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(Evaluate sequence alignments)
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==Explore structural alignments==
==Explore structural alignments==
==Evaluate sequence alignments==
==Evaluate sequence alignments==
The perl script hhmakemodel can be found in ''/usr/share/hhsuite/scripts''. It needs a input file in form of a result file from hhsearch with hit list and alignments (-i).
-d <pdbdirs> directories containing the pdb files (for PDB, SCOP, or DALI
sequences) (default=/cluster/databases/pdb/all)
-m <int> [<int> ...] pick hits with specified indices (default='-m 1')
-ts <file.pdb> write the PDB-formatted models based on *pairwise*
alignments into file.pdb

Revision as of 10:49, 1 June 2013

Explore structural alignments

Evaluate sequence alignments

The perl script hhmakemodel can be found in /usr/share/hhsuite/scripts. It needs a input file in form of a result file from hhsearch with hit list and alignments (-i).

-d   <pdbdirs>         directories containing the pdb files (for PDB, SCOP, or DALI
                       sequences) (default=/cluster/databases/pdb/all)
-m   <int> [<int> ...] pick hits with specified indices  (default='-m 1')
-ts  <file.pdb>        write the PDB-formatted models based on *pairwise*
                       alignments into file.pdb