1823  0.1852  

POS 300    K      L      T      L      N      A      K      S      I      R      
           0.1881  0.1184  0.1184  0.1184  0.0888  0.0851  0.1349  0.1349  0.1137  0.0870 

POS 310    C      C      L      H      
           0.0631  0.0473  0.0734  0.0483  

Short Disorder

Aspa iupred2.png

POS 1    M      T      S      C      H      I      A      E      E      H      I      
         0.8886  0.7772  0.7418  0.6984  0.5992  0.5296  0.4149  0.2748  0.2333  0.1921  0.1566  

POS 12    Q      K      V      A      I      F      G      G      T      H      G      
          0.1805  0.1844  0.1732  0.2700  0.1766  0.2531  0.2913  0.2080  0.1292  0.0832  0.0965  

POS 23    N      E      L      T      G      V      F      L      V      K      H      
          0.0909  0.0991  0.0935  0.0660  0.1088  0.1766  0.1766  0.1495  0.1566  0.0991  0.1041  

POS 34    W      L      E      N      G      A      E      I      Q      R      T      
          0.1041  0.0909  0.1456  0.0935  0.0935  0.0909  0.1416  0.2385  0.2080  0.1416  0.1322  

POS 45    G      L      E      V      K      P      F      I      T      N      P      
          0.1844  0.2963  0.2820  0.2558  0.1921  0.2167  0.2041  0.1998  0.1921  0.1921  0.1380  

POS 56    R      A      V      K      K      C      T      R      Y      I      D      
          0.0935  0.1495  0.0935  0.1416  0.0935  0.0771  0.1322  0.1416  0.0935  0.0965  0.0464  

POS 67    C      D      L      N      R      I      F      D      L      E      N      
          0.0490  0.0567  0.0542  0.0554  0.0567  0.0935  0.0813  0.0858  0.1292  0.1958  0.1322  

POS 78    L      G      K      K      M      S      E      D      L      P      Y      
          0.2385  0.1732  0.2558  0.1958  0.1878  0.2432  0.2963  0.3184  0.4149  0.3359  0.3399  

POS 89    E      V      R      R      A      Q      E      I      N      H      L      
          0.4116  0.3491  0.2820  0.2913  0.3535  0.3399  0.3456  0.3399  0.4333  0.4078  0.4825  

POS 100    F      G      P      K      D      S      E      D      S      Y      
           0.3992  0.4651  0.4149  0.3578  0.3005  0.2820  0.1878  0.2483  0.2385  0.2385  

POS 110    D      I      I      F      D      L      H      N      T      T      
           0.2963  0.3668  0.3630  0.2865  0.2963  0.2209  0.2122  0.1292  0.0789  0.0441  

POS 120    S      N      M      G      C      T      L      I      L      E      
           0.0771  0.0771  0.1117  0.1635  0.2333  0.2209  0.1878  0.1292  0.0771  0.0858  

POS 130    D      S      R      N      N      F      L      I      Q      M      
           0.0660  0.0336  0.0316  0.0226  0.0102  0.0179  0.0179  0.0327  0.0279  0.0363  

POS 140    F      H      Y      I      K      T      S      L      A      P      
           0.0387  0.0173  0.0218  0.0128  0.0078  0.0044  0.0055  0.0059  0.0055  0.0055  

POS 150    L      P      C      Y      V      Y      L      I      E      H      
           0.0070  0.0167  0.0194  0.0200  0.0387  0.0212  0.0160  0.0157  0.0327  0.0455  

POS 160    P      S      L      K      Y      A      T      T      R      S      
           0.0387  0.0414  0.0279  0.0441  0.0455  0.0884  0.0991  0.1602  0.1635  0.1602  

POS 170    I      A      K      Y      P      V      G      I      E      V      
           0.1088  0.0965  0.1150  0.1878  0.2167  0.3146  0.3535  0.2865  0.2080  0.2080  

POS 180    G      P      Q      P      Q      G      V      L      R      A      
           0.1766  0.2748  0.2333  0.1667  0.2531  0.2385  0.2748  0.2748  0.3630  0.3184  

POS 190    D      I      L      D      Q      M      R      K      M      I      
           0.3146  0.3096  0.2748  0.2292  0.1292  0.1292  0.0744  0.0701  0.1150  0.1117  

POS 200    K      H      A      L      D      F      I      H      H      F      
           0.0723  0.0701  0.1150  0.1732  0.1602  0.1602  0.1205  0.1456  0.1766  0.1532  

POS 210    N      E      G      K      E      F      P      P      C      A      
           0.1958  0.1322  0.1416  0.1178  0.1205  0.1088  0.1205  0.1240  0.1380  0.1322  

POS 220    I      E      V      Y      K      I      I      E      K      V      
           0.1566  0.1698  0.1060  0.1266  0.1178  0.1240  0.2080  0.1766  0.1566  0.2292  

POS 230    D      Y      P      R      D      E      N      G      E      I      
           0.1878  0.2432  0.2041  0.2041  0.2122  0.2122  0.3225  0.3992  0.3005  0.3359  

POS 240    A      A      I      I      H      P      N      L      Q      D      
           0.4149  0.4245  0.5173  0.4078  0.4116  0.4245  0.3359  0.3263  0.3578  0.3399  

POS 250    Q      D      W      K      P      L      H      P      G      D      
           0.4282  0.4825  0.4703  0.4651  0.4600  0.4600  0.3399  0.3578  0.4333  0.4078  

POS 260    P      M      F      L      T      L      D      G      K      T      
           0.3885  0.2913  0.3053  0.3096  0.3184  0.2820  0.3630  0.3005  0.2657  0.1998  

POS 270    I      P      L      G      G      D      C      T      V      Y      
           0.1205  0.1205  0.1041  0.1018  0.1117  0.1150  0.1844  0.1380  0.1117  0.0701  

POS 280    P      V      F      V      N      E      A      A      Y      Y      
           0.0425  0.0744  0.0567  0.0909  0.0965  0.0744  0.0387  0.0464  0.0441  0.0607  

POS 290    E      K      K      E      A      F      A      K      T      T      
           0.0991  0.0771  0.0660  0.1041  0.0935  0.0935  0.0660  0.0832  0.1041  0.1041  

POS 300    K      L      T      L      N      A      K      S      I      R      
           0.1698  0.1041  0.0660  0.0441  0.0405  0.0701  0.1602  0.2333  0.2865  0.3456  

POS 310    C      C      L      H      
           0.4037  0.4556  0.5802  0.6334  

Structured Regions

Aspa iupred3.png

IUPRED predicts one structured region comprised of the whole input sequence.


IUPRED predicts no significant disorder in Aspartoacyclase. The disorder tendency stays below 0.5 in all cases (except for short stretches of about 3-5 residues at each end of the sequence in short disorder mode, which are negligible) and the structured regions mode predicts one continuous structured region spanning all of the protein sequence. This makes sense when looking at the 3D structure: Aspartoacyclase is a rather densely packed globular structure, which according to the assumptions that IUPRED makes has a strong tendency to form many inter-residue contacts and to stabilize itself thereby, markedly reducing the tendency for disorder in the process.


Meta-Disorder, as the name implies, employs a set of so-called orthogonal disorder predictors in order to combine their strengths and mitigate their weak points. It was published in 2009 by Avner Schlessinger, Marco Punta, Guy Yachdav, Laszlo Kajan and Burkhard Rost.

Reference: Paper

As with the previous methods, Meta-Disorder predicts disorder from the amino acid sequence alone; results from the predictors IUPRED, DISOPRED, NORSnet and Ucon are molded into one final result using a neural network.

Results for Aspartoacyclase:

Number Residue NORSnet NORS2st PROFbval bval2st Ucon Ucon2st MD_raw   MD_rel  MD2st 
    1	M	0.33	-	0.99	D	0.17	-	0.551	1	D
    2	T	0.26	-	0.78	D	0.25	-	0.531	0	D
    3	S	0.16	-	0.72	D	0.35	-	0.535	0	D
    4	C	0.23	-	0.65	D	0.33	-	0.505	0	-
    5	H	0.20	-	0.48	D	0.25	-	0.475	1	-
    6	I	0.16	-	0.55	D	0.30	-	0.465	1	-
    7	A	0.34	-	0.56	D	0.40	-	0.444	2	-
    8	E	0.28	-	0.67	D	0.30	-	0.424	3	-
    9	E	0.21	-	0.73	D	0.38	-	0.404	3	-
   10	H	0.15	-	0.70	D	0.30	-	0.374	4	-
   11	I	0.15	-	0.59	D	0.29	-	0.354	5	-
   12	Q	0.15	-	0.60	D	0.28	-	0.313	6	-
   13	K	0.14	-	0.51	D	0.23	-	0.263	8	-
   14	V	0.14	-	0.30	-	0.19	-	0.253	8	-
   15	A	0.16	-	0.24	-	0.19	-	0.250	9	-
   16	I	0.13	-	0.20	-	0.24	-	0.242	9	-
   17	F	0.10	-	0.13	-	0.23	-	0.250	9	-
   18	G	0.13	-	0.18	-	0.21	-	0.242	9	-
   19	G	0.10	-	0.24	-	0.20	-	0.253	8	-
   20	T	0.07	-	0.34	-	0.20	-	0.253	8	-
   21	H	0.06	-	0.26	-	0.26	-	0.260	8	-
   22	G	0.06	-	0.39	-	0.29	-	0.253	8	-
   23	N	0.06	-	0.48	D	0.22	-	0.250	9	-
   24	E	0.06	-	0.47	D	0.18	-	0.242	9	-
   25	L	0.11	-	0.43	-	0.16	-	0.242	9	-
   26	T	0.12	-	0.39	-	0.20	-	0.253	8	-
   27	G	0.10	-	0.32	-	0.20	-	0.242	9	-
   28	V	0.08	-	0.28	-	0.15	-	0.242	9	-
   29	F	0.12	-	0.35	-	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
   30	L	0.14	-	0.28	-	0.15	-	0.242	9	-
   31	V	0.09	-	0.30	-	0.16	-	0.253	8	-
   32	K	0.07	-	0.40	-	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
   33	H	0.06	-	0.40	-	0.18	-	0.293	7	-
   34	W	0.08	-	0.38	-	0.29	-	0.273	8	-
   35	L	0.09	-	0.45	-	0.30	-	0.283	7	-
   36	E	0.09	-	0.56	D	0.41	-	0.313	6	-
   37	N	0.12	-	0.62	D	0.32	-	0.313	6	-
   38	G	0.16	-	0.62	D	0.35	-	0.330	6	-
   39	A	0.11	-	0.64	D	0.46	-	0.313	6	-
   40	E	0.10	-	0.66	D	0.47	-	0.323	6	-
   41	I	0.09	-	0.65	D	0.47	-	0.323	6	-
   42	Q	0.10	-	0.64	D	0.36	-	0.293	7	-
   43	R	0.09	-	0.61	D	0.50	-	0.273	8	-
   44	T	0.08	-	0.61	D	0.56	-	0.273	8	-
   45	G	0.08	-	0.53	D	0.34	-	0.263	8	-
   46	L	0.09	-	0.43	-	0.35	-	0.260	8	-
   47	E	0.10	-	0.33	-	0.32	-	0.253	8	-
   48	V	0.07	-	0.23	-	0.32	-	0.250	9	-
   49	K	0.06	-	0.17	-	0.34	-	0.253	8	-
   50	P	0.08	-	0.18	-	0.37	-	0.263	8	-
   51	F	0.08	-	0.17	-	0.49	-	0.273	8	-
   52	I	0.07	-	0.21	-	0.33	-	0.273	8	-
   53	T	0.06	-	0.28	-	0.53	-	0.303	7	-
   54	N	0.07	-	0.28	-	0.53	-	0.303	7	-
   55	P	0.09	-	0.36	-	0.37	-	0.313	6	-
   56	R	0.08	-	0.41	-	0.51	-	0.313	6	-
   57	A	0.10	-	0.40	-	0.66	D	0.280	7	-
   58	V	0.13	-	0.40	-	0.51	-	0.263	8	-
   59	K	0.16	-	0.48	D	0.37	-	0.263	8	-
   60	K	0.19	-	0.47	D	0.40	-	0.263	8	-
   61	C	0.18	-	0.47	D	0.29	-	0.253	8	-
   62	T	0.16	-	0.55	D	0.35	-	0.263	8	-
   63	R	0.18	-	0.51	D	0.31	-	0.253	8	-
   64	Y	0.22	-	0.47	D	0.25	-	0.273	8	-
   65	I	0.23	-	0.47	D	0.20	-	0.260	8	-
   66	D	0.23	-	0.56	D	0.21	-	0.263	8	-
   67	C	0.25	-	0.57	D	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
   68	D	0.30	-	0.43	-	0.18	-	0.263	8	-
   69	L	0.29	-	0.40	-	0.18	-	0.260	8	-
   70	N	0.28	-	0.40	-	0.25	-	0.263	8	-
   71	R	0.40	-	0.39	-	0.23	-	0.273	8	-
   72	I	0.46	-	0.43	-	0.22	-	0.280	7	-
   73	F	0.46	-	0.37	-	0.19	-	0.273	8	-
   74	D	0.37	-	0.46	-	0.32	-	0.310	6	-
   75	L	0.33	-	0.57	D	0.40	-	0.390	4	-
   76	E	0.36	-	0.61	D	0.30	-	0.444	2	-
   77	N	0.44	-	0.62	D	0.41	-	0.465	1	-
   78	L	0.38	-	0.66	D	0.65	D	0.531	0	D
   79	G	0.30	-	0.70	D	0.64	D	0.485	1	-
   80	K	0.35	-	0.69	D	0.64	D	0.515	0	-
   81	K	0.23	-	0.69	D	0.59	D	0.475	1	-
   82	M	0.23	-	0.66	D	0.42	-	0.444	2	-
   83	S	0.28	-	0.69	D	0.64	D	0.449	2	-
   84	E	0.34	-	0.72	D	0.56	-	0.485	1	-
   85	D	0.29	-	0.74	D	0.45	-	0.424	3	-
   86	L	0.20	-	0.64	D	0.35	-	0.424	3	-
   87	P	0.20	-	0.64	D	0.45	-	0.404	3	-
   88	Y	0.17	-	0.55	D	0.46	-	0.384	4	-
   89	E	0.14	-	0.50	D	0.46	-	0.364	5	-
   90	V	0.13	-	0.45	-	0.30	-	0.333	6	-
   91	R	0.12	-	0.43	-	0.43	-	0.320	6	-
   92	R	0.11	-	0.40	-	0.36	-	0.293	7	-
   93	A	0.11	-	0.34	-	0.36	-	0.283	7	-
   94	Q	0.10	-	0.45	-	0.22	-	0.290	7	-
   95	E	0.12	-	0.41	-	0.25	-	0.303	7	-
   96	I	0.09	-	0.34	-	0.26	-	0.283	7	-
   97	N	0.11	-	0.40	-	0.33	-	0.313	6	-
   98	H	0.10	-	0.49	D	0.39	-	0.313	6	-
   99	L	0.10	-	0.47	D	0.38	-	0.313	6	-
  100	F	0.13	-	0.47	D	0.38	-	0.293	7	-
  101	G	0.14	-	0.54	D	0.58	D	0.323	6	-
  102	P	0.13	-	0.61	D	0.58	D	0.333	6	-
  103	K	0.13	-	0.60	D	0.47	-	0.323	6	-
  104	D	0.11	-	0.61	D	0.71	D	0.323	6	-
  105	S	0.10	-	0.65	D	0.73	D	0.283	7	-
  106	E	0.10	-	0.70	D	0.62	D	0.283	7	-
  107	D	0.12	-	0.70	D	0.42	-	0.273	8	-
  108	S	0.11	-	0.64	D	0.37	-	0.270	8	-
  109	Y	0.12	-	0.50	D	0.23	-	0.253	8	-
  110	D	0.13	-	0.39	-	0.20	-	0.242	9	-
  111	I	0.16	-	0.29	-	0.18	-	0.240	9	-
  112	I	0.15	-	0.20	-	0.16	-	0.240	9	-
  113	F	0.14	-	0.20	-	0.16	-	0.240	9	-
  114	D	0.17	-	0.21	-	0.20	-	0.242	9	-
  115	L	0.21	-	0.20	-	0.19	-	0.253	8	-
  116	H	0.17	-	0.28	-	0.19	-	0.273	8	-
  117	N	0.11	-	0.48	D	0.23	-	0.283	7	-
  118	T	0.13	-	0.39	-	0.24	-	0.283	7	-
  119	T	0.13	-	0.41	-	0.21	-	0.273	8	-
  120	S	0.15	-	0.46	-	0.21	-	0.273	8	-
  121	N	0.22	-	0.54	D	0.18	-	0.263	8	-
  122	M	0.25	-	0.51	D	0.14	-	0.260	8	-
  123	G	0.30	-	0.51	D	0.16	-	0.253	8	-
  124	C	0.26	-	0.42	-	0.18	-	0.250	9	-
  125	T	0.29	-	0.40	-	0.18	-	0.242	9	-
  126	L	0.24	-	0.34	-	0.18	-	0.253	8	-
  127	I	0.17	-	0.28	-	0.23	-	0.260	8	-
  128	L	0.13	-	0.28	-	0.25	-	0.263	8	-
  129	E	0.14	-	0.41	-	0.24	-	0.253	8	-
  130	D	0.14	-	0.54	D	0.18	-	0.253	8	-
  131	S	0.10	-	0.59	D	0.19	-	0.273	8	-
  132	R	0.07	-	0.68	D	0.27	-	0.280	7	-
  133	N	0.05	-	0.64	D	0.28	-	0.273	8	-
  134	N	0.06	-	0.61	D	0.18	-	0.273	8	-
  135	F	0.07	-	0.53	D	0.15	-	0.260	8	-
  136	L	0.08	-	0.47	D	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  137	I	0.10	-	0.47	D	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  138	Q	0.16	-	0.42	-	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  139	M	0.15	-	0.34	-	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  140	F	0.11	-	0.32	-	0.14	-	0.250	9	-
  141	H	0.13	-	0.41	-	0.14	-	0.263	8	-
  142	Y	0.16	-	0.36	-	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
  143	I	0.12	-	0.34	-	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
  144	K	0.11	-	0.46	-	0.15	-	0.283	7	-
  145	T	0.07	-	0.54	D	0.20	-	0.273	8	-
  146	S	0.07	-	0.55	D	0.17	-	0.253	8	-
  147	L	0.09	-	0.56	D	0.17	-	0.242	9	-
  148	A	0.10	-	0.57	D	0.17	-	0.250	9	-
  149	P	0.09	-	0.60	D	0.13	-	0.253	8	-
  150	L	0.11	-	0.51	D	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  151	P	0.13	-	0.44	-	0.14	-	0.242	9	-
  152	C	0.12	-	0.38	-	0.13	-	0.240	9	-
  153	Y	0.13	-	0.31	-	0.13	-	0.240	9	-
  154	V	0.18	-	0.28	-	0.13	-	0.242	9	-
  155	Y	0.17	-	0.33	-	0.14	-	0.250	9	-
  156	L	0.21	-	0.47	D	0.13	-	0.253	8	-
  157	I	0.22	-	0.54	D	0.15	-	0.263	8	-
  158	E	0.17	-	0.58	D	0.15	-	0.283	7	-
  159	H	0.16	-	0.62	D	0.17	-	0.303	7	-
  160	P	0.13	-	0.65	D	0.21	-	0.323	6	-
  161	S	0.14	-	0.59	D	0.29	-	0.303	7	-
  162	L	0.17	-	0.58	D	0.41	-	0.303	7	-
  163	K	0.21	-	0.56	D	0.36	-	0.293	7	-
  164	Y	0.32	-	0.51	D	0.29	-	0.273	8	-
  165	A	0.31	-	0.47	D	0.26	-	0.273	8	-
  166	T	0.28	-	0.45	-	0.32	-	0.273	8	-
  167	T	0.22	-	0.41	-	0.33	-	0.273	8	-
  168	R	0.15	-	0.47	D	0.26	-	0.273	8	-
  169	S	0.14	-	0.47	D	0.28	-	0.280	7	-
  170	I	0.12	-	0.46	-	0.29	-	0.273	8	-
  171	A	0.12	-	0.47	D	0.22	-	0.283	7	-
  172	K	0.11	-	0.58	D	0.27	-	0.290	7	-
  173	Y	0.13	-	0.47	D	0.20	-	0.263	8	-
  174	P	0.11	-	0.38	-	0.19	-	0.253	8	-
  175	V	0.10	-	0.26	-	0.26	-	0.250	9	-
  176	G	0.09	-	0.24	-	0.31	-	0.250	9	-
  177	I	0.13	-	0.33	-	0.25	-	0.250	9	-
  178	E	0.20	-	0.28	-	0.37	-	0.253	8	-
  179	V	0.26	-	0.41	-	0.33	-	0.253	8	-
  180	G	0.20	-	0.45	-	0.33	-	0.270	8	-
  181	P	0.17	-	0.59	D	0.25	-	0.283	7	-
  182	Q	0.12	-	0.49	D	0.35	-	0.283	7	-
  183	P	0.12	-	0.51	D	0.28	-	0.273	8	-
  184	Q	0.13	-	0.54	D	0.42	-	0.273	8	-
  185	G	0.10	-	0.51	D	0.33	-	0.263	8	-
  186	V	0.12	-	0.55	D	0.22	-	0.253	8	-
  187	L	0.17	-	0.54	D	0.24	-	0.253	8	-
  188	R	0.14	-	0.48	D	0.24	-	0.263	8	-
  189	A	0.11	-	0.53	D	0.18	-	0.273	8	-
  190	D	0.11	-	0.51	D	0.19	-	0.273	8	-
  191	I	0.08	-	0.41	-	0.31	-	0.283	7	-
  192	L	0.07	-	0.42	-	0.33	-	0.263	8	-
  193	D	0.06	-	0.47	D	0.24	-	0.273	8	-
  194	Q	0.08	-	0.45	-	0.33	-	0.270	8	-
  195	M	0.04	-	0.34	-	0.26	-	0.263	8	-
  196	R	0.04	-	0.43	-	0.34	-	0.273	8	-
  197	K	0.05	-	0.44	-	0.34	-	0.263	8	-
  198	M	0.06	-	0.29	-	0.34	-	0.263	8	-
  199	I	0.06	-	0.28	-	0.22	-	0.253	8	-
  200	K	0.07	-	0.34	-	0.22	-	0.263	8	-
  201	H	0.07	-	0.32	-	0.20	-	0.253	8	-
  202	A	0.08	-	0.28	-	0.15	-	0.250	9	-
  203	L	0.08	-	0.35	-	0.15	-	0.253	8	-
  204	D	0.09	-	0.43	-	0.19	-	0.263	8	-
  205	F	0.11	-	0.41	-	0.18	-	0.263	8	-
  206	I	0.12	-	0.45	-	0.18	-	0.253	8	-
  207	H	0.15	-	0.59	D	0.23	-	0.270	8	-
  208	H	0.18	-	0.59	D	0.40	-	0.290	7	-
  209	F	0.22	-	0.58	D	0.24	-	0.283	7	-
  210	N	0.27	-	0.63	D	0.37	-	0.293	7	-
  211	E	0.27	-	0.66	D	0.53	-	0.313	6	-
  212	G	0.28	-	0.68	D	0.44	-	0.313	6	-
  213	K	0.26	-	0.70	D	0.46	-	0.323	6	-
  214	E	0.26	-	0.71	D	0.50	-	0.323	6	-
  215	F	0.20	-	0.70	D	0.56	-	0.303	7	-
  216	P	0.21	-	0.69	D	0.37	-	0.293	7	-
  217	P	0.24	-	0.69	D	0.28	-	0.280	7	-
  218	C	0.14	-	0.66	D	0.28	-	0.263	8	-
  219	A	0.14	-	0.58	D	0.19	-	0.263	8	-
  220	I	0.15	-	0.52	D	0.19	-	0.263	8	-
  221	E	0.11	-	0.47	D	0.22	-	0.270	8	-
  222	V	0.11	-	0.34	-	0.26	-	0.273	8	-
  223	Y	0.12	-	0.30	-	0.28	-	0.280	7	-
  224	K	0.08	-	0.37	-	0.34	-	0.280	7	-
  225	I	0.09	-	0.32	-	0.33	-	0.273	8	-
  226	I	0.07	-	0.35	-	0.29	-	0.283	7	-
  227	E	0.09	-	0.43	-	0.38	-	0.313	6	-
  228	K	0.09	-	0.49	D	0.61	D	0.333	6	-
  229	V	0.12	-	0.49	D	0.58	D	0.337	6	-
  230	D	0.16	-	0.53	D	0.75	D	0.354	5	-
  231	Y	0.14	-	0.52	D	0.84	D	0.343	5	-
  232	P	0.12	-	0.57	D	0.84	D	0.313	6	-
  233	R	0.13	-	0.66	D	0.59	D	0.303	7	-
  234	D	0.15	-	0.69	D	0.70	D	0.310	6	-
  235	E	0.10	-	0.71	D	0.59	D	0.293	7	-
  236	N	0.12	-	0.71	D	0.62	D	0.303	7	-
  237	G	0.17	-	0.67	D	0.44	-	0.293	7	-
  238	E	0.22	-	0.60	D	0.40	-	0.283	7	-
  239	I	0.17	-	0.53	D	0.36	-	0.270	8	-
  240	A	0.16	-	0.38	-	0.30	-	0.260	8	-
  241	A	0.19	-	0.29	-	0.22	-	0.253	8	-
  242	I	0.16	-	0.28	-	0.24	-	0.263	8	-
  243	I	0.22	-	0.33	-	0.24	-	0.263	8	-
  244	H	0.25	-	0.34	-	0.34	-	0.293	7	-
  245	P	0.14	-	0.48	D	0.41	-	0.323	6	-
  246	N	0.16	-	0.53	D	0.30	-	0.343	5	-
  247	L	0.16	-	0.58	D	0.53	-	0.343	5	-
  248	Q	0.16	-	0.61	D	0.71	D	0.374	4	-
  249	D	0.22	-	0.64	D	0.59	D	0.354	5	-
  250	Q	0.30	-	0.64	D	0.51	-	0.364	5	-
  251	D	0.34	-	0.62	D	0.52	-	0.333	6	-
  252	W	0.33	-	0.52	D	0.65	D	0.313	6	-
  253	K	0.22	-	0.58	D	0.68	D	0.283	7	-
  254	P	0.21	-	0.58	D	0.63	D	0.283	7	-
  255	L	0.18	-	0.54	D	0.45	-	0.263	8	-
  256	H	0.16	-	0.68	D	0.27	-	0.263	8	-
  257	P	0.18	-	0.69	D	0.28	-	0.273	8	-
  258	G	0.19	-	0.57	D	0.21	-	0.270	8	-
  259	D	0.28	-	0.54	D	0.16	-	0.290	7	-
  260	P	0.25	-	0.54	D	0.23	-	0.270	8	-
  261	M	0.19	-	0.40	-	0.24	-	0.273	8	-
  262	F	0.16	-	0.34	-	0.29	-	0.253	8	-
  263	L	0.13	-	0.37	-	0.30	-	0.253	8	-
  264	T	0.10	-	0.46	-	0.20	-	0.242	9	-
  265	L	0.14	-	0.56	D	0.20	-	0.253	8	-
  266	D	0.13	-	0.61	D	0.20	-	0.263	8	-
  267	G	0.11	-	0.62	D	0.26	-	0.280	7	-
  268	K	0.10	-	0.60	D	0.34	-	0.283	7	-
  269	T	0.10	-	0.60	D	0.40	-	0.273	8	-
  270	I	0.08	-	0.46	-	0.41	-	0.250	9	-
  271	P	0.07	-	0.43	-	0.35	-	0.250	9	-
  272	L	0.12	-	0.46	-	0.29	-	0.242	9	-
  273	G	0.10	-	0.53	D	0.18	-	0.242	9	-
  274	G	0.08	-	0.52	D	0.19	-	0.250	9	-
  275	D	0.05	-	0.62	D	0.19	-	0.253	8	-
  276	C	0.06	-	0.68	D	0.15	-	0.263	8	-
  277	T	0.10	-	0.59	D	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
  278	V	0.08	-	0.52	D	0.17	-	0.263	8	-
  279	Y	0.09	-	0.33	-	0.20	-	0.242	9	-
  280	P	0.10	-	0.27	-	0.17	-	0.242	9	-
  281	V	0.12	-	0.23	-	0.21	-	0.242	9	-
  282	F	0.12	-	0.18	-	0.17	-	0.253	8	-
  283	V	0.09	-	0.24	-	0.16	-	0.263	8	-
  284	N	0.05	-	0.28	-	0.23	-	0.303	7	-
  285	E	0.06	-	0.39	-	0.28	-	0.384	4	-
  286	A	0.09	-	0.35	-	0.46	-	0.404	3	-
  287	A	0.08	-	0.43	-	0.72	D	0.418	3	-
  288	Y	0.08	-	0.37	-	0.79	D	0.374	4	-
  289	Y	0.09	-	0.55	D	0.61	D	0.354	5	-
  290	E	0.10	-	0.41	-	0.49	-	0.333	6	-
  291	K	0.10	-	0.50	D	0.65	D	0.323	6	-
  292	K	0.07	-	0.47	D	0.66	D	0.323	6	-
  293	E	0.07	-	0.36	-	0.79	D	0.333	6	-
  294	A	0.06	-	0.29	-	0.95	D	0.354	5	-
  295	F	0.08	-	0.27	-	0.82	D	0.333	6	-
  296	A	0.09	-	0.32	-	0.70	D	0.323	6	-
  297	K	0.09	-	0.42	-	0.41	-	0.343	5	-
  298	T	0.08	-	0.42	-	0.36	-	0.343	5	-
  299	T	0.10	-	0.51	D	0.36	-	0.414	3	-
  300	K	0.09	-	0.54	D	0.64	D	0.455	2	-
  301	L	0.09	-	0.48	D	0.70	D	0.394	4	-
  302	T	0.15	-	0.55	D	0.43	-	0.404	3	-
  303	L	0.15	-	0.48	D	0.46	-	0.374	4	-
  304	N	0.12	-	0.48	D	0.34	-	0.374	4	-
  305	A	0.13	-	0.47	D	0.19	-	0.374	4	-
  306	K	0.22	-	0.55	D	0.19	-	0.384	4	-
  307	S	0.07	-	0.53	D	0.18	-	0.434	2	-
  308	I	0.07	-	0.41	-	0.23	-	0.424	3	-
  309	R	0.07	-	0.37	-	0.21	-	0.414	3	-
  310	C	0.11	-	0.60	D	0.19	-	0.414	3	-
  311	C	0.14	-	0.67	D	0.14	-	0.394	4	-
  312	L	0.15	-	0.72	D	0.13	-	0.424	3	-
  313	H	0.44	-	0.80	D	0.13	-	0.485	1	-

Key for output
Number - residue number
Residue - amino-acid type
NORSnet - raw score by NORSnet (prediction of unstructured loops)
NORS2st - two-state prediction by NORSnet; D=disordered
PROFbval - raw score by PROFbval (prediction of residue flexibility from sequence)
Bval2st - two-state prediction by PROFbval
Ucon - raw score by Ucon (prediction of protein disorder using predicted internal contacts)
Ucon2st - two-state prediction by Ucon
MD - raw score by MD (prediction of protein disorder using orthogonal sources)
MD_rel - reliability of the prediction by MD; values range from 0-9. 9=strong prediction
MD2st - two-state prediction by MD

The last column indicates whether or not disorder was predicted at the current position. Meta-Disorder predicts a total of four disorder positions, which are not significant. This coincides with the predictions of the other programs employed previously - not alltogether surprising, since Meta-Disorder draws its predictions from two of them.

Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides

The results of this task are unequivocal: Aspartoacyclase does not contain any transmembrane regions. From a biological point of view this was to be expected, as Aspartoacyclase is known to be located in the cytosol.


Since the VM version could not be made to work, we used the server at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TMHMM/.

TMHMM uses a hidden markov model to predict transmembrane helices in proteins. It was published in 1998 by E. L.L. Sonnhammer, G. von Heijne, and A. Krogh.

Reference: Original paper

The hidden markov model used by TMHMM models the biological structure with states for helix turns, helix caps and loops on either side of the membrane, which are specially designed to model membrane insertion, too. The HMM probabilities were estimated both by using a maximum likelihood method and a discriminative method.

Results for Aspartoacyclase very clearly show absence of any sort of transmembrane structure, which is biologically sound.

Sp P45381 ACY2 HUMAN.gif

# sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN Length: 313
# sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN Number of predicted TMHs:  0
# sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN Exp number of AAs in TMHs: 0.2005
# sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN Exp number, first 60 AAs:  0.01618
# sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN Total prob of N-in:        0.03827
sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN	TMHMM2.0	outside	     1   313


Phobius & PolyPhobius

Phobius is a program for the prediction of transmembrane region with special emphasis on reducing confusion with signal peptides. It was published in 2005 by Käll L, Krogh A, Sonnhammer EL.

Reference: Paper

Signal peptides and transmembrane proteins share a great deal of similarity and are often confused by predictors for either class; Phobius aims to predict both and to discriminate between them. It employs a hidden markov model to do this, modelling the different sequence regions pertaining to either class.

Input: An amino acid sequence.

Again, neither signal nor transmembrane regions were detected in Aspartoacyclase.

Aspa phobius.png


OCTOPUS uses a combination of hidden markov models and neural networks to predict transmembrane regions. It was published in 2004 by Käll L, Krogh A, Sonnhammer EL.

Reference: Original paper

OCROPUS first creates a sequence profile by running BLAST with the input sequence. Neural networks are used to subsequently predict the propensity for each residue to be located in a transmembrane region or in certain structure patterns on either side of the membrane. The resulting propensities are then fed to a hidden markov model, which calculates the most likely topology.

SPOCTOPUS extends OCTOPUS with a preprocessor that uses a neural network to assess the probability that the first 70 residues of the input sequence contain a signal peptide sequence. If this scores high enough, a hidden markov model is used to ascertain the exact offset of the signal region.

No transmembrane/signal regions were predicted for Aspartoacyclase.


SignalP is a method for the detection of signal peptides. It was first published in 1997 by Henrik Nielsen, Jacob Engelbrecht, Søren Brunak and Gunnar von Heijne.

Reference: Original paper, current version

SignalP comes in two flavours: One using a neural network, the other using a hidden markov model. It supports discriminating between cleaved and uncleaved signal peptides and supports both prokaryotic and eukaryotic input.

Input: A protein sequence.

Neither flavour detected any signal sequence in Aspartoacyclase.


ASPA Plot.hmm.1.gif

Neural Network

ASPA Plot.nn.1.gif


TargetP is a software for the prediction of the cellular location of certain proteins, based on location signals in their sequence. It was published in 2000 by Olof Emanuelsson1, Henrik Nielsen2, Søren Brunak2 and Gunnar von Heijne1.

Reference: Predicting subcellular localization of proteins based on their N-terminal amino acid sequence. Olof Emanuelsson1, Henrik Nielsen2, Søren Brunak2 and Gunnar von Heijne1. J. Mol. Biol., 300: 1005-1016, 2000.

TargetP confines its analysis to the N-terminal part of the sequence, it can discriminate between proteins destined for either mitochondrion, chloroplast (plants only, for obvious reasons), the secretory pathway or another location.

The prediction for Aspartoacyclase was "other location", which is plausible, as the enzyme is known to reside in the cytosol.

### targetp v1.1 prediction results ##################################
Number of query sequences:  1
Cleavage site predictions not included.
Using NON-PLANT networks.

Name                  Len            mTP     SP  other  Loc  RC
sp_P45381_ACY2_HUMAN  313          0.073  0.109  0.898   _    2
cutoff                             0.000  0.000  0.000


Prediction of GO terms


GOPET is a tool aimed at automatically assigning Gene Ontology terms to proteins. It was published in 2006 by Arunachalam Vinayagam, Coral del Val, Falk Schubert, Roland Eils, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Sándor Suhai and Rainer König.

Reference: Paper

The input sequence is first BLASTed against a database of proteins with known GO terms; a support vector machine is then used to discriminate between correct and false terms.

Results for Aspartoacyclase:

GOid Aspect Confidence GO Term
GO:0016787 F 96% hydrolase activity
GO:0004046 F 82% aminoacyclase activity
GO:0019807 F 82% aspartoacyclase activity
GO:0016788 F 81% hydrolase activity acting on ester bonds


Aspa pfam significant.png

ProtFun 2.2

############## ProtFun 2.2 predictions ##############


# Functional category                  Prob     Odds
  Amino_acid_biosynthesis              0.071    3.233
  Biosynthesis_of_cofactors            0.144    2.003
  Cell_envelope                        0.033    0.535
  Cellular_processes                   0.137    1.875
  Central_intermediary_metabolism   => 0.334    5.309
  Energy_metabolism                    0.226    2.511
  Fatty_acid_metabolism                0.022    1.663
  Purines_and_pyrimidines              0.367    1.512
  Regulatory_functions                 0.021    0.128
  Replication_and_transcription        0.167    0.625
  Translation                          0.113    2.559
  Transport_and_binding                0.017    0.042

# Enzyme/nonenzyme                     Prob     Odds
  Enzyme                            => 0.703    2.454
  Nonenzyme                            0.297    0.416

# Enzyme class                         Prob     Odds
  Oxidoreductase (EC 1.-.-.-)          0.111    0.534
  Transferase    (EC 2.-.-.-)          0.202    0.585
  Hydrolase      (EC 3.-.-.-)          0.115    0.363
  Lyase          (EC 4.-.-.-)          0.031    0.662
  Isomerase      (EC 5.-.-.-)       => 0.084    2.637
  Ligase         (EC 6.-.-.-)          0.074    1.460

# Gene Ontology category               Prob     Odds
  Signal_transducer                    0.053    0.246
  Receptor                             0.004    0.024
  Hormone                              0.001    0.206
  Structural_protein                   0.001    0.041
  Transporter                          0.025    0.230
  Ion_channel                          0.015    0.257
  Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.004    0.173
  Cation_channel                       0.011    0.234
  Transcription                        0.100    0.785
  Transcription_regulation             0.039    0.313
  Stress_response                      0.010    0.117
  Immune_response                      0.061    0.720
  Growth_factor                        0.006    0.450
  Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.020