Homework 6

From Protein Prediction 2 Winter Semester 2014
Revision as of 13:37, 11 December 2014 by Ppwikiuser (talk | contribs)

Tasks, due Dec 11

  • create a GitHub page for your JavaScript component
  • the visualization of the component must be seen on GitHub
  • the component(current state) must be workable for a presentation in front of a group on Thursday
  • think what elements of your component you want to present, each group will have not more than 3 minutes for doing that
  • complete the table below for the overview of our active projects, their developers, mentors, links to wiki and GitHub pages
Student names Project name (expected # of students) Mentor(s) Wiki entry GitHub page
Sai kiran Krishna murthy, Carlo Di Domenico, Enrico Gigiantiello Parsing And Visualization Of GenBank (2-3 members) Khalil El Mazouari Parsing_And_Visualization_Of_GenBank Github Pages
Benedikt Rauscher, Sven Punga Dot-Bracket Notation (2 members) Björn Grüning Dot-Bracket_Notation Github Project Page
Matheus Raszl, Diana Papyan RNA Microarray (2 members) Tatyana Goldberg, Juan Miguel Cejuela RNA Microarray Project Result
Akshit Malhotra, Vinod Rajendran Visualization of iAnn events Manuel Corpas VisualizationiAnnEvents Github

Globe Bilevel Partition

Mohamed Ahmed, Chung Kin Shing, Habtom Kahsay Gidey Gene List Venn Diagram Visualization David, Sebastian genevenn genven
Homa Rasouli, Sebastian Wilzbach Blast Visualization Xavier Watkins BLAST Visualization BLAST Visualization
Prapaporn Dangnoy, Madhura Kumaraswamy, Maribel Guzman Sub-cellular localization in a cell (2 members) Tatyana Goldberg, Juan Miguel Cejuela Sub-cellular Localization in a cell GitHub Sub-cellular localization in a cell
Ahsan ziaullah, Vasantha kumari kommanapalli, Anuradha Ganapathi FORCE DIRECTED NETWORK (SPRING ALGORITHM) GRAPH VIEWER Sebastian, David, Björn Grüning Max Force Directed Graphs Force Directed Graphs
Agon Lohaj, Bardh, Lohaj HSSP Curve Juanmi, Tatyana HSSP Curve git hub project