Main Page/VisualizationiAnnEvents

From Protein Prediction 2 Winter Semester 2014
Revision as of 12:26, 20 November 2014 by Ppwikiuser (talk | contribs) (3. Your data)

iAnn is an open source community-driven platform for dissemination of life science announcements, such as courses, conferences and workshops.Announcements are curated into a centralised registry through an editor. The information from the registry is exposed to the users through web services. And on top of the web services a javascript application is build to visualize the content using different views (list, maps and calendar).

IAnn workflow.png

1. GUI mockups

User experience

  • Currently the user interface looks like this



How we are going to improve it ?

By incorporating the following visualizations

  • 3D Globe for Maps
  • Word Cloud for filtering.
  • Bilevel partition/.. for Events.


  • Can Rotate and Zoom the map.
  • Able to view information of each events, here we implement this module using the technique Orthographic to Equirectangular.
  • Along with the event information corresponding url will also be embedded.
Illustration of the Orthographic_to_Equirectangular.
Illustration of the Orthographic_to_Equirectangular.


  • User can filter the events based on country and date.
  • Interconnected lines between the countries which are likely to have events happening on same date.

2. Application design

Expected technical difficulties

  • Implementing Orthographic to Equirectangular on each marker points(countries).
  • Interconnecting lines between the countries when the events from different countries likely to happen on same date, because we need latitude and longitude points to map.

Fancy libraries you plan to use

  • D3.js
  • Angular.js
  • Three.js

automatically render SVG elements in 3D directly from D3.js

3. Data Format


  • Input is likely to be in json format with events,location and date, etc.
  • With the above information it’s difficult to map the exact location in map, we need the latitude and longitude points to overcome it.

4. Roadmap

  • Finalize our proposed ideas.
  • Refactor the existing code of widget to make sure that object oriented approach is followed, so that it’s easy to combine with javascript events.
  • Developing all the required and accepted visualization components.
  • Finally Integrating into widget and upload to BioJs