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== dbSNP ==
== dbSNP ==
At first the SNPs were queried with "synonymous-codon"[Function_Class] AND HEXA[GENE] AND "human"[ORGN] AND "snp"[SNP_CLASS] in [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez dbSNP].
At first the SNPs were queried with "synonymous-codon"[Function_Class] AND HEXA[GENE] AND "human"[ORGN] AND "snp"[SNP_CLASS] in [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez dbSNP].
Those results were saved and then the mutations extracted.
Those results were saved and then the mutations extracted with bash getdbSNP.sh entrez.html.
It is important to note that in the dbSNP results the rs ids can be redundant.
It is important to note that in the dbSNP results the rs ids can be redundant.
<source lang="bash">
: ${1?"Usage: $0 textfile"}
for rs in `egrep -o ">rs[0-9]+<" $website |uniq | egrep -o "rs[0-9]+"`; do
curl -s "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_gene.cgi?rs=$rs" | egrep "aaCode|proteinPos" | cut -d \" -f 4 >> Mut_$website
echo "---" >> Mut_$website
The mutations were then checked with the reference sequence (!) and brought into the right format: perl formatSNPs.pl -i Mut_entrez.html -f P06865.fasta
<source lang="perl">
use Getopt::Long;
our $opt_f = ();
sub usage {
printf "Usage: $0 [flags] file...\n";
printf "flags:\n";
printf " -i Infile raw mutations from getdbSNP.sh \n";
printf " -f Referenzfile fastafile containing referenz sequenz ";
exit 1;
GetOptions( "i=s", "f=s" );
usage() if !( $opt_i && $opt_f );
open( REF, "<$opt_f" ) or die "Referenzfile not found";
@reference = ();
while (<REF>){
@line = split( '', $_ );
if ($line[0] ne ">") {
@reference = (@reference,@line);
open (IN, "<$opt_i") or die "Inputfile not found";
if ($_ eq "---"){
if ($reference[$pos-1] eq $aa){
print "$aa$pos$aa\n";
} else {
print "! not matching reference $reference[$pos-1]: $aa$pos$aa\n";
elsif ($count==0){
elsif ($count>=1){
== SNPdbe ==
== SNPdbe ==

Revision as of 11:04, 9 June 2012


Sequence retrieval and comparison

Retrieve the protein sequence from HGMD by going to the sequence view and applying switch view, as described in the task description. Download the page manually and save to a file (cdna_new.php). Then execute the following command: <source lang="bash">

grep -P --only-matching "\w{3}
\w{3}" ./cdna_new.php | cut -c99-101 | sed -n '$!p' | tr -d '\n' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' |

./ThreeToOneLetterCode.py | tr -d '\n' > hgmdSequence_aa </source> Where 'ThreeToOneLetterCode.py' is the following script <source lang="python">

  1. !/usr/bin/env python

from Bio.PDB import to_one_letter_code as one_letter import sys

seq = sys.stdin.readline()

for aaa in range(0, len(seq), 3) :

 print one_letter[seq[aaa:aaa+3]]

</source> To check whether the protein sequence from HGMD is the same than the one in Uniprot perform the following operations: <source lang="bash"> curl -s http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P06865.fasta | sed '1d' | tr -d '\n' > HEXA_HUMAN #Get Uniprot sequence without header perl -p -e 's|(.)|$1\n|g' HEXA_HUMAN > temp1 #Insert linebreak after every character in both sequences, for easy diff'ing perl -p -e 's|(.)|$1\n|g' hgmdSequence_aa > temp2 diff temp1 temp2 </source>

Mutation retrieval and parsing

Navigate to the subsite with the missense/nonsense mutations and manually save it to 'hgmd_hexa_misssense_nonsense.php'. This yields that position 436 differs with an Ile in Uniprot and a Val in HGMD.


At first the SNPs were queried with "synonymous-codon"[Function_Class] AND HEXA[GENE] AND "human"[ORGN] AND "snp"[SNP_CLASS] in dbSNP. Those results were saved and then the mutations extracted with bash getdbSNP.sh entrez.html. It is important to note that in the dbSNP results the rs ids can be redundant. getdbSNP.sh: <source lang="bash">

  1. !/bin/bash
${1?"Usage: $0 textfile"}


for rs in `egrep -o ">rs[0-9]+<" $website |uniq | egrep -o "rs[0-9]+"`; do

       curl -s "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_gene.cgi?rs=$rs" | egrep "aaCode|proteinPos" | cut -d \" -f 4 >> Mut_$website
       echo "---" >> Mut_$website

done </source>

The mutations were then checked with the reference sequence (!) and brought into the right format: perl formatSNPs.pl -i Mut_entrez.html -f P06865.fasta <source lang="perl">

  1. !usr/bin/perl

use Getopt::Long; our $opt_f = (); sub usage {

       printf "Usage: $0 [flags] file...\n";
       printf "flags:\n";
       printf "    -i Infile   raw mutations from getdbSNP.sh \n";
       printf "    -f  Referenzfile fastafile containing referenz sequenz ";
       exit 1;

} GetOptions( "i=s", "f=s" ); usage() if !( $opt_i && $opt_f ); open( REF, "<$opt_f" ) or die "Referenzfile not found";

@reference = (); while (<REF>){ chomp; @line = split( , $_ );

       if ($line[0] ne ">") {
       @reference = (@reference,@line);

} open (IN, "<$opt_i") or die "Inputfile not found"; while(<IN>){

       if ($_ eq "---"){
               if ($reference[$pos-1] eq $aa){
                       print "$aa$pos$aa\n";
               } else {
                       print "! not matching reference $reference[$pos-1]:  $aa$pos$aa\n";
       elsif ($count==0){
       elsif ($count>=1){

} </source>


Mutation map