Homework 2

From Protein Prediction 2 Winter Semester 2014
Revision as of 15:12, 29 October 2014 by Wilzbachs (talk | contribs) (Live coding)

Last Week

  • Did you the students register on the mailing list and receive the first 'hello world' post?
  • Verify: Have you filled in this form? (till Oct 23)
  • Comments, questions, show&talk for the assignment Make a Website @ Codecademy ?
  • Any other thing? Git, GitHub, Codecademy, BioJs, D3, ...



Live coding

In the following example you will learn about basic javascript, the event system and usage of external libraries (i.e. ajax) We are using JSBin for the live coding examples. JSBin allows you to code in JavaScript and see the output immediatly. We provided Unit Tests for your Code (They will turn green if you solve the exercise :) ).

Prime numbers
Solution for isPrime [1]
Observer pattern
Solution for MiniEvents [2]
Solution for UniProt [3]

Helpful links

they give you an overview of available JS functions