Difference between revisions of "Phenylketonuria/Task3/Scripts"

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(Created page with "This script reads an input file in ReProf format and filters the file for the secondary structur presented with H,L and E. You can find the script in "/mnt/home/student/waldraffs…")
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The output is the secondary structure shown with the letters E, H and L.
The output is the secondary structure shown with the letters E, H and L.
<source lang="perl">
<source lang="perl">

Revision as of 16:51, 11 May 2013

This script reads an input file in ReProf format and filters the file for the secondary structur presented with H,L and E. You can find the script in "/mnt/home/student/waldraffs/Masterpraktikum/Task3/filter_secStruc.pl

Usage: perl filter_secStrucpl -inp <input-file in ReProf format> -out <output-file>

The output is the secondary structure shown with the letters E, H and L.


<source lang="perl">

  1. !/usr/bin/perl

my $inp; my $out;

  1. Reads the command line parameters

for ($i=0; $i<=3;$i++){ if($ARGV[$i] eq "-inp"){ $inp=$ARGV[$i+1]; }elsif($ARGV[$i] eq "-out"){ $out=$ARGV[$i+1]; } }

if(!$inp && !$out){ print "Usage: filter_secStruc.pl -inp <input-file(.reprof)> -out <output-file>" }

my $secstructure= ""; my $no = 0;

  1. reads input file and filters for the coloumn with secondary structure

open (FILE,"$inp") || die $!; while (my $line = <FILE>){

if($no == 1){ @splitLine = split(/\t/,$line); $secstructure="$secstructure$splitLine[2]"; }

if($line =~ /^No/){ $no = 1; } } close FILE;

  1. writes output file

open(OUTFILE,">$out") || die $!; print OUTFILE $secstructure; close OUTFILE;
