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(Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides)
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=== Secondary Structure Prediction ===
=== Secondary Structure Prediction ===
To analyse the secondary structure of our protein we used different methods. In our analysis we used PSIPRED, Jpred3 and DSSP. In the analysis section of this page we want to compare these three methods to see if the methods give similar results or if they differ extremely.
=== Prediction of disordered regions ===
[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/secstr_general Here]] you can find some general information about these methods.
Authors: Ward JJ, Sodhi JS, McGuffin LJ, Buxton BF, Jones DT.
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=== Prediction of disordered regions ===
Year: 2004
After analysing the secondary structure, we also want to have a look at disordered regions in this protein. Therefore, we used different methods. We used DISOPRED, POODLE in several variations, IUPred and Meta-Disorder. As before, with the the secondary structure prediction methods we want to compare the different methods and variants, if the predictions are similar. Therefore, we also want to decided which methods seems to be the best one for our purpose.
Source: [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15019783 Prediction and functional analysis of native disorder in proteins from the three kingdoms of life.]]
To get more insight into the methods and the theory behind them we also offer you an [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/disorder_general general information page]].
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This method is based on a neuronal network which was trained on high resolution X-ray structures from PDB. Disordered regions are regions, which appears in the sequence record, but their electrons are missing from electronic density map. This approach can also failed, because missing electrons can also arise because of the cristallization process.
The method runs first a PsiBlast search against a filtered sequence database. Next, a profile for each residue is calculated and classified by using the trained neuronal network.
As a prediction result you get a file with the predicted disordered region, the precision and recall. Furthermore you can a more detailed output. There you see the sequence, and the predictions and also numbers above the sequence (from 0 to 9 which shows you how likly your prediction is)
If you run disopred on the console, you have to define the location of your database. The program needs as input your sequence in a file with fasta format.
Prediction of order and disorder by machine-learning
Authors: S. Hirose, K. Shimizu, S. Kanai, Y. Kuroda and T. Noguchi
Year: 2007
There exist three different variants of POODLE.
The first variant is called POODLE-L which predicts mainly long disorder region with a length more than 40.
Source: [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17545177&ordinalpos=8&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum POODLE-L: a two-level SVM prediction system for reliably predicting long disordered regions.]]
The next variant is called POODLE-S, which predicts mainly short disorder regions.
Source: [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17599940&ordinalpos=7&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum POODLE-S: web application for predicting protein disorder by using physicochemical features and reduced amino acid set of a position-specific scoring matrix.]]
The last variant is called POODLE-I, which integrates structal information predictors.
Source: [[http://www.bioinfo.de/isb/2010/10/0015/ POODLE-I: Disordered region prediction by integrating POODLE series and structural information predictors based on a workflow approach]]
There exists als another variant called POODLE-W, which compares different sequences and predicts which sequence is the most disordered one, but this method wasn't used in our analysis.
POODLE is also a machine learning based method. This method based on a 2-level SVM (Support Vector Machine).
We describe here the POODLE-L in detail, but all POODLE variants use the same principle.
The method was trained on disordered proteins and proteins with no disoredered regions. On the first level, the SVM predicts the probability of a 40-residue sequence segment to be disordered. If the algorithm found such a disordered regions, the second level of the SVM use the output from the first level and predicts the probability to be disordered for each amino acid.
The result of this method is a file with the single amino acids, the prediction if it is ordered or not and the probability for the state. Furtheremore, you get a graphical view of the result.
We used the POODLE webserver for our analysis. We paste our sequence in fasta format in the input window and chose the POODLE variant.
=== Prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides ===
=== Prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides ===
The third big analysis section is the prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides. We merged the prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides in one section, because there are several prediction methods which can predict both and therefore we looked at both predictions in this section.
* TMHMM (transmembrane helices hidden markov model)
Therefore we used several methods, some which only predict transmembrane helices, some which only predict signal peptides and some combined methods.
Authors: E. L.L. Sonnhammer, G. von Heijne, and A. Krogh <br>
Year: 1998 <br>
Source: A hidden Markov model for predicting transmembrane helices in protein sequences. <br>
To have a closer look at the different methods we again provide an [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/transmembrane_signal_peptide_general information page.]]
Back to [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Tay-Sachs_Disease Tay-Sachs Disease]]<br>
=== Prediction of GO Terms ===
TMHMM is a hidden markov model-based prediction methode for transmembrane helices in proteins. The HMM consists of three different main locations (core, cap, loop) and seven different states (cytoplasmic loop, cytoplasmic cap, helix core, non-cytoplasmic cap, short non-cytoplasmic loop, long non-cytoplasmic loop and globular domain).
The last section is about the analysis of GO Terms. As before, we used several methods and compared them to each other.
Again we also provide an [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_terms_general general information page]] about the GO Term methods, we used in our analysis.
Prediction: <br>
This method search for a given protein sequence in FASTA-format the best path through the hidden markov model. There are two output possibilities, the short one and the long one. The long output format gives additional statistic information (i.e. expected numbers of amino acids in transmembrane helices).
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Input: <br>
The method only needs the protein sequence in FASTA-format for the prediction.
* Phobius and PolyPhobius
Authors: Lukas Käll, Anders Krogh and Erik L. L. Sonnhammer<br>
Year: 2004<br>
Source: A Combined Transmembrane Topology and Signal Peptide Prediction Method. <br><br>
Authors: Lukas Käll, Anders Krogh and Erik Sonnhammer<br>
Year: 2005<br>
Source: An HMM posterior decoder for sequence feature prediction that includes homology information. <br>
Phobius and PolyPhobius are combined methods, which predict transmembrane helices and signal peptides. These both methods are based on a hidden markov model and combine the methods from TMHMM and SignalP. The basic of these methods are the HMM from TMHMM with an additional start state for signal peptides. The difference between Phobius and PolyPhobius is, that PolyPhobius also use homology information for the prediction.<br>
We used the Webserver for Phobius and PolyPhobius and there it was only necessary to paste the protein sequence in fasta format.<br>
The Server outputs a textfile with the prediction of the position of the signal peptide, the type of the signal peptide and also the positions of the transmembrane helices. Furthermore, it outputs a detailed file, with the probabilties for each residue to be located in a transmembrane helix or signal peptide. Additionally, the server outputs a picture of the prediction.
=== Prediction of GO Terms ===
== Secondary Structure prediction ==
== Secondary Structure prediction ==
=== Results ===
== Prediction of disordered regions ==
The detailed output of the different prediction methods can be found [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Secondary_Structure_Prediction here]]
Before we start to analyse the results of the different methods, we checked, if our protein has one or more disoredered regions. Therefore, we search our protein in the DisProt database and didn't found it, so our protein doesn't have disordered regions. Another possibility to find out if the protein has disordered regions, is only to check in the UniProt entry, if there is an entry for DisProt.
Here we only present a short summary of the output of the different methods.
* Predicted Helices
* Disopred
Disopred predicts two disordered regions in our protein. The first region is at the beginning of the protein (first two residues) and the second region is at the end (last three regions). This prediction is wrong, because it is normal, that the electrons from the first and the last amino acids lack in the electron density map. So, our protein Hexosamidase A has no disordered regions.
[[Image:disopred_result.png|center|thumb|Result of the Disopred prediction. * shows that this amino acid belongs to a disordered regions, whereas . signs for a non-disordered region.]]
We decided to test several POODLE variants and to compare the results.
POODLE-I predicted five disordered regions:
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|start position
|end position
* Predicted Beta-Sheets
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
=== Comparison of the different methods ===
To determine how successful our secondary structure prediction with PSIPRED and Jpred were, we had to compare it with the secondary structure assignment of DSSP. First of all, DSSP assigns no beta-sheets whereas both prediction methods predict some beta-sheets. Therefore, the main comparison in this case refers to the alpha-helices.
For PSIPRED the prediction of the alpha-helices was good. In most cases the alpha-helices of DSSP and PSIPRED correspond. There is only one helix which is predicted by PSIPRED which is not assigned as helix by DSSP. Furthermore there are three helices which are allocated as helices by DSSP which were not predicted by PSIPRED. The most of these helices which were presented only in one output are very small ones.
POODLE-L found no disordered regions. Therefore, there is no disordered region with a length more than 40aa in our protein.
For Jpred3 the prediction of the alpha-helices was sufficiently good. In the most cases it agrees with DSSP. There are only two helices which are predicted by Jpred and which are not assigned by DSSP. In contrary, there are three small helices which are allocated to an alpha-helices by DSSP but are not predicted by Jpred. There is another special case where DSSP assigns two helices which are separated by a turn and Jpred predicts there only one big helix.
All in all, the prediction of the helices is probably good because they correspond mostly with the assignment of DSSP. The only negative aspect is, that both prediction methods predict a lot of sheets which were not assigned by DSSP at all.
POODLE-S (High B-factor residues)
This POODLE-S variant searches for high B-facto values in the crystallography, which implies uncertainty in the assignment of the atom positions.
Back to [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Tay-Sachs_Disease Tay-Sachs Disease]]<br>
== Prediction of disordered regions ==
Before we start with the analysis of the results of the different methods, we checked, if our protein has one or more disordered regions. Therefore, we search our protein in the [[http://www.disprot.org/ DisProt database]] and did not find it, so our protein does not have any disordered regions. Another possibility to find out if the protein has disordered regions, is to check [[http://www.uniprot.org/ UniProt]], if there is an entry for [[http://www.disprot.org DisProt]].
=== Results ===
The detailed results of the different methods can be found [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_Disordered_Regions here]]
In this section, we only want to give a summary of the output of the different methods.
POODLE-S predicted five disordered regions:
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|#disordered regions in the protein
|#disordered regions on the brink
|start position
|end position
|POODLE-S (B-factors)
|POODLE-S (missing residues)
|IUPred (short)
POODLE-S (missing residues)
POODLE-S (missing residues) predicts regions as disordered, if there is a amino acid in the sequence record, but not on the electron density map.
Poodle-S found 6 disordered regions.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|start position
|end position
|IUPred (long)
|IUPred (structural information)
Graphical Output:
| [[Image:POODLE_S_B.png|thumb|Prediction of POODLE-S (High B-factor residues)]]
| [[Image:POODLE_S_M.png|thumb|Prediction of POODLE-S (missing residues)]]
| [[Image:POODLE_I.png|thumb|center|Prediction of POODLE-I]]
| [[Image:POODLE_L.png‎ |thumb|Prediction of POODLE-L]]
Comparison of the different POODLE variants:
=== Comparison of the different POODLE variants ===
POODLE-L doesn't find any disordered regions. This is the result we expected, because our protein doesn't posses any disordered regions.
POODLE-L does not find any disordered regions. This is the result we expected, because our protein does not possess any disordered regions.
Both POODLE-S variants found several short disordered regions, which is a false result. Interesstingly, there seems to be more missing electrons in the electron density map, than residues with high B-factor value.
Both POODLE-S variants found several short disordered regions, which is a false positive result. Interestingly, there seems to be more missing electrons in the electron density map, than residues with high B-factor value.
POODLE-I found the same result as POODLE-S with high B-factor, which was expected, because POODLE-I combines POODLE-L and POODLE-S (high B-factor).
POODLE-I found the same result as POODLE-S with high B-factor, which was expected, because POODLE-I combines POODLE-L and POODLE-S (high B-factor).
Line 258: Line 154:
Therefore, the predictions of short disordered regions are wrong results. Only the prediction of POODLE-L is correct.
Therefore, the predictions of short disordered regions are wrong results. Only the prediction of POODLE-L is correct.
In general, these predictions are used, if nothing else is available about the protein. Therefore, normally we don't know, that the prediction is wrong. Because of that, we want to trust the result and we want to check if the disordered regions overlap with the functionally important residues, because it seems that disordered regions are functionally very important.
In general, these predictions are used, if nothing is known about the protein. Therefore, normally we do not know, that the prediction is wrong. Because of that, we want to trust the result and we want to check if the disordered regions overlap with the functionally important residues, because it seems that disordered regions are functionally very important.
We check this for POODLE-S with missing residues and POODLE-I, because POODLE-S with high B-factor values show the same result als POODLE-I.
We check this for POODLE-S with missing residues and POODLE-I, because POODLE-S with high B-factor values shows the same result as POODLE-I.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
Line 333: Line 229:
As you can see in the table above, only on disulfide bond is located in a disordered region, all other functionally important residues are located in ordered regions. This is a further good hint, that the predictions are wrong.
As you can see in the table above, only one disulfide bond is located in a disordered region, all other functionally important residues are located in ordered regions. This is a further good hint, that the predictions are wrong.
=== Comparison of the different methods ===
We decided to compare the results of the different methods. Therefore, we count how many residues are predicted as disordered, which is wrong in our case.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="9" | methods
|POODLE-S (missing)
|POODLE-S (B-factor)
|IUPred (short)
|IUPred (long)
|IUPred (structure)
| #wrong predicted residues
POODLE-L, IUPred(long) and IUPred(structure) predict the disordered regions correct.
The worst prediction result gave POODLE-S (B-factor) which predicts 47 residues as disordered, followed by POODLE-S (missing) (24 wrong predicted residues) and POODLE-I (23 wrong predicted residues).<br><br>
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== Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides ==
== Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides ==
Because most of the proteins we used in this practicum aren't membrane proteins, we got five additional proteins for the transmembrane and signal peptides analyses.<br>
Because most of the proteins we used in this practical are not membrane proteins, we got five additional proteins for the transmembrane and signal peptide analyses.<br>
Additional proteins:
Additional proteins:
Line 380: Line 311:
The detailed output for the different organism and the different prediction methods can be found here:
=== TMHMM ===
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_HEXA_HUMAN HEXA_HUMAN]]
We analysed the six sequences with TMHMM.
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_BACR_HALSA BACR_HALSA]]
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_RET4_HUMAN RET4_HUMAN]]
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_INSL5_HUMAN INSL5_HUMAN]]
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_LAMP1_HUMAN LAMP1_HUMAN]]
* [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Prediction_of_transmembrane_alpha-helices_and_signal_peptides_A4_HUMAN A4_HUMAN]]
=== Results ===
*Hexosamidase A
==== Transmembrane Helices ====
[[Image:bacr_halsa_tmhmm.png|thumb|Prediction of TMHMM for the transmembrane helices of BACR_HALSA]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="3" | TMHMM
|colspan="3" | Phobius
|colspan="3" | PolyPhobius
|colspan="3" | OCTOPUS
|colspan="3" | SPOCTOPUS
|start position
|end position
|start position
|end position
|start position
|end position
|start position
|end position
|start position
|start position
|end position
|end position
|rowspan="3" | HEXA HUMAN
|colspan="9" |
|TM helix
|colspan="3" |
|colspan="9" |
|colspan="3" |
|rowspan="15" | BACR HALSA
Line 405: Line 399:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
Line 413: Line 431:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
Line 421: Line 463:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
Line 429: Line 495:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
Line 437: Line 527:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
Line 445: Line 559:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|colspan="3" |
TMHMM predicts six transmembrane helices for BACR_HALSA. We decided to compare the TMHMM prediction with the real occuring transmembrane helices in BACR_HALSA:
|TM helix
[[Image:h_tmhmm_vs_real.png|center|thumb|Comparison between real occuring transmembrane helices and the TMHMM result.]]
Especially in the beginning is the prediction really very good. There is almost 100% overlap between predicted and real helices. Only in the end of the protein lacks one transmembrane helix in the TMHMM prediction. Therefore, in real there are 7 transmembrane helices, whereas TMHMM only predicts 6. This is really bad, because it is a different for the function if there are 6 or 7 helices, but in general the prediction of TMHMM was quite good.
|TM helix
|TM helix
[[Image:ret4_human_tmhmm.png|thumb|Prediction of TMHMM for the transmembrane helices of RET4_HUMAN]]
|TM helix
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="3" |
|start position
|end position
|rowspan="3" | RET4 HUMAN
|colspan="9" |
|colspan="3" |
|colspan="9" |
|TM helix
|colspan="3" |
|rowspan="3" | INSL5 HUMAN
|colspan="9" |
TMHMM predicts no transmembrane helices. The whole protein is loacted in the extracellular space.
|colspan="3" |
[[Image:r_human_tmhmm_vs_real.png|center|thumb|Comparison between real occuring transmembrane helices and the TMHMM result.]]
The TMHMM prediction is completly right. Therefore, you can see TMHMM can also predict, that a protein is not a transmembrane protein.
[[Image:insl5_human_tmhmm.png|thumb|Prediction of TMHMM for the transmembrane helices of INSL5_HUMAN]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="9" |
|start position
|end position
|TM helix
|colspan="3" |
|rowspan="5" | LAMP1 HUMAN
TMHMM predicts no transmembrane helices. The whole protein is loacted in the extracellular space.
[[Image:insl5_human_tmhmm_vs_real.png|center|thumb|Comparison between real occuring transmembrane helices and the TMHMM result.]]
The TMHMM prediction is again completly right.
[[Image:lamp1_human_tmhmm.png|thumb|Prediction of TMHMM for the transmembrane helices of LAMP1_HUMAN]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|start position
|end position
|colspan="6" |
|colspan="3" |
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|colspan="6" |
|TM helix
|colspan="3" |
Line 529: Line 712:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|rowspan="5" | A4 HUMAN
|colspan="9" |
TMHMM predicts two transmembrane helices, which are divided by a very long loop which is loacted at the extracellular space.
[[Image:lamp1_human_tmhmm_vs_real.png|center|thumb|Comparison between real occuring transmembrane helices and the TMHMM result.]]
|colspan="3" |
The prediction of TMHMM is quite good. Only at the beginning of the protein TMHMM predicts one wrong transmembrane helix, but the rest of the prediction is correct.
[[Image:a4_human_tmhmm.png|thumb|Prediction of TMHMM for the transmembrane helices of A4_HUMAN]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="9" |
|start position
|end position
|colspan="3" |
Line 561: Line 773:
|TM Helix
|TM Helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
|TM helix
On the table above, you can see the summary of the results of the different methods which predict transmembrane helices. As you can see on this table, OCTOPUS often predicts a transmembrane helix, although all other methods do not predict one. Phobis, PolyPhobius and SPOCTOPUS show always very similar result, whereas TMHMM and OCTOPUS differ from these results.<br><br>
==== Signal Peptide ====
TMHMM predicts on transmembrane helix at the end of the protein. As we already know is A4_HUMAN a single-spanning transmembrane protein and therefore the numbers of transmembrane helices is right predicted.
As next step we compared the position of the transmembrane helix.
[[Image:a4_human_tmhmm_vs_real.png|center|thumb|Comparison between real occuring transmembrane helices and the TMHMM result.]]
The result of the TMHMM prediction is pretty well. Except of the first residues at the beginning and the exact start position of the transmembrane helix, the prediction is correct.
=== Phobius and PolyPhobius ===
* Hexosamidase A
[[Image:phobius.png|thumb|Prediction of Phobius for the transmembrane helices and signal peptides of HEXA_HUMAN]]
[[Image:polyphobius.png|thumb|Prediction of PolyPhobius for the transmembrane helices and signal peptides of HEXA_HUMAN]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="2" | Phobius
|colspan="2" | PolyPhobius
|colspan="2" | SPOCTOPUS
|colspan="1" | TargetP
|colspan="2" | SignalP
|start position
|start position
|end position
|end position
|start position
|start position
|end position
|end position
|start position
|end position
|start position
|end position
!colspan="6" | Signal peptide prediction
|secretory pathway
|colspan="6" | no prediction available
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
In the last table there is a list with the results of the prediction of the signal peptides created by different methods. As we can see on the first look, all methods predict always a signal peptide, although the stop position of this signal differ. Phobius, PolyPhobius and SPOCTOPUS failed by predicting the signal peptide from BACR_HALSA. Furthermore, TargetP do not predict the position of the signal peptide, instead it only predicts the location of the protein.<br><br>
=== Comparison of the different methods ===
We decided to split the comparison of the methods, because it is unfair to directly compare a method which can not predict a signal peptide and a method which predicts signal peptides. Therefore, we split the comparison in one comparison for transmembrane helices, one for signal peptides and one for the combination of both.
* Comparison of transmembrane helix prediction
Here we compared TMHMM, OCTOPUS and the transmembrane predictions of SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. In this comparison we skipped the first residues which are signal peptides, because all only-transmembrane prediction methods predicted these region as transmembrane helices, which is wrong.
For this comparison we counted the wrong predicted transmembrane residues, the wrong predicted outside located residues and the wrong predicted inside residues.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="5" | methods
|rowspan="1" |
|Transmembrane protein
|rowspan="5" | HEXA_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|#wrong insde
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | BACR_HALSA
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | yes (7 transmembrane helices)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | RET4_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | INSL5_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | yes (single-spanning)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | A4_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | yes (single-spanning)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" | Average number of wrong predicted residues
TMHMM is the worst prediction method. This can also be seen on the example of BACR_HALSA, because TMHMM is the only prediction method, which do not recognize the 7 transmembrane helices.
SPOCTOPUS and PolyPhobius are the best prediction methods.<br><br>
In general, the prediction of transmembrane helices works quite good and almost all predictions are very close to the real protein.
* Comparison of signal peptide prediction
Now we compared TargetP and SignalP which only predict signal peptides. Furthermore, we compared SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius.
TargetP does not predict the start and end position of the signal peptide, instead it predicts only the location of the protein.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="6" | methods
|real position
|rowspan="3" | HEXA_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
!colspan="6" | Summary signal peptide
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | BACR_HALSA
|stop position
|not available
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no consensus prediction
|#wrong predicted
|not available
|not available
|not available
|not available
|no prediction
|not available
|not available
|not available
|not available
|secretory pathway
|non-signal peptide
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | RET4_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong predicted
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | INSL5_HUMAN
|stop position
|Signal Peptide
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|Signal Peptide
!colspan="6" | Transmembrane helices prediction
|transmembrane helix
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | A4_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|transmembrane helix
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
!colspan="8" | Average number of wrong prediction
|rowspan="2" |
|sum of wrong predicted residues
|no prediction
|#right predicted locations / #predicted locations
|no prediction
|no prediction
SPOCTOPUS and SignalP do not predict the location of the protein, they only predict the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Furthermore, SignalP predicts if it is a signal peptide or not.
Both methods don't predict a transmembrane helix, which is correct, because HEXA_HUMAN is located at the lysosmal space.
In contrast, TargetP only predicts the location of the protein, not the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Only Phobius and PolyPhobius predict both.<br>
We compared the results of Phobius and PolyPhobius with the real protein.
Therefore, it is difficult to compare the different methods. First of all, Phobius and PolyPhobius have more power than the other prediction methods, because they predict both. In average they predict the location and also the position as good as the other prediction methods. None of the methods could predict the transmembrane proteins, all methods predict them as proteins of the secretory pathway. Therefore, it is useful to use Phobius or PolyPhobius, because they predict more than the other methods. Furthermore, both methods can also predict transmembrane helices.
The results of Phobius were a little bit better than the results of PolyPhobius.<br>
We also wanted to mention, that SignalP gave you the possibility to choose between the prediction for eukaryotes, gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria. In our analyse we also analysed BACR_HALSA, which is an archaea protein. We tested all three prediction methods for this protein and all three methods failed. BACR_HALSA do not possess a signal peptide, but every method predicts one. Only the eukaryotic prediction method recognized a signal anchor for BACR_HALSA, whereas the other two methods could not give a prediction of the location.<br><br>
* Comparison of the combined methods
The last issue, we wanted to compare, was the combined methods. SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius can predict transmembrane helices as well as signal peptides. Therefore we combined our two further comparisons.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
| [[Image:hexa_phobius_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of Phobius and the real protein]]
|rowspan="2" |
| [[Image:hexa_poly_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of PolyPhobius and the real protein]]
|colspan="3" | methods
|rowspan="3" | HEXA_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | BACR_HALSA
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | RET4_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | INSL5_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | A4_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" | Average
|rowspan="3" |
|avg(#wrong predicted residues (TM))
|avg(#wrong predicted residues (SP))
|#location (right predicted) / #location(predicted)
|no prediction
In general, PolyPhobius gave the best results. Although it predicts the signal peptide stop position a little bit worse than Phobius, the transmembrane prediction is significant better than by the prediction of Phobius. The predictions of SPOCTOPUS are also good, but sadly SPOCTOPUS does not predict the location of the protein.<br>
The prediction of Phobius is a little bit better than the PolyPhobius prediction, because Phobius predicts the beginning and the end of the signal peptide totally correct, whereas PolyPhobius cuts two residues of the signal peptide.
Therefore, it seems a good choice to use PolyPhobius, which is in average the best method for transmembrane and signal peptide prediction.<br><br>
Back to [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Tay-Sachs_Disease Tay-Sachs Disease]]<br>
==== Signal Peptide ====
[[Image:bacr_halsa_phobius.png|thumb|Prediction of Phobius for the transmembrane helices and signal peptides of BACR_HALSA]]
[[Image:bacr_halsa_polyphobius.png|thumb|Prediction of PolyPhobius for the transmembrane helices and signal peptides of BACR_HALSA]]
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="2" | Phobius
|colspan="2" | PolyPhobius
|colspan="2" | SPOCTOPUS
|colspan="1" | TargetP
|colspan="2" | SignalP
|start position
|start position
|end position
|end position
|start position
|start position
|end position
|end position
|start position
|end position
|start position
|end position
!colspan="6" | Signal peptide prediction
|secretory pathway
|colspan="6" | No prediction available
|colspan="6" | no prediction available
|secretory pathway
!colspan="6" | Transmembrane helices prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|TM helix
|TM helix
|secretory pathway
|TM helix
|TM helix
|secretory pathway
In the last table there is a list with the results of the prediction of the signal peptides created by different methods.<br><br>
=== Comparison of the different methods ===
We decided to split the comparison of the methods, because it is unfair to directly compare a method which can not predict a signal peptide and a method which predicts signal peptides. Therefore, we split the comparison in one comparison for transmembrane helices, one for signal peptides and one for the combination of both.
* Comparison of transmembrane helix prediction
Here we compared TMHMM, OCTOPUS and the transmembrane predictions of SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. In this comparison we skipped the first residues which are signal peptides, because all only-transmembrane prediction methods predicted these region as transmembrane helices, which is wrong.
For this comparison we counted the wrong predicted transmembrane residues, the wrong predicted outside located residues and the wrong predicted inside residues.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="5" | methods
|rowspan="1" |
|TM helix
|Transmembrane protein
|TM helix
|rowspan="5" | HEXA_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#wrong insde
|#wrong sum
|TM helix
|TM helix
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | BACR_HALSA
|#wrong transmembrane
|TM helix
|TM helix
|rowspan="5" | yes (7 transmembrane helices)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | RET4_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | INSL5_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | no
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | yes (single-spanning)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="5" | A4_HUMAN
|#wrong transmembrane
|rowspan="5" | yes (single-spanning)
|#wrong outside
|#wrong inside
|#wrong sum
|%wrong predicted
!colspan="8" | Average number of wrong predicted residues
TMHMM is the baddest prediction method. This can also be seen at the example of BACR_HALSA, because TMHMM is the only prediction method, which do not recognize the 7 transmembrane helices.
Both methods don't predict a signal peptide, but both recognize, that this protein is a transmembrane protein with seven helices. The predictions only differ at the beginning and the end of the helix positions, but the distance between these two predictions is about 1 to 3 residues.
SPOCTOPUS and PolyPhobius are the best prediction methods.<br><br>
In general the prediction of transmembrane helices works quite good and almost all predictions are very close to the real protein.
* Comparison of signal peptide prediction
Now we compared TargetP and SignalP which can only predict signal peptides. Furthermore we compared SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius.
TargetP does not predict the start and end position of the signal peptide, instead it predicts only the location of the protein.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
To evaluate the predictions, we compared the predictions with the real occuring transmembrane helices.
|rowspan="2" |
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="6" | methods
|real position
|rowspan="3" | HEXA_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | BACR_HALSA
|stop position
|not available
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no prediction
|no consensus prediction
|#wrong predicted
|not available
|not available
|not available
|not available
|no prediction
|not available
|not available
|not available
|not available
|secretory pathway
|non-signal peptide
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | RET4_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong predicted
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
| [[Image:bacr_halsa_phobius_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of Phobius and the real protein]]
|rowspan="3" | INSL5_HUMAN
| [[Image:bacr_halsa_poly_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of PolyPhobius and the real protein]]
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|transmembrane helix
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
!colspan="8" |
|rowspan="3" | A4_HUMAN
|stop position
|no prediction
|#wrong residues
|no prediction
|transmembrane helix
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
|no prediction
|secretory pathway
|secretory pathway
!colspan="8" | Average number of wrong prediction
|rowspan="2" |
|sum of wrong predicted residues
|no prediction
|#right predicted locations / #predicted locations
|no prediction
|no prediction
SPOCTOPUS and SignalP do not predict the location of the protein, they only predict the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Furthermore, SignalP predicts if it is a signal peptide or not.
In contrast, TargetP only predicts the location of the protein, not the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Only Phobius and PolyPhobius predict both.<br>
Therefore, it is difficult to compare the different methods. First of all, Phobius and PolyPhobius have more power than the other prediction methods, because they predict both. In average they predict the location and also the position as good as the other prediction methods. None of the methods could predict the transmembrane proteins, all methods predict them as proteins of the secretory pathway. Therefore, it is useful to use Phobius or PolyPhobius, because they predict more than the other methods. Furthermore, both methods can also predict transmembrane helices.
The results of Phobius were a litte bit better than the results of PolyPhobius.<br>
We also wanted to mention, that SignalP gave you the possibility to choose between the prediction for eukaryotes, gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria. In our analyse we also analysied BACR_HALSA, which is an archaea protein. We tested all three prediction methods for this protein and all three methods failed. BACR_HALSA don't posses a signal peptide, but every method predicts one. Only the eukaryotic prediction method recogniced a signal anchor for BACR_HALSA, whereas the other two methods could not give a prediction of the location.<br><br>
* Comparison of the combined methods
The last thing, which we wanted to compare, was the combined methods. SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius can predict transmembrane helices as well as signal peptides. Therefore we combined our two further comparisons.
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|rowspan="2" |
|rowspan="2" |
|colspan="3" | methods
|rowspan="3" | HEXA_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | BACR_HALSA
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | RET4_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | INSL5_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" |
|rowspan="3" | A4_HUMAN
|#wrong predicted residues (TM)
|#wrong predicted residues (SP)
|no prediction
!colspan="5" | Average
|rowspan="3" |
|avg(#wrong predicted residues (TM))
|avg(#wrong predicted residues (SP))
|#location (right predicted) / #location(predicted)
|no prediction
In general, PolyPhobius gave the best results. Although it predicts the singal peptide stop position a little bit badder than Phobius, the transmembrane prediction is significant bettern than by Phobius. The predictions of SPOCTOPUS are also good, but sadly SPOCTOPUS does not predict the location of the protein.<br>
[[Image:bacr_halsa_octopus.png|thumb|Prediction of OCTOPUS for the transmembrane helices of BACR_HALSA]]
Therefore, it seems a good choice to use PolyPhobius, which is in average the best method for transmembrane and signal peptide prediction.<br><br>
[[Image:bacr_halsa_spoctopus.png|thumb|Prediction of SPOCTOPUS for the transmembrane helices of BACR_HALSA]]
== Prediction of GO terms ==
Before we start with our analysis, we decided to check the GO annotations for the six sequences, which can be found [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_annotation_of_the_proteins here]]:
A detailed list of the GO annotation terms of each protein can be found [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Go_annotations_here here]].
=== Results ===
We created for each protein an own result page. Sadly, it is not possible to summarize the results in a short way, so please have a look at the different result pages for a detailed output.
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_HEXA_HUMAN HEXA HUMAN]]
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_BACR_HALSA BACR HALSA]]
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_RET4_HUMAN RET4 HUMAN]]
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_INSL5_HUMAN INSL5 HUMAN]]
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_LAMP1_HUMAN LAMP1 HUMAN]]
*[[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/GO_Terms_A4_HUMAN A4 HUMAN]]
=== Comparison of the different methods ===
It is difficult to compare these methods. First of all, two methods are based on homology-based prediction, whereas ProtFun is based on ab initio prediction. So it is clear, that the results differ. Second, each method has another prediction focus and called the results a little bit different. Only GOPET predicts exact GO numbers, the other two methods only predict the approximate functions and processes.<br>
Therefore, to compare the results, we decided to calculate the fraction of right prediction and the ratio between right predictions and annotated GO terms.<br><br>
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
{| border="1" style="text-align:center; border-spacing:0;"
|colspan="4" | methods
|start position
|end position
|GOPET terms
|start position
|end position
|rowspan="6" | HEXA_HUMAN
|#true positive
|#false negative
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 25
|true positive (in %)
|TM helix
|TM helix
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
|rowspan="6" | BACR_HALSA
|#true positive
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#false negative
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 12
|true positive (in %)
|TM helix
|TM helix
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
|rowspan="6" | RET4_HUMAN
|#true positive
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#false negative
|TM helix
|TM helix
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 41
|true positive (in %)
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
|rowspan="6" | INSL5_HUMAN
|#true positive
|#false negative
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 4
|true positive (in %)
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
|rowspan="6" | LAMP1_HUMAN
|#true positive
|#false negative
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 17
|true positive (in %)
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
|rowspan="6" | A4_HUMAN
|#true positive
|#false negative
|#GO terms
|colspan="4" | 78
|true positive (in %)
|ratio true positive/annotated GO terms
|not possible
As you can see in the table above, each method only predicts a small subgroup of the real annotated GO terms. In general, GOPET seems to be the best method, because GOPET is the only method which predicts the GO Terms and in sum, it has mostly the best ratio by prediction true positive. Furthermore, it also predicts more GO terms than the other methods.<br>
Both methods have a very very similar result, which is identical with the exception of some residues. Both predicted the seven transmembrane helices, which is a very good result.
It was not possible to calculate the ratio between true positives and annotated GO terms for ProtFun, because this method has defined terms and only predicts the probability, that the protein belongs to these terms. <br>
In general, you can say GO term prediction does not work very well and the prediction results only give hints of the function and localization of the protein.<br><br>
Next we analysed the overlap between the real occuring transmembrane helices and the prediction results.
Back to [[http://i12r-studfilesrv.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/wiki/index.php/Tay-Sachs_Disease Tay-Sachs Disease]]<br>
| [[Image:bacr_halsa_octopus_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of OCTOPUS and the real protein]]
| [[Image:bacr_halsa_spoctopus_vs_real.png|thumb|Comparison between the prediction of SPOCTOPUS and the real protein]]
== Prediction of GO terms ==

Latest revision as of 22:27, 30 August 2011

General Information

Secondary Structure Prediction

To analyse the secondary structure of our protein we used different methods. In our analysis we used PSIPRED, Jpred3 and DSSP. In the analysis section of this page we want to compare these three methods to see if the methods give similar results or if they differ extremely.

[Here] you can find some general information about these methods.

Back to [Tay-Sachs Disease]

Prediction of disordered regions

After analysing the secondary structure, we also want to have a look at disordered regions in this protein. Therefore, we used different methods. We used DISOPRED, POODLE in several variations, IUPred and Meta-Disorder. As before, with the the secondary structure prediction methods we want to compare the different methods and variants, if the predictions are similar. Therefore, we also want to decided which methods seems to be the best one for our purpose.

To get more insight into the methods and the theory behind them we also offer you an [general information page].

Back to [Tay-Sachs Disease]

Prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides

The third big analysis section is the prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides. We merged the prediction of transmembrane helices and signal peptides in one section, because there are several prediction methods which can predict both and therefore we looked at both predictions in this section.

Therefore we used several methods, some which only predict transmembrane helices, some which only predict signal peptides and some combined methods.

To have a closer look at the different methods we again provide an [information page.]

Back to [Tay-Sachs Disease]

Prediction of GO Terms

The last section is about the analysis of GO Terms. As before, we used several methods and compared them to each other.

Again we also provide an [general information page] about the GO Term methods, we used in our analysis.

Back to [Tay-Sachs Disease]

Secondary Structure prediction


The detailed output of the different prediction methods can be found [here]

Here we only present a short summary of the output of the different methods.

  • Predicted Helices
method #helices
Jpred3 14
  • Predicted Beta-Sheets
method #sheets
Jpred3 15

Comparison of the different methods

To determine how successful our secondary structure prediction with PSIPRED and Jpred were, we had to compare it with the secondary structure assignment of DSSP. First of all, DSSP assigns no beta-sheets whereas both prediction methods predict some beta-sheets. Therefore, the main comparison in this case refers to the alpha-helices.

For PSIPRED the prediction of the alpha-helices was good. In most cases the alpha-helices of DSSP and PSIPRED correspond. There is only one helix which is predicted by PSIPRED which is not assigned as helix by DSSP. Furthermore there are three helices which are allocated as helices by DSSP which were not predicted by PSIPRED. The most of these helices which were presented only in one output are very small ones.

For Jpred3 the prediction of the alpha-helices was sufficiently good. In the most cases it agrees with DSSP. There are only two helices which are predicted by Jpred and which are not assigned by DSSP. In contrary, there are three small helices which are allocated to an alpha-helices by DSSP but are not predicted by Jpred. There is another special case where DSSP assigns two helices which are separated by a turn and Jpred predicts there only one big helix.

All in all, the prediction of the helices is probably good because they correspond mostly with the assignment of DSSP. The only negative aspect is, that both prediction methods predict a lot of sheets which were not assigned by DSSP at all.

Back to [Tay-Sachs Disease]

Prediction of disordered regions

Before we start with the analysis of the results of the different methods, we checked, if our protein has one or more disordered regions. Therefore, we search our protein in the [DisProt database] and did not find it, so our protein does not have any disordered regions. Another possibility to find out if the protein has disordered regions, is to check [UniProt], if there is an entry for [DisProt].


The detailed results of the different methods can be found [here]

In this section, we only want to give a summary of the output of the different methods.

method #disordered regions in the protein #disordered regions on the brink
Disopred 0 2
POODLE-S (B-factors) 3 2
POODLE-S (missing residues) 4 2
IUPred (short) 0 2
IUPred (long) 0 0
IUPred (structural information) 0 0
Meta-Disorder 0 0

Comparison of the different POODLE variants

POODLE-L does not find any disordered regions. This is the result we expected, because our protein does not possess any disordered regions.

Both POODLE-S variants found several short disordered regions, which is a false positive result. Interestingly, there seems to be more missing electrons in the electron density map, than residues with high B-factor value.

POODLE-I found the same result as POODLE-S with high B-factor, which was expected, because POODLE-I combines POODLE-L and POODLE-S (high B-factor).

Therefore, the predictions of short disordered regions are wrong results. Only the prediction of POODLE-L is correct.

In general, these predictions are used, if nothing is known about the protein. Therefore, normally we do not know, that the prediction is wrong. Because of that, we want to trust the result and we want to check if the disordered regions overlap with the functionally important residues, because it seems that disordered regions are functionally very important. We check this for POODLE-S with missing residues and POODLE-I, because POODLE-S with high B-factor values shows the same result as POODLE-I.

functional residues disordered
residue position amino acid function POODLE-S (missing) POODLE-I
323 E active site ordered ordered
115 N Glycolysation ordered ordered
157 N Glycolysation ordered ordered
259 N Glycolysation ordered ordered
58 (connected with 104) C Disulfide bond disordered ordered
104 (connected with 58) C Disulfide bond disordered ordered
277 (connected with 328) C Disulfide bond ordered ordered
328 (connected with 277) C Disulfide bond ordered ordered
505 (connected with 522) C Disulfide bond ordered ordered
522 (connected with 505) C Disulfide bond ordered ordered

As you can see in the table above, only one disulfide bond is located in a disordered region, all other functionally important residues are located in ordered regions. This is a further good hint, that the predictions are wrong.

Comparison of the different methods

We decided to compare the results of the different methods. Therefore, we count how many residues are predicted as disordered, which is wrong in our case.

Disopred POODLE-I POODLE-L POODLE-S (missing) POODLE-S (B-factor) IUPred (short) IUPred (long) IUPred (structure) Meta-Disorder
#wrong predicted residues 5 23 0 47 24 3 0 0 0

POODLE-L, IUPred(long) and IUPred(structure) predict the disordered regions correct. The worst prediction result gave POODLE-S (B-factor) which predicts 47 residues as disordered, followed by POODLE-S (missing) (24 wrong predicted residues) and POODLE-I (23 wrong predicted residues).

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Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices and signal peptides

Because most of the proteins we used in this practical are not membrane proteins, we got five additional proteins for the transmembrane and signal peptide analyses.

Additional proteins:

name organism location transmembrane protein sequence
BACR_HALSA Halobacterium salinarium (Archaea) Cell membrane Multi-pass membrane protein [P02945.fasta]
RET4_HUMAN Human (Homo sapiens) extracellular space No [P02753.fasta]
INSL5_HUMAN Human (Homo sapiens) extracellular region No [Q9Y5Q6.fasta]
LAMP1_HUMAN Human (Homo sapiens) Cell membrane Single-pass membrane protein [P11279.fasta]
A4_HUMAN Human (Homo sapiens) Cell membrane Single-pass membrane protein [P05067.fasta]

The detailed output for the different organism and the different prediction methods can be found here:


Transmembrane Helices

protein start position end position location start position end position location start position end position location start position end position location start position end position location
HEXA HUMAN 1 529 outside 23 529 outside 20 520 outside 1 2 inside 22 529 outside
3 23 TM helix
24 529 outside
BACR HALSA 1 22 outside 1 22 outside 1 22 outside
23 42 TM Helix 23 42 TM helix 22 43 TM helix 23 43 TM helix 23 43 TM helix
43 54 inside 43 53 inside 44 54 inside 44 54 inside 44 54 inside
55 77 TM Helix 54 76 TM helix 55 77 TM helix 55 75 TM helix 55 75 TM helix
78 91 outside 77 95 outside 78 94 outside 76 95 outside 76 95 outside
92 114 TM Helix 96 114 TM helix 95 114 TM helix 96 116 TM helix 96 116 TM helix
115 120 inside 115 120 inside 115 120 inside 117 121 inside 117 120 inside
121 143 TM Helix 121 142 TM helix 121 141 TM helix 122 142 TM helix 121 141 TM helix
144 147 outside 143 147 outside 142 147 outside 143 147 outside 142 147 outside
148 170 TM Helix 148 169 TM helix 148 166 TM helix 148 168 TM helix 148 168 TM helix
171 189 inside 170 189 inside 167 186 inside 169 185 inside 169 185 inside
190 212 TM Helix 190 212 TM helix 187 205 TM helix 186 206 TM helix 186 206 TM helix
213 262 outside 213 217 outside 206 215 outside 207 216 outside 207 216 outside
218 237 TM helix 216 237 TM helix 217 237 TM helix 217 237 TM helix
238 262 inside 238 262 inside 238 262 inside 238 262 inside
RET4 HUMAN 1 1 inside
2 23 TM helix
1 201 outside 19 201 outside 19 201 outside 24 201 outside 20 201 outside
INSL5 HUMAN 1 1 inside
2 32 TM helix
1 135 outside 23 135 outside 23 135 outside 33 135 outside 24 135 outside
LAMP1 HUMAN 1 10 inside 1 10 inside
11 33 TM Helix 11 31 TM helix
34 383 outside 29 381 outside 29 381 outside 32 383 outside 30 383 outside
384 406 TM Helix 382 405 TM helix 382 405 TM helix 384 404 TM helix 384 404 TM helix
407 417 inside 406 417 outside 406 417 outside 405 417 outside 405 417 outside
A4 HUMAN 1 5 outside
6 11 R
1 700 outside 18 700 outside 18 700 outside 12 701 outside 19 701 outside
701 723 TM Helix 701 723 TM helix 701 723 TM helix 702 722 TM helix 702 722 TM helix
724 770 inside 724 770 inside 724 770 inside 723 770 inside 723 770 inside

On the table above, you can see the summary of the results of the different methods which predict transmembrane helices. As you can see on this table, OCTOPUS often predicts a transmembrane helix, although all other methods do not predict one. Phobis, PolyPhobius and SPOCTOPUS show always very similar result, whereas TMHMM and OCTOPUS differ from these results.

Signal Peptide

Phobius PolyPhobius SPOCTOPUS TargetP SignalP
protein start position end position start position end position start position end position location start position end position
HEXA HUMAN 1 22 1 19 7 21 secretory pathway 1 22
BACR HALSA no prediction available secretory pathway 1 38
RET4 HUMAN 1 18 1 18 6 19 secretory pathway 1 18
INSL5 HUMAN 1 22 1 22 6 23 secretory pathway 1 22
LAMP1 HUMAN 1 28 1 28 12 29 secretory pathway 1 28
A4 HUMAN 1 17 1 17 5 18 secretory pathway 1 15

In the last table there is a list with the results of the prediction of the signal peptides created by different methods. As we can see on the first look, all methods predict always a signal peptide, although the stop position of this signal differ. Phobius, PolyPhobius and SPOCTOPUS failed by predicting the signal peptide from BACR_HALSA. Furthermore, TargetP do not predict the position of the signal peptide, instead it only predicts the location of the protein.

Comparison of the different methods

We decided to split the comparison of the methods, because it is unfair to directly compare a method which can not predict a signal peptide and a method which predicts signal peptides. Therefore, we split the comparison in one comparison for transmembrane helices, one for signal peptides and one for the combination of both.

  • Comparison of transmembrane helix prediction

Here we compared TMHMM, OCTOPUS and the transmembrane predictions of SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. In this comparison we skipped the first residues which are signal peptides, because all only-transmembrane prediction methods predicted these region as transmembrane helices, which is wrong.
For this comparison we counted the wrong predicted transmembrane residues, the wrong predicted outside located residues and the wrong predicted inside residues.

TMHMM Phobius PolyPhobius OCTOPUS SPOCTOPUS Transmembrane protein
HEXA_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 0 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong insde 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 0 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
BACR_HALSA #wrong transmembrane 24 20 12 16 11 yes (7 transmembrane helices)
#wrong outside 46 5 3 4 6
#wrong inside 4 4 2 0 0
#wrong sum 74 29 17 20 17
%wrong predicted 29% 11% 6% 8% 6%
RET4_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 5 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong inside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 5 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 2% 0%
INSL5_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 10 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong inside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 10 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 8% 0%
LAMP1_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 5 3 4 3 1 yes (single-spanning)
#wrong outside 2 0 0 1 1
#wrong inside 0 0 0 1 1
#wrong sum 7 3 4 5 3
%wrong predicted 2% 0% 1% 1% 0%
A4_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 0 0 yes (single-spanning)
#wrong outside 1 1 1 1 2
#wrong inside 0 0 0 1 1
#wrong sum 1 1 1 2 3
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Average number of wrong predicted residues
13.6 5.5 3.6 7 3.8

TMHMM is the worst prediction method. This can also be seen on the example of BACR_HALSA, because TMHMM is the only prediction method, which do not recognize the 7 transmembrane helices. SPOCTOPUS and PolyPhobius are the best prediction methods.

In general, the prediction of transmembrane helices works quite good and almost all predictions are very close to the real protein.

  • Comparison of signal peptide prediction

Now we compared TargetP and SignalP which only predict signal peptides. Furthermore, we compared SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. TargetP does not predict the start and end position of the signal peptide, instead it predicts only the location of the protein.

real position Phobius PolyPhobius SPOCTOPUS TargetP SignalP
HEXA_HUMAN stop position 22 22 19 21 no prediction 22
#wrong residues 0 3 3 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
BACR_HALSA stop position not available no prediction no prediction no prediction no prediction no consensus prediction
#wrong predicted not available not available not available not available no prediction not available
location membrane not available not available not available secretory pathway non-signal peptide
RET4_HUMAN stop position 18 18 18 19 no prediction 18
#wrong predicted 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
INSL5_HUMAN stop position 22 22 22 22 no prediction 22
#wrong residues 0 0 0 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
LAMP1_HUMAN stop position 28 28 28 29 no prediction 28
#wrong residues 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location transmembrane helix secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
A4_HUMAN stop position 17 17 17 18 no prediction 17
#wrong residues 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location transmembrane helix secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway secretory pathway
Average number of wrong prediction
sum of wrong predicted residues 0 3 2 no prediction 0
#right predicted locations / #predicted locations 3/5 3/5 no prediction 3/5 no prediction

SPOCTOPUS and SignalP do not predict the location of the protein, they only predict the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Furthermore, SignalP predicts if it is a signal peptide or not. In contrast, TargetP only predicts the location of the protein, not the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Only Phobius and PolyPhobius predict both.
Therefore, it is difficult to compare the different methods. First of all, Phobius and PolyPhobius have more power than the other prediction methods, because they predict both. In average they predict the location and also the position as good as the other prediction methods. None of the methods could predict the transmembrane proteins, all methods predict them as proteins of the secretory pathway. Therefore, it is useful to use Phobius or PolyPhobius, because they predict more than the other methods. Furthermore, both methods can also predict transmembrane helices. The results of Phobius were a little bit better than the results of PolyPhobius.
We also wanted to mention, that SignalP gave you the possibility to choose between the prediction for eukaryotes, gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria. In our analyse we also analysed BACR_HALSA, which is an archaea protein. We tested all three prediction methods for this protein and all three methods failed. BACR_HALSA do not possess a signal peptide, but every method predicts one. Only the eukaryotic prediction method recognized a signal anchor for BACR_HALSA, whereas the other two methods could not give a prediction of the location.

  • Comparison of the combined methods

The last issue, we wanted to compare, was the combined methods. SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius can predict transmembrane helices as well as signal peptides. Therefore we combined our two further comparisons.

Phobius PolyPhobius SPOCTOPUS
HEXA_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 3 2
location right right no prediction
BACR_HALSA #wrong predicted residues (TM) 29 17 17
#wrong predicted residues (SP) n.a. n.a. n.a.
location n.a n.a no prediction
RET4_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 0
location right right no prediction
INSL5_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 1
location right right no prediction
LAMP1_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 3 4 3
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 0
location wrong wrong no prediction
A4_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 1 1 3
location wrong wrong no prediction
avg(#wrong predicted residues (TM)) 5.3 3.5 3.3
avg(#wrong predicted residues (SP)) 0.1 0.6 1
#location (right predicted) / #location(predicted) 3/5 3/5 no prediction

In general, PolyPhobius gave the best results. Although it predicts the signal peptide stop position a little bit worse than Phobius, the transmembrane prediction is significant better than by the prediction of Phobius. The predictions of SPOCTOPUS are also good, but sadly SPOCTOPUS does not predict the location of the protein.
Therefore, it seems a good choice to use PolyPhobius, which is in average the best method for transmembrane and signal peptide prediction.

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Signal Peptide

 Phobius  PolyPhobius  SPOCTOPUS TargetP  SignalP
protein start position end position start position end position start position end position location start position end position
HEXA HUMAN 1 22 1 19 7 21 secretory pathway 1 22
BACR HALSA no prediction available secretory pathway 1 38
RET4 HUMAN 1 18 1 18 6 19 secretory pathway 1 18
INSL5 HUMAN 1 22 1 22 6 23 secretory pathway 1 22
LAMP1 HUMAN 1 28 1 28 12 29 secretory pathway 1 28
A4 HUMAN 1 17 1 17 5 18 secretory pathway 1 15

In the last table there is a list with the results of the prediction of the signal peptides created by different methods.

Comparison of the different methods

We decided to split the comparison of the methods, because it is unfair to directly compare a method which can not predict a signal peptide and a method which predicts signal peptides. Therefore, we split the comparison in one comparison for transmembrane helices, one for signal peptides and one for the combination of both.

  • Comparison of transmembrane helix prediction

Here we compared TMHMM, OCTOPUS and the transmembrane predictions of SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. In this comparison we skipped the first residues which are signal peptides, because all only-transmembrane prediction methods predicted these region as transmembrane helices, which is wrong.
For this comparison we counted the wrong predicted transmembrane residues, the wrong predicted outside located residues and the wrong predicted inside residues.

TMHMM Phobius PolyPhobius OCTOPUS SPOCTOPUS Transmembrane protein
HEXA_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 0 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong insde 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 0 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
BACR_HALSA #wrong transmembrane 24 20 12 16 11 yes (7 transmembrane helices)
#wrong outside 46 5 3 4 6
#wrong inside 4 4 2 0 0
#wrong sum 74 29 17 20 17
%wrong predicted 29% 11% 6% 8% 6%
RET4_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 5 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong inside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 5 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 2% 0%
INSL5_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 10 0 no
#wrong outside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong inside 0 0 0 0 0
#wrong sum 0 0 0 10 0
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 8% 0%
LAMP1_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 5 3 4 3 1 yes (single-spanning)
#wrong outside 2 0 0 1 1
#wrong inside 0 0 0 1 1
#wrong sum 7 3 4 5 3
%wrong predicted 2% 0% 1% 1% 0%
A4_HUMAN #wrong transmembrane 0 0 0 0 0 yes (single-spanning)
#wrong outside 1 1 1 1 2
#wrong inside 0 0 0 1 1
#wrong sum 1 1 1 2 3
%wrong predicted 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Average number of wrong predicted residues
13.6 5.5 3.6 7 3.8

TMHMM is the baddest prediction method. This can also be seen at the example of BACR_HALSA, because TMHMM is the only prediction method, which do not recognize the 7 transmembrane helices. SPOCTOPUS and PolyPhobius are the best prediction methods.

In general the prediction of transmembrane helices works quite good and almost all predictions are very close to the real protein.

  • Comparison of signal peptide prediction

Now we compared TargetP and SignalP which can only predict signal peptides. Furthermore we compared SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius. TargetP does not predict the start and end position of the signal peptide, instead it predicts only the location of the protein.

real position Phobius PolyPhobius SPOCTOPUS TargetP SignalP
HEXA_HUMAN stop position 22 22 19 21 no prediction 22
#wrong residues 0 3 3 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
BACR_HALSA stop position not available no prediction no prediction no prediction no prediction no consensus prediction
#wrong predicted not available not available not available not available no prediction not available
location membrane not available not available not available secretory pathway non-signal peptide
RET4_HUMAN stop position 18 18 18 19 no prediction 18
#wrong predicted 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
INSL5_HUMAN stop position 22 22 22 22 no prediction 22
#wrong residues 0 0 0 no prediction 0
location secretory pathway secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
LAMP1_HUMAN stop position 28 28 28 29 no prediction 28
#wrong residues 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location transmembrane helix secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway no prediction
A4_HUMAN stop position 17 17 17 18 no prediction 17
#wrong residues 0 0 1 no prediction 0
location transmembrane helix secretory pathway secretory pathway no prediction secretory pathway secretory pathway
Average number of wrong prediction
sum of wrong predicted residues 0 3 2 no prediction 0
#right predicted locations / #predicted locations 3/5 3/5 no prediction 3/5 no prediction

SPOCTOPUS and SignalP do not predict the location of the protein, they only predict the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Furthermore, SignalP predicts if it is a signal peptide or not. In contrast, TargetP only predicts the location of the protein, not the start and stop position of the signal peptide. Only Phobius and PolyPhobius predict both.
Therefore, it is difficult to compare the different methods. First of all, Phobius and PolyPhobius have more power than the other prediction methods, because they predict both. In average they predict the location and also the position as good as the other prediction methods. None of the methods could predict the transmembrane proteins, all methods predict them as proteins of the secretory pathway. Therefore, it is useful to use Phobius or PolyPhobius, because they predict more than the other methods. Furthermore, both methods can also predict transmembrane helices. The results of Phobius were a litte bit better than the results of PolyPhobius.
We also wanted to mention, that SignalP gave you the possibility to choose between the prediction for eukaryotes, gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria. In our analyse we also analysied BACR_HALSA, which is an archaea protein. We tested all three prediction methods for this protein and all three methods failed. BACR_HALSA don't posses a signal peptide, but every method predicts one. Only the eukaryotic prediction method recogniced a signal anchor for BACR_HALSA, whereas the other two methods could not give a prediction of the location.

  • Comparison of the combined methods

The last thing, which we wanted to compare, was the combined methods. SPOCTOPUS, Phobius and PolyPhobius can predict transmembrane helices as well as signal peptides. Therefore we combined our two further comparisons.

Phobius PolyPhobius SPOCTOPUS
 HEXA_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 3 2
location right right no prediction
 BACR_HALSA #wrong predicted residues (TM) 29 17 17
#wrong predicted residues (SP) n.a. n.a. n.a.
location n.a n.a no prediction
RET4_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 0
location right right no prediction
INSL5_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 1
location right right no prediction
LAMP1_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 3 4 3
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 0 0 0
location wrong wrong no prediction
A4_HUMAN #wrong predicted residues (TM) 0 0 0
#wrong predicted residues (SP) 1 1 3
location wrong wrong no prediction
avg(#wrong predicted residues (TM)) 5.3 3.5 3.3
avg(#wrong predicted residues (SP)) 0.1 0.6 1
#location (right predicted) / #location(predicted) 3/5 3/5 no prediction

In general, PolyPhobius gave the best results. Although it predicts the singal peptide stop position a little bit badder than Phobius, the transmembrane prediction is significant bettern than by Phobius. The predictions of SPOCTOPUS are also good, but sadly SPOCTOPUS does not predict the location of the protein.
Therefore, it seems a good choice to use PolyPhobius, which is in average the best method for transmembrane and signal peptide prediction.

Prediction of GO terms

Before we start with our analysis, we decided to check the GO annotations for the six sequences, which can be found [here]:

A detailed list of the GO annotation terms of each protein can be found [here].


We created for each protein an own result page. Sadly, it is not possible to summarize the results in a short way, so please have a look at the different result pages for a detailed output.

Comparison of the different methods

It is difficult to compare these methods. First of all, two methods are based on homology-based prediction, whereas ProtFun is based on ab initio prediction. So it is clear, that the results differ. Second, each method has another prediction focus and called the results a little bit different. Only GOPET predicts exact GO numbers, the other two methods only predict the approximate functions and processes.
Therefore, to compare the results, we decided to calculate the fraction of right prediction and the ratio between right predictions and annotated GO terms.

GOPET terms GOPET GOids Pfam ProtFun
HEXA_HUMAN #true positive 7 7 2 31
#false negative 1 1 0 3
#predictions 8 8 2 34
#GO terms 25
true positive (in %) 0.87 0.87 1 0.91
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0.28 0.28 0.08 not possible
BACR_HALSA #true positive 2 1 1 30
#false negative 1 2 0 4
#predictions 3 3 1 34
#GO terms 12
true positive (in %) 0.66 0.33 1 0.88
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0.16 0.08 0.08 not possible
RET4_HUMAN #true positive 5 5 1 30
#false negative 3 3 0 4
#predictions 8 8 1 34
#GO terms 41
true positive (in %) 0.62 0.62 1 0.88
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0.12 0.12 0.02 not possible
INSL5_HUMAN #true positive 1 1 1 32
#false negative 0 0 0 2
#predictions 1 1 1 34
#GO terms 4
true positive (in %) 1 1 1 0.94
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0.25 0.25 0.25 not possible
LAMP1_HUMAN #true positive 0 0 1 33
#false negative 2 2 0 1
#predictions 2 2 1 34
#GO terms 17
true positive (in %) 0 0 1 0.97
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0 0 0.05 not possible
A4_HUMAN #true positive 7 7 6 33
#false negative 6 6 0 1
#predictions 13 13 6 34
#GO terms 78
true positive (in %) 0.53 0.53 1 0.97
ratio true positive/annotated GO terms 0.08 0.08 0.07 not possible

As you can see in the table above, each method only predicts a small subgroup of the real annotated GO terms. In general, GOPET seems to be the best method, because GOPET is the only method which predicts the GO Terms and in sum, it has mostly the best ratio by prediction true positive. Furthermore, it also predicts more GO terms than the other methods.
It was not possible to calculate the ratio between true positives and annotated GO terms for ProtFun, because this method has defined terms and only predicts the probability, that the protein belongs to these terms.
In general, you can say GO term prediction does not work very well and the prediction results only give hints of the function and localization of the protein.

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