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(ProtFun 2.2)
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===ProtFun 2.2===
===ProtFun 2.2===
# Functional category Prob Odds
Amino_acid_biosynthesis 0.011 0.484
Biosynthesis_of_cofactors 0.105 1.452
Cell_envelope => 0.633 10.377
Cellular_processes 0.095 1.297
Central_intermediary_metabolism 0.231 3.663
Energy_metabolism 0.059 0.659
Fatty_acid_metabolism 0.016 1.265
Purines_and_pyrimidines 0.583 2.400
Regulatory_functions 0.013 0.079
Replication_and_transcription 0.019 0.073
Translation 0.079 1.801
Transport_and_binding 0.732 1.785
# Enzyme/nonenzyme Prob Odds
Enzyme 0.208 0.727
Nonenzyme => 0.792 1.110
# Enzyme class Prob Odds
Oxidoreductase (EC 1.-.-.-) 0.084 0.404
Transferase (EC 2.-.-.-) 0.062 0.179
Hydrolase (EC 3.-.-.-) 0.135 0.425
Lyase (EC 4.-.-.-) 0.049 1.054
Isomerase (EC 5.-.-.-) 0.010 0.321
Ligase (EC 6.-.-.-) 0.042 0.827
# Gene Ontology category Prob Odds
Signal_transducer 0.201 0.939
Receptor 0.353 2.076
Hormone 0.002 0.365
Structural_protein 0.005 0.190
Transporter 0.024 0.219
Ion_channel 0.008 0.147
Voltage-gated_ion_channel 0.002 0.085
Cation_channel 0.010 0.221
Transcription 0.036 0.283
Transcription_regulation 0.018 0.147
Stress_response 0.274 3.108
Immune_response => 0.381 4.486
Growth_factor 0.013 0.943
Metal_ion_transport 0.009 0.02

Revision as of 15:52, 31 May 2011

Sequence-based predictions

1. Secondary structure prediction



Comparison with DSSP

2. Prediction of disordered regions




3. Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides


Phobius and PolyPhobius




4. Prediction of GO terms


HFE is annotated with 27 different GO Terms which are <ref>http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/GProtein?ac=Q30201</ref>:

GOID GO Term Aspect
GO:0002474 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I Process
GO:0005515 protein binding Function
GO:0005737 cytoplasm Component
GO:0005769 early endosome Component
GO:0005886 plasma membrane Component
GO:0005887 integral to plasma membrane Component
GO:0006461 protein complex assembly Process
GO:0006810 transport Process
GO:0006811 ion transport Process
GO:0006826 iron ion transport Process
GO:0006879 cellular iron ion homeostasis Process
GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis Process
GO:0006955 immune response Process
GO:0007565 female pregnancy Process
GO:0010106 cellular response to iron ion starvation Process
GO:0016020 membrane Component
GO:0016021 integral to membrane Component
GO:0019882 antigen processing and presentation Process
GO:0031410 cytoplasmic vesicle Component
GO:0042446 hormone biosynthetic process Process
GO:0042612 MHC class I protein complex Component
GO:0045177 apical part of cell Component
GO:0045178 basal part of cell Component
GO:0048471 perinuclear region of cytoplasm Component
GO:0055037 recycling endosome Component
GO:0055072 iron ion homeostasis Process
GO:0060586 multicellular organismal iron ion homeostasis Process


Gopet predicted 2 GO-Terms which have no overlab to the annotation.

GOID Aspect Confidence GO Term
GO:0004872 Molecular Function 91% receptor activity
GO:0030106 Molecular Function 88% MHC class I receptor activity


ProtFun 2.2

  1. Functional category Prob Odds
 Amino_acid_biosynthesis              0.011    0.484
 Biosynthesis_of_cofactors            0.105    1.452
 Cell_envelope                     => 0.633   10.377
 Cellular_processes                   0.095    1.297
 Central_intermediary_metabolism      0.231    3.663
 Energy_metabolism                    0.059    0.659
 Fatty_acid_metabolism                0.016    1.265
 Purines_and_pyrimidines              0.583    2.400
 Regulatory_functions                 0.013    0.079
 Replication_and_transcription        0.019    0.073
 Translation                          0.079    1.801
 Transport_and_binding                0.732    1.785

  1. Enzyme/nonenzyme Prob Odds
 Enzyme                               0.208    0.727
 Nonenzyme                         => 0.792    1.110

  1. Enzyme class Prob Odds
 Oxidoreductase (EC 1.-.-.-)          0.084    0.404
 Transferase    (EC 2.-.-.-)          0.062    0.179
 Hydrolase      (EC 3.-.-.-)          0.135    0.425
 Lyase          (EC 4.-.-.-)          0.049    1.054
 Isomerase      (EC 5.-.-.-)          0.010    0.321
 Ligase         (EC 6.-.-.-)          0.042    0.827

  1. Gene Ontology category Prob Odds
 Signal_transducer                    0.201    0.939
 Receptor                             0.353    2.076
 Hormone                              0.002    0.365
 Structural_protein                   0.005    0.190
 Transporter                          0.024    0.219
 Ion_channel                          0.008    0.147
 Voltage-gated_ion_channel            0.002    0.085
 Cation_channel                       0.010    0.221
 Transcription                        0.036    0.283
 Transcription_regulation             0.018    0.147
 Stress_response                      0.274    3.108
 Immune_response                   => 0.381    4.486
 Growth_factor                        0.013    0.943
 Metal_ion_transport                  0.009    0.02