Sub Cellular Localization

From Protein Prediction 2 Winter Semester 2014
Revision as of 16:31, 2 January 2015 by Ppwikiuser (talk | contribs) (Implementation)

Sub Cellular Localization in Cell


"To visualize biological cells and highlight by a user selected sub-cellular compartments in a way that they stand out from the un-selected ones"

GUI mockups

Figure 1 : Protein's score in cell compartment (One protein)
Figure 2 : Number of Proteins in cell compartment (more than one protein)
Figure 3 : Protein's score in cell compartment (more than one protein)
  • User experience
    • Interactivity
    • Easy identification of the number of proteins in cell compartment
    • Good visualization of data
  • Functionality
    • Parsing the user input “txt” file
    • Mapping the file content into visualization
  • Features
    • Good color scheme to highlight :
      • Number of proteins in a compartment
      • Score of each protein (confidence)

Application design


  • Remarks about input format
    • Text file must contain proteins of only one type of cell
    • Text file format :
      • Cell type (File’s first line)
      • Protein id
      • Score (certainty of existence of particular protein within a cell compartment)
      • Localization (component)
      • User’s file can have more than 3 columns but additional columns will not be executed

Figure 4 : Text File format


Figure 5 : Roadmap
Project progress
Week number Completed tasks Status
Week 1
  • Researching Biology literature in order to identify proteins belonging to different cells (Archaea / Bacteria / Eukaryota)
  • Identify existing tools or libraries which can help us in visualizing input data.
  • Identification of importance of protein localization in cell's compartments.
  • Obtaining images of Archea, Bacteria and Eukaryota.
  • Creation of repository in github.
  • Definition of input file format.
Week 2
  • Coding for uploading file.
  • Parsing input file.
    • Counting number of proteins in cell's compartments.
    • Storing protein's score.
  • Writing functions for identifiying "x" and "y" positions of cell's compartments.
  • Highlighting cell's compartments (static).
Week 3
  • Visualization by:
    • Grouping proteins based on localization in the cell component.
    • Highlighting cell's compartments (dynamic).
    • Updating cell’s compartments based on particular protein’s score/Confidence (dynamic).
Week 4
  • Development of deployable component for reuse by BioJS.
Week 5
  • Final presentation of project.


  • Parsing input file
Figure 6 : Validation File size
Figure 7 : Validation Cell type
Figure 8 : Validation Use cases 1 & 2
  • Highlight cell's compartments following number of proteins and score
Figure 9 : Highlight cell's compartments algorithm
  • Showing popup in case one protein and more than one protein in file
Figure 10 : Showing popup's algorithm
  • Output
Figure 11 : Example input file format
Figure 12 : Upload file
Figure 9 : Highlight cell's compartment by score
Figure 9 : Highlight cell's compartments by score

GitHub Link

The link to the GitHub account is : GitHub Sub-cellular localization in cell